Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Joseph Coleman Hart (1799-1855)[1]                                                          Imogene Hart cir 1844 (1828-1913)

Last up-dated 8-25-2012/ Word Count (38,831)

This addendum is regularly updated and should be considered only a working draft.  However, it does represent a considerable amount of research, and is intended to keep interested cousins informed with periodic updates.  As a result there are various copies in circulation, but all are dated and have a word count. This addendum was created on Microsoft Word and contains a page numbers in the header (Page 1-of-60). The header should appear if downloaded into Microsoft Word 2003.  

Genealogical research is similar to solving a jigsaw puzzle. A piece of the puzzle is picked-upped and examined, if it has a logical place it is added. If it is not obvious just where the piece goes, than it is set aside until the puzzle has better shape. Some of this information is just waiting for its correct place.  However, during the first six months of 2010 many extracted records began flooding the Internet. Millions of individual names were added to various databases. Many of these Bloomer names are now waiting for their place in the Bloomer Family pedigree. “Google Books” has made available thousands of court documents and cases related to the Bloomer family.  The many actions filed against Elijah Bloomer, New York City Hatter, and a notorious user of prison labors from New York State prisons system is very interesting. The 1855 assault by James Bloomer against the Minor brothers in an attempt to prevent the marriage of his niece is also interesting. The 1789 entry concerning Captain Robert Bloomer and Joseph Merritt reveal that Robert’s estate was awarded eighty pounds from seized Loyalists property.  In addition to this information, several articles have been written and are posted on my web page. The page address is “Bloomer Family History”, or just Google “Jewish Bloomers.”   Research is also posted on Rootsweb and Ancestry using another format.


A concerted effort has been made to expand the Bloomer Family History.  After 1988 cousins supplied additional information and material to the Family History.  After a few years, that became a substantial amount of genealogy. A method for distributing this research was necessary; this method seemed logical. My interest also continued in various Bloomer lines and there was a desire to resolve unanswered questions in my original publication and the research of previous family historians.  During 2005 research focused on the Bloomers of Hawkins County Tennessee &, Ulster County, New York. Research conducted during 2006 and 2007 centered on New York City and Bergen County, New Jersey. This new information is reflected in the material below.   However, the Bergen County, New Jersey information now comprises over 80 pages of material and is presently a separate file.      


 Among my initial objectives in the 1970s was to collect Bloomer family histories that had been previously compiled. Some of the records located dated from the middle 18th century. My collection now comprises a 10 x 20 foot room and I feel satisfied with my initial efforts. During the past five years millions of vital records are daily added to the “Web” and family history has taken a millennial leap forward. The flowing pages contain information collected from various sources, from living descendants who have been generous with their research, and research of various Bloomer lines that presented a special interest.


Over the past few decades Bloomer Family research has continued with the major focus on New York State and identifying the Bloomer families recorded in the records compiled by Orrin Bloomer and Virginia Hanford during the 1880s. Both Orrin and Virginia had been residents of Marlborough, Ulster County, New York during the 1840s and their records often contained just a listing of names in what appeared to be a Bloomer family group.  Their information was, at times, difficult to expand. Virginia gave credit to the Joseph Coleman Hart family for preserving a 18th century history of our Bloomer Family.


The material from Orrin Bloomer & Virginia attributed its previous custody to a daughter of Joseph Coleman Kent. It took several years of research to correct this chain of custody and Google Search provided the conclusive evidence.  The name should have been Joseph Coleman Hart. He was born in 1799 and died in 1855 in the Canary Islands.  Joseph Coleman Hart was a New York City lawyer and prolific American writer. Joseph was active in New York City politics and his activities won an appointment as U.S. Council to the Canarys.  He was assigned as U.S. Council to Santa Cruz de Tenerite in the, which fact was mentioned in the introduction to the Virginia’s Bloomer Record.  It was Joseph’s daughter Imogene who passed this record on to Orrin Bloomer.  Imogene was born in 1838 and a section of the old Bloomer history dated Nov. 19 1859, titled “copied from Miss Hart’s genealogical memorandum. This is believed to refer to Imogene. She was still living in 1910 in Essex County, New Jersey with her sister Mary (Hart) Conner. Another section of the Bloomer history is titled “copied from the original manuscript of grandfather Hartz.”  These three genealogies are similar, but each has its variations in content.


At this point it is believed Gilbert Bloomer, husband of Hannah Theall and parents of Eva (Bloomer) Burling and Elizabeth (Bloomer) Hart, were the originator of this first Bloomer record.  It was then passed to Jonathan and Elizabeth (Bloomer) Hart.  Jonathan was the son of Monmouth Hart and Rachel Bloomer. Joseph Coleman Hart was the son of Abraham Hart and Mary Coleman and, grandson of Rachel Bloomer and Monmouth Hart.  Rachel was the daughter of Robert II and born about 1730. This record mentioned the secession of descendants from Robert I to Thomas Bloomer who was born 24 June 1795 and married Eliza Gaffett.  Eliza’s mother was also a Rachel Bloomer, the sister of George Uriah Bloomer.


The relationship between the Harts and Bloomers extended several generations and there is a succession of Hart family members that carried the name Bloomer: James Bloomer Hart, Gilbert Bloomer Hart of Peekskill, NY, Monmouth Bloomer Hart of Hudson, New Jersey, and Rev. Abraham Bloomer Hart of New York City.  The 1880 NYC obituary of the physician Edward H. Dixon, brother-in-law of Rev. Abraham Bloomer Hart mentioned the attendance of old friends including J. P. Bloomer at the Dixon funeral. Rev. Hart delivered Dr. Dixon’s eulogy.  (Abraham Bloomer Hart was the son of Nathaniel Coleman Hart and Susannah Stewart. Gilbert Bloomer Hart was the son of James Bloomer Hart and Elizabeth (Roake), and lived in Peekskill, NY. Monmouth Hart and Elizabeth Ingersoll named a son Gilbert Bloomer Hart (1815-1860).  Eva (Bloomer) Burling died in Peekskill in 1843. It would be hard to believe that Eva (Bloomer) Burling and Gilbert Bloomer Hart did not have personal knowledge of their common heritage.

Monmouth Hart of Rye (1700+/-1759) has imprinted his name into the 20th century. With names: Monmouth Hart Underhill, Monmouth Hart Guion and a host of other Monmouth Hart name connections that can be revealed via Google Book advanced search.  In the 1850 NYC census James and Susan (Lynn) Bloomer were enumerated just before James and Hannah Hart.  This James Hart was born b. cir 1812.  James Bloomer was the son of Thomas and Eliza (Gaffet) Bloomer. 

The Marlborough Bloomers then expanded the Hart genealogy during the 1860s.  I believe all the families of Marlborough, NY and Ulster County have been identified and their pedigree established.  Regardless, with each newly discovered fact other unanswered questions seem appeared that required additional research.  I am resigned that my efforts will always be a work-in-progress; that real improvements will continue to trickle in from living descendants, computer resources, and other indexing projects. Hopefully, a future descendant will feel compelled to carry on this work.

It has been gratifying to resolve several of the ambiguities in the oldest Bloomer records.  The identification and location of Uriah Bloomer (1768-1854) of Orange County, New York made it possible to establish the pedigree of several Bloomer families.  [Uriah, mentioned in Howard Randolph’s research, was discovered to be George Uriah Bloomer and a grandson of George Uriah Wygant, and brother of Rachel (Bloomer) Gavitt.] The identity of Uriah was based on just a single sentence from a letter written by Thomas Bloomer in 1880.  Thomas recoded that as a small boy he had passed Uriah’s home each day on his way to school.

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Pictured above is Joseph Coleman Hart and his daughter Emogene Hart.
Joseph Coleman Hart, son of Abraham and Mary (Coleman) Hart, grandson of Monmouth and Rachel (Bloomer) Hart, and nephew of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Bloomer) Hart. Thus, Joseph was a Bloomer descendant with mutable Bloomer family connections.  Joseph possessed the earliest hand written record of Robert Bloomer I; possibly compiled before 1730 and passed it to his daughter Imogene. It is believed that this record came via Gilbert and Hannah (Theall) Bloomer; the parents of Joseph’s Aunt Elizabeth (Bloomer) Hart. 

Joseph’s name appears on the facsimile of old documents on page 46 of the Bloomer Family History In America; he was credited as the record’s custodian before it was transcribed in the 1870s. However, when this document was transcribed from cursive into a typed document his name was typed Joseph Coleman Kent. As a result of this typographical error, a search for Joseph’s identity was frustrated.

As recently discovered, Joseph was a prominent New York City attorney, writer / author, and political activist. In an 1845 a letter to President James K. Polk described Joseph as one of the most prominent and efficient men in the great democratic metropolis- he labored hard and long for the party. He is a fine writer, an most efficient public speaker and of unquestionable integrity. After 27 years of solicitation Joseph was appointed (1854) as U.S. Council to Santa Cruz in the Canary Islands. On May 1, 1855 Joseph sent a dispatch describing his 63-day voyage from New York to the Canaries. On July 5th, 1855 notice of Joseph’s death was received in Washington D.C. It was reported he died of apoplexy and interred on Santa Cruz de Teneriffe Island.[1]  Ernest Palmer mentioned that Imogene Hart, Joseph’s daughter, had given him a copy of the record after 1910.

Imogene spent her final years in Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey with her brother Charles Bishop Hart, sisters Fanny Hart, Mary A. (Hart) Conner and niece Miss Marie Conner. Imogene was the executor her brother Charles’ 1883 will.  

While I have never seen a hand written copy of the document, several typed versions exist. The earliest date this record could have been transcribed and typed is about 1870. (Commercial typewriters came into production during the 1870s). By the 1970s this record had been expanded from a few paragraphs into 24 pages by Virginia Hanford, Robert A.S. Bloomer, and the mother of Ernest Palmer.  


Death records are now online for New York City and several other states. Living in the 21st century it is easy to forget the death and disease suffered by our 19th and 20th century cousins. The group living in New York City suffered more than most due to the cramped living conditions. When domestic animals roamed city streets and ate the gutter refuge, when garbage was tossed out multi-storied tenement, “slum,” windows, death and sickness found a welcome breeding ground. Unfortunately, the very young suffered the most.  If the Bloomer family had any genetic weakness it was perhaps their proclivity for Consumption or Tuberculosis.   The disease took many forms. Highly contagious and often caused a long difficult death. My grandfather and his brother, Kenneth Bloomer, both died of Consumption in the early 20th century.

Kenneth died in a Denver sanatorium. In 1837 Fannie Bloomer, age 12 died of T.B. Fannie was preceded and followed by a host of other Bloomers. Many older and many younger are listed with Fannie as victims of the Consumption in NYC records. Nancy (Bloomer) Saxton (1840-1917) migrated to St. Joseph, Missouri about 1870 and took the dreaded disease with her. She died of Pulmonary Tuberculosis at age 76 and from her children’s death certificates obviously contaminated her family.  Charles, Nancy’s oldest son died of lung problems at age 40 and three of her ten children did not reach maturity.

It was not until 1954 that a cure was discovered. Prior to the 1950s recommended treatment was a sea voyage, trip to the mountains or just a breath of clean country air. This of course was nothing a NYC tenement dweller could afford. So, people remained in their NYC squallier.  ­

The discovery of records compiled by James A. Whitlock concerning the Bloomers who lived under the Palisades near Edgewater Cliffs in Bergen County, New Jersey has proven even more rewarding. James’ 1855 genealogical diary provided his personal research to a large group of New Jersey Bloomers and their Van Wagoner cousins.   

The following pages contain some newly discovered material and contemporary information. A continued effort to locate and identify new family members has been a major endeavor. Other information has been made available via developments from the electronic age.  With digital technology, genealogical material has become available for the older Bloomer generations and fragments of information have been pieced together to construct family connections.  It is still exciting to discover old family Bibles and other records that have survived for hundreds of years tucked away in attics or old trunks. Several of these old Bloomer Family Bibles have been discovered since 1988. 
The electronic decade has certainly contributed greatly to the interest in family history and the digitizing of genealogical information is truly beyond amazing. Research that previously took week now requires only a few mouse-clicks. This technology has made the exploration of various spellings of Bloomer very easy and several lines have been extended using this method. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, a newspaper published from 1847 through 1903, is now on line and many interesting Bloomer related stories are available. An effort has also been make to post and update information on several genealogical web sights (Roots, Ancestors.Com, and the LDS site.) Other information, such as census records, which are now available over the “net” would be redundant to include because of their accessibility. However, when a pedigree could be established comments have been made concerning these digital records.  
Over four decades ago when I began soliciting Bloomer genealogy many were reluctant to contribute family information to a stranger.  However, after the family history was published I was able to identify Bloomer ancestor for living descendants, and these cousins began to volunteer interesting family stories. They also provided personal information and these stories have been included. Old Bibles have appeared and their discovery has been exciting. Their information has proven very helpful.
An increased respect and appreciation has developed for the old undocumented Bloomer information compiled by Virginia Hanford and others of the pre-1850 generations. While much of Virginia’s information was recorded with the most basic data it has proven very valuable.  There are still many unanswered questions regarding her work, but these records continue to prove accurate especially in the area of Orange and Ulster County, NY.  On the other hand, how dozens of Bloomers in the area of Ulster County just melted into the American scene without a trace is bewildering.  However, the most rewarding part of this effort has been locating several old collections stored away in homes that give true insight into the lives of these early Bloomers.  
Since 1988 I have collected these pages of Bloomer genealogy, conversed with many cousins via phone, and attended several Bloomer family reunions.  The sister-in-law of Robert Anson Sherman Bloomer ordered a book and was able to answer several questions concerning Robert, his life and Bloomer family research.
 Robert and his brother, Charles, owned and operated Bloomer Brothers Paper Box Company in Newark, Wayne County, New York. This company is completely unrelated to the Bloomer Box Company owned by Thomas Bloomer of N.Y.C. prior to 1850.  Robert Anson constructed cardboard ice cream and egg cartons. The brothers published a catalog of their paper specialties products.  Thomas Bloomer constructed wooden clock cases.  Robert’s frequent trips and interest in Germany during the 1930’s was for manufacturing machinery and other industrial production equipment for his business in Wayne County. His trips to and from Germany, along with several passport photos may be viewed on Robert’s interest in Bloomer genealogy was a hobby that he perused as a passing interest during his adult life. 
The daughter of Howard Randolph was located in Princeton, New Jersey (Mrs. Randy Hobler). It should be recalled that Howard was the genealogist employed at the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society and published the 1933 Outline History of the Bloomers. Randy mailed many pages of interesting family information, old correspondence, and family pictures relating to the family of Coles Bloomer of Broome County, NY and others in her pedigree.  
Orrin Bloomer’s record stated that Elisha and Fanny (Travis) Bloomer had two sons who for many years lived and sailed sloops under the New Jersey Palisades. (Fanny Travis has proven to be Fanny Van Wagoner)  Anderson and George Washington Bloomer sail sloops from Bloomer’s Landing at the New Jersey Palisades to New York City for over 50 years.  Elisha married Fanny Van Wagner and had at least one other son, David. This David, who died before 1850, is believed to be the father of several of the younger Bloomers listed in the 1850 Hackensack area of Bergen County, New Jersey census. There is a John M. Bloomer (1819-1875) a NYC Glasscutter with children named Elisha and Fanny who must be a close relation to these New Jersey Bloomers.  (The James Whitlock information resolved many questions for these Bloomers. Anderson Bloomer of Bergen, New Jersey left a will and enumerating his complete family. Locating his will was a great help)
Ann Bloomer sister of yet another David Bloomer did marry an Osgood as Orrin’s old records mentioned. Charles Osgood and Ann Bloomer married in NYC in 1813 and Charles and David Bloomer were in the NYC shipbuilding business together for several years after that date. It would be hard to believe that Elisha Bloomers’s sons on the New Jersey side of the Hudson did not have a business relationship with the Bloomers involved in the river related business and living just across the river on the NYC side of the Hudson.  However, it is still somewhat bewildering to search locations for these families and individuals named in Orrin’s, Robert Anson Bloomer’s and Virginia Hanford’s collection, and not find families mentioned in civil records. Or also fail to locate records of individuals and families who were know to be living in a specific location at a specific time.
Elisha Bloomer of Bergen County, New Jersey is just one of these.  He is listed in pre 1800 New Jersey Tax records and marriage records, but never in census, property, or probated indexes for New Jersey. Virginia recorded that a David Bloomer held a pension under the old Congress and died in NYC. The record then implies that he had a sister Phoebe who married an Arrowsmith.  Deaths mentioned in the NY Evening Post and on line at New England record the death of a David Bloomer (1753-1846) who died at the residence of his son-in-law George A. Arrowsmith in Blazing Star, New Jersey, David Bloomer 88y remains at Woodbridge, NJ. There are also entries in 1878 for the death of Phoebe and later for a daughter. George Arrowsmith, Phebe, and children are listed in New Jersey census records: 1850,1860, and 1870.
New York City Death records have recorded the death of a David Bloomer (1755-1825.) This David Bloomer died 31 Oct 1825 at he age of 70 years in Manhattan, New York City. A pension record has not been located for a David Bloomer.  
It was discovered that the genealogical information mentioned in the preface, which Ruben Holmes Bloomer possessed, was for the most part, the same record Orrin Bloomer’s father had take to Californian before 1850.  Reuben died in 1931 in Pottawattamie, Iowa. Ruben’s uncle Andrew F. Bloomer has a personal sketch in the history of Nebraska and it contains his pedigree back to Robert Bloomer.  Some of the more interesting facts are the old traditions that have proven accurate.  One Bible discovered was that of Anderson Bloomer (1800-1860) of Manhattan, New York. Anderson has proven to be the son of Monmouth and Ann Gidney. A sister has also been identified from her New Jersey death record. (Phoebe (Bloomer) Petitt.)
Anderson and the numerous New York City Bloomers born just after the American Revolution have still proven difficult to link to those living in NYC after the 1850s, but some progress has been made.  To complicate the research several Bloomer families living in New York City during the 1820 had moved from up-state New York into NYC. Most all occupied their time as carpenters, dock builders, masons or ship builders.
Another family Bible that has recently been located is of the Ebenezer and Eva (Bloomer) Burling family. Eva was the daughter of Gilbert and Hannah (Theall) Bloomer. Eva was born 20 Sept 1765 at Rye and lived her adult life in New York City. Ebenezer died in NYC in 1828.  A Burling family history has been published based on this Bible information and is available on the web.
Most of the Bloomers living in the area of Marlborough, Ulster County, NY were children and grandchildren of Robert and Elizabeth (Purdy) Bloomer. It was discovered that Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer had seven children all born just before 1800.  Many of their descendants moved from the vicinity of Ulster to NYC.  This migration seems to be common among many Bloomer relations. After the death of her husband, John Bloomer (1815-1848), Rebecca (Lockwood) Bloomer, her two sons and two of her brothers moved to Brooklyn.  And when Rebecca’s sons became of age they perused occupations in the retail clothing business.  William and Edgar Bloomer and Edgar’s sister, Elizabeth (Bloomer) Bailey spent their closing years in the lower end of Manhattan. They were all from Marlborough and married before 1850. The children of Thomas and Eliza (Gaffett) Bloomer are among this NYC grouping.  All of the children of Anderson and Margaret (Van Wagoner) Bloomer lived to their adult years in NYC. All these children have created a large selection of Bloomers to sort and place with parents.
[No. 102] Daniel Bloomer’s family Bible was located.  It was discovered in Flushing, Michigan in the custody of a family member. Copies of various pages and other family records were mailed by Mrs. Elizabeth Noe of 119 Glenn to add to this Bloomer record.  It must have been the Bible that Robert Anson Bloomer obtained dates and other information from concerning Daniel’s family.  Daniel’s wife, Joanna (Haines) Bloomer’s 1849 obituary is printed in the Western Christian Advocate 1834-1850.  It mentioned that she was born in South East Dutchess County, NY. The Bible dates are the same as listed in her obituary.  The Bible listed death dates for all of Daniel’s children and several grandchildren with the exception of Abraham and Julia Ann.  Robert died 15 Sep 1828. Hannah died 14 Dec 1834.  Also included was the 1866-marriage certificate of William A. Bloomer and Catherine E. Tribou and other information concerning the family of Abraham Bloomer. Unlike Daniel’s Civil War pension records two children were listed Charity b. 15 Mar 1858 and Artilla b. 12 May 1863. Abraham died 13 April 1889 and Margaret M. at the home of her son on 13 Oct 1895.
Another Bible was discovered in a Florida estate sale and mailed to me by a distant cousin.  This was the Bible of Anderson and Johannah (Passinger) Bloomer. Anderson is among the NYC Bloomers and has been identified as the son of Monmouth and Ann Gidney through church and death records. The family Bible of Phebe (Van Dyke) Bloomer was also rediscovered and had birth dates recorded as early as 1780.  A fourth more contemporary Bible belonged to Thomas S. Bloomer of Putnam County, NY was mailed to me. Anderson’s Bible proved a valuable resource in sorting the Bloomer children born in New York City.  Many new facts were discovered concerning these NYC Bloomers and some of the material is extremely interesting.  The 1842 letter from Emily Bloomer to her stepmother Glovena is a little treasure. It offers insight into the life and problems between a daughter and a young stepmother.  The amount of information discovered concerning Thomas Bloomer, Emily’s father, has been impressive.  However the link to Thomas’ past and the Bloomer geological records in his custody before 1850 remain elusive. 


          Robert Bloomer I:

Squabble between Robert I and the English colonial authorities continued and on the 9th of June 1664 Robert had his was property seized. Latter that month it was ordered that his bellows and tools be returned.
On September 12, 1998 Doctor Richard S. Dunn delivered a lecture at the New England Historical Society concerning Governor John Winthrop Jr. of Connecticut (1606-1676.) Doctor Dunn presented some interesting facts concerning the scope of the dispute Robert was involved in and possibly provides an explanation for the vacillating court decisions concerning Robert.  A full transcript of the lecture can be found at (]) and only a few comments are made here.
 (It is interesting that Dr. Dunn mentions John Winthrop started the iron works in South Boston and that John migrated to Connecticut for a more tolerant religious environment. In 1664 Captain John Scott was seized, taken to Hartford and found guilty of usurping the King’s authority. Whether a political pawn or a major agitator, Robert must have felt his interests were at stake and seem to be in conjunction with John Winthrop’s.  The return of Robert’s property seems to vindicate his role in the dispute.  As for Captain John Scott, he was labeled a knave and fled to the West Indies).       
“Winthrop’s efforts to annex Long Island also ran into trouble. When he was negotiating for his charter in England, he encountered a certain Captain John Scott, a real estate speculator who was trying to obtain a proprietary patent for Long Island for himself. When Scott discovered that Winthrop had gotten ahead of him, he paid a quick visit to America in the fall of 1662 while Winthrop was still in England to stir up opposition to Winthrop’s plans. He told everyone who would listen to him on Long Island that they were excluded from the Connecticut charter. And he assured the people of New Haven Colony that the King had explicitly excluded them from the Connecticut charter. When Scott reappeared in England in 1663, Winthrop made a bargain with him in which Winthrop wrote a letter telling the Connecticut General Court to stop trying to annex New Haven Colony. In return, Scott promised not to petition for a royal charter for New Haven. But Scott continued to scheme for personal control of Long Island …. At this point [November 1663], Captain John Scott returned from England. He had learned what Winthrop didn’t yet know, that Charles II was planning a new war against the Netherlands. He was sending an expeditionary force to capture New Netherland, and he was going to give the Dutch colony to his brother, the Duke of York, the future James II. New Netherland would become New York. Scott hoped that if he posed as the Duke’s agent and chased the Dutch officials out of their remaining Long Island villages before the arrival of the invasion fleet, he might be given title to the island as a reward for his services. This was not an altogether foolish hope, because the Duke of York took very little interest in America, and after the Dutch colony was captured he did in fact give away the southern part of his territory to two of his friends who established the colonies of East Jersey and West Jersey. Scott offered to help Connecticut secure full possession of Long Island, marched into the West End at the head of an armed band, and proclaimed that Long Island was the King’s territory. Stuyvesant recognized him as "President of the English on Long Island" and the Connecticut government belatedly discovered that Scott was appointing his own officials in some of the English towns, and that he was establishing his own private state on Long Island….. In March 1664 Scott was seized, taken to Hartford for trial, and found guilty of usurping the King’s authority….. [When Long Island was given in its entirety to New York] It was perhaps some consolation to Winthrop that Captain John Scott’s pretensions to the presidency of Long Island were also dismissed. Nicolls decided that the Captain was a knave, and Scott skipped off to the West Indies.” [Dunn, “John Winthrop, Jr., of Connecticut, The First Governor of the East End,”]
On the 8th of May 1667 Robert was declared an outlawed person and in a General Court his assists were confiscated, sold and the excesses of the fifty pounds returned to his family. The sheriff made the sale of his house, lands, and apurtiuais.  Twelve pounds were returned to Rachel as the surplus of his share of the fifty pounds. It was mentioned that Robert Bloomer I had an association with Henry Fowler and Joshua Foot.  It is interesting to read in the 1927 issue of the NYG&B the biography of Henry Fowler and learn the many parallels these three men had.  This information proves almost conclusively of the extensive iron business these three men were involved in throughout New England and help to explain the confrontational personality of Robert verses that of a common yeoman.  
Source:  Weeks, Archibald C, Brookhaven Town Records, Vol. 1- 1662-1679, 1924 
[No. 130]  It was recorded in Orrin Bloomer’s record that James Bloomer a son of Joseph and Sarah Weygant had returned to live in England. This must have been in the early 1800.  According to Atol Bloomer this information was factual and several of his descendants are currently living in Australia.  They have managed to locate and extend Robert’s English ancestry.  According to their research, Robert I was the son of John and Frances (Browne) Bloomer.  Other children were William, John and Mary.  John Sr. was baptized 14 June 1601 in St. Nicholas, Gloucester, England.  He was the son of Thomas Bloomer born in 1568 and Isabel Cole.  Thomas was baptized 13 June 1568 in Rowley Regis, Staffordshire England.  The father of Thomas was William and he lived in the area of Halesowen Worcestershire, England.  It is interesting to note that Atol alleges that Robert was of Jewish ancestry.  This is a difficult fact to accept. Robert spent his early years in England during a very turbulent religious period. The Puritans, Anglican, Protestants, and Presbyterians were all in a curious alliance against the Catholics Church.  This era of England’s religious civil war even extended onto the Netherlands. And, Robert’s activities in America centered on the Presbyterian Church. There is just on evidence to associate him with anything Jewish. Robert may have even migrated from a Puritan New England colony to avoid their strict “blue laws” that dictated, with sever penalties, a moral code that was not in tune with Robert’s New York and more liberal Presbyterian personality.  Robert’s negative attitude toward King Charles and English colonial authority is evident.     
Source: Atol Bloomer (Atol has a web-page which can be located via Google.)

Stephen Bloomer Balch (1747-1833) is mentioned on the Bloomer Family History web page. He is among the early American Bloomers yet to be identified.  His mother was Martha Bloomer. 

Noah Bloomer and Sons Ltd. Noah and his ancestors have conducted business in the Birmingham, England area for at least one hundred years. The produce ship anchors and chains. It was interesting to discover this business that evolved from the early nail production. According to tradition Robert Bloomer was from this area of England and produced nails.   Quarry Bank as well as Cradely, England, both located in the English Midlands, and both products of the early iron industry, are centers where the Bloomer name is prominent. A Stephen Bloomer (1875-1938) was a superior football player from the Cradely, England.  His pedigree is presented along with a biography by Googling his name. 

          New York City Bloomers

Because Thomas Bloomer “Box Maker” passed Bloomer genealogies to descendants before 1850 a concerted effort was made to identify his pedigree and other Bloomers living in the City.  In Longworth’s NYC Directory for 1826 Elisha, Frederick, John W., Monmouth, Thomas and Elizabeth (Gaffett), Thomas and Elizabeth (Trail) Bloomer, Thomas and Maria (Gillette), and Anderson and Johanna (Passinger) Bloomer, were all listed living in Manhattan, all adults and all with families.  All with the exception of both Thomas Bloomers have known pedigrees.  These families are among the 50 or 60 Bloomers living in New York City between the American Revolution and 1850 who the compiler believes are descendants of Robert I. 
With the exception of Elisha, Frederick, John W, and Isaac who were all NYC “Hatters,” the majority of these Bloomers had occupations along the Hudson River with residences at the southern end of Manhattan Island on or near Desbrosses Street.  Richard, Michael, Joseph, William, Isaac, Monmouth, and Thomas were all living in NYC at the turn of the 19th Century.  David and Michael were both listed as “Pilots” and at various times lived at the same address, 2 Garden St.  Daniel Woolsey, a NYC dock builder in 1805, is quite possible the father of Belinda who married George Washington Bloomer [No 2476] and David and his brother-in-law Charles Osgood were in business together.  After a review of the NYC Death Register and Longworth’s NYC Business Directory, which was published from 1797 thru the early 1900, some interesting conclusions can be made. Bloomers living at the same addresses with the same occupations and widow’s names appearing at various times are a strong clue to relationships. 
The NYC death register provided information on the deaths of individuals with addresses, dates and ages and this information was compared to various NYC business directories, published yearly, (1798-1900). This information was compared to draw conclusions on family relationships. 
Anderson and Johanna (Pessinger) Bloomer. Anderson was born about 1800 in NYC, believed to be a son of Monmouth, married 17 June 1826, and lived at 155 ½ Lewis Street NYC for over 30 years. Johanna a native of NY died 13 July 1882 in NYC.  Her death certificate listed her parents as John and Maria Margaret (Henigar) Pessinger. There are two book entries, Market Book Containing a Historical Account of the Public Markets in the Cities of New York and Historical Index to the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York, both of which are on-line, that contain a story concerning John’s activities during the Revolution and his later courtship of Maria. Maria was a waiting-maid in the NYC home of President George Washington when she met John.  John was a NYC butcher with a stand in the NYC Fly Market and made frequent deliveries to the Washington household.  During the Revolution General Washington and John were well acquainted.  It is recorded that John was involved in the Battle of Harlem Heights and supplied Washington’s Army with provisions during the war.   
 Anderson was a NYC baker until his death in 1850s.  Members of this family continued to live in NYC for several generations. In the 1990s the family Bible was purchased in an estate sale and found it way into the hands of the compiler.  It contained a list and the birth dates of all his children, certificates of marriage for George P. and Elizabeth Fields (1 April 1849) and the July 6th 1894 certificate of George P. Bloomer Jr. and Emma Ferv.  Both George and George Jr.’s obituary notices were in the Bible. John Henry and one of his brothers must have served in the Civil War, as several pomes written by him were also found in the Bible.  They were written between 1862 and 1872. One was tilted “Soldier Farwell” and the next dated 1868 titled “The Brothers Return From War.”  Several others pomes were addressed to likely sweethearts that he had after 1868.
In 1870 John was still living with his mother and sister Johanna in the 19th Ward of NYC employed as a carpenter.  Birth dates for this family were recorded on an old faded 8x12 parchment folded between pages of the Bible.  George Pessinger was named after Johanna’s brother and it is a safe assumption that Anderson’s parents were Monmouth and Ann Gidney.  Monmouth is listed in the 1834 NYC Death Reg. as living on Lewis Street.  Monmouth last appeared in the NYC Directory for the years 1830/31.  From that date till his death Anderson was the only Bloomer living on Lewis Street. The theory is that Monmouth was living with Anderson.  Monmouth was interred in the Methodist Society Church Burial Ground, Johanna and Anderson were married in the Methodist Church and Johanna died while living in the Methodist Episcopal Home. While this evidence may be circumstantial it is a strong connection.   (George Pessinger is listed on page 293 of the Bloomer History).

Children: Bloomer

George Pessinger b. 24 July 1827 M. Elizabeth Fields d. 14 Jan 1910
Catherine Ann b. 6 Mar 1829
Maria Louisa b. 20 Oct 1831 M. Solon Dike
Johanna b. 14 Mar 1834     Unmd at 46 aft 1880
John Henry b. 20 Feb 1836
Anderson b. 21 May 1838 d. 18 Aug 1840
Sarah Amelia 19 July 1841 M. Thomas F. Bartholomew
Alonzo Anderson b. 24 Mar 1845 d. not listed in 1850 census
Mary Emma 27 July 1847
Source:  George P. Bloomer Family Bible. NYC Methodist Marriages (1785-1893) 

Abraham C. and Sarah E. (Darrow) Bloomer. Abraham was born in 1824 in NY and was another one of the many Bloomer carpenters living in NYC.   His marriage to Sarah is listed as 4 Dec 1849 in NYC
Source: Fisher, William S, NYC Methodist Marriages 1785-1893.
Anderson and Mary (Dales) Bloomer.  Anderson (1824-1879) was born in NYC, but before 1850 had moved to Delaware Co., NY. He is listed in the Delaware Co. state and federal census from 1850 until his death. Both Anderson, and his son John H., were successful farmers and according to the 1875 NY State census. [Film# 83852 Davenport twp], produced a variety of crops on their 30 acres. Samuel E. according to cemetery records died young.

Children: Bloomer

John H. b. 1846 M. Eleanor Ellett d. 25 Sep 1923
Eliza Jane b. 23 Apr 1851 M. Wellington Neer d. 1 Oct 1910
Samuel E. b. 1855
Source: Delaware Co., NY and US census records.

James and Rhoda Bloomer.  Rhoda is listed as the widow of James Bloomer in Longsworth’s NYC directory for the year of 1829.  Death of a James Bloomer, carpenter, is recorded on 20 Feb 1829.  Rhoda was living at 455 Greenwich Street after 1829. A death noticed appeared in the New York Herald 17 Nov 1835 for Rhoda.
Source: Longworth’s NYC Directory. 

        The Thomas Bloomers Living in NYC

There was some confusion concerning the identity of the several Thomas Bloomers living in NYC during the 1850s.  Since Thomas Bloomer “Boxmaker” was the custodian of a Bloomer history taken to California by Orrin Bloomer before 1860 an attempt was made to establish Thomas’ pedigree. It was mentioned that the record had come from Thomas’ grandfather, but nothing more. Thomas’ grandfather should have been born around 1740 in Westchester County. The information on various Thomas Bloomers was collected during the search. The first Thomas Bloomer appears in NYC in the 1814 City Directory living on Greenwich Street. This is believed to be the son of William and Sarah Wiegent of Orange County.  In 1822 a second Thomas is listed in the same directory as a carpenter.  A third Thomas is listed in 1826, mason, living on Fitzroy Rd.  (Fitzroy Rd. is the same location of Monmouth Bloomer’s home.) 
(1.) Thomas Bloomer and Leah Maria Gillette.  Thomas (1799-1850), Boxmaker, Carpenter, and business partner of Bloomer & Sperry Clockmaker, lived most of his adult years at 40 Gold St. NYC.  This is the “Boxmaker” who left many NYC civil records and was, for a time, the custodian of Bloomer family records. While his 1850-birth state was recorded as Connecticut, he may be a son of Ebenezer Bloomer. However, the names of his children do not reflect that connection.   It was recorded by Orrin Bloomer that Thomas had received information concerning Robert Bloomer I’s kidnapping from his grandfather “who was a younger member of the older branches of the Westchester Bloomers.” Since the early history of the Bloomers can be traced to Gilbert Bloomer and Hannah Theall and their descendants, this would seem in someway lin Thomas to this pedigree of Bloomers.  It was also noted that Edgar and Catherine (Osborn) Bloomer were living in near proximity to Thomas and Golvena Bloomer in the 1850 Fairfield, Connecticut census. Both were carpenters with businesses in NYC. It is also noted that about four or five years after Thomas’ death Edgar migrated to Des Moines, Iowa. There has still been no close family connection between these two families and nothing was mentioned of Edgar in Thomas’ will. 
According to death certificates of Thomas’ children his wife’s maiden name was Gillette. She bore Thomas eight children before her death during or shortly after childbirth in 1842.  While Thomas’ pedigree has so far remained a mystery research has discovered a family letters written during the 1840s, Civil War pictures of his sons, other Civil War memorabilia, and many family and civil records, but nothing to connect him to any other Bloomer of his generation.  
(2.) Thomas Bloomer (1802-1834) “Cartman/Mason,” lived at various times at 121W 21 St. and was the location of his death, but is listed in the directory at 154 Hudson St. for 1834/35.   On 15 July 1834 a Thomas Bloomer age 32 died of consumption and the 1836/7 NYC directory listed Elizabeth Bloomer, widow of Thomas living on Washington St.   A Thomas and Elizabeth (Trails) Bloomer were listed as the parents of George H. Bloomer who was born 17 Jan 1826 and died at 322 Bleeker St 28 July 1910.  All persons listed on George’s death certificate were born in NYC.  George appears to be a son of Thomas Bloomer, cartman/Mason, who was married to an Elizabeth. George H. Bloomer (1830-1910) was listed as a shoemaker living at 178 W. 20th in NYC Directory for over 30 year. Thomas is believed to be a son of Monmouth and Ann (Gidney) Bloomer for several reasons.  His 1834 death record recorded that he was interred at the Methodist Society cemetery.  This is the same cemetery where Monmouth was buried and the same church other family members belonged.  The occupation of mason was the same trade as Samuel Bloomer followed.  Samuel lived at the same address as Monmouth for several years. This also makes Thomas a candidate for the father of Gidney Bloomer.  (A cartman off loaded sloops and ships 
(3.) Thomas Bloomer Jr., (1814-1898) Listed as an “Express Man” in 1850 Carpenter 249 W. 19th St. married Eliza Jane Trexler 31 Jan 1849 in NYC.  Thomas is listed living in Manhattan in 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880.  There were never any children listed with them.  
Thomas Bloomer and Eliza J. Peterson.  Thomas is buried near his parents and sisters and is listed as a son of Thomas and Leah Bloomer on his death certificate. 
(4.) Thomas M. Bloomer, Stonecutter, age 23 in 1850 living at 261 Bleeker St. NYC, married Mary Jane Dennis 19 May 1847. This is assumed to be the Thomas M. Bloomer listed in the 1850 NYC census living in the 9th Ward with a birth year of 1827.
(5.) Thomas Bloomer (abt. 1830-  ) listed as a bookkeeper living at 9 Hamilton St., NYC in 1850. This Thomas is believed to be the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Gavette) Bloomer born 5 Dec 1829.  
(6.) Thomas Bloomer married Elizabeth Warren 31 Jan 1854 in NYC. This is the second marriage of Thomas Bloomer who first married Elizabeth Gaffit and is listed with his son William W. Bloomer living in Richmond, NY in 1870.  William W. had a son named Thomas who was born in 1853.

(7) Thomas Bloomer (1795-1874).  This is the Thomas who married Elizabeth Gaffit, received a pension for his service in the War of 1812, was the father of James Bloomer, NYC Police Officer, and enumerated with his son William W. Bloomer while living at Northfield, Richmond Co., NY in 1870. A letters from Thomas Denton Bloomer is also part of this information.  Thomas Denton Bloomer wrote concerning Thomas and Eliza living in NYC and the marriage to Elizabeth Gaffit. Thomas Denton Bloomer seemed to have an extended knowledge of the Bloomers living in NY and his name appears on several old Bloomer records. Thomas’ pension abstract stated he had lived in NYC, in Richmond Co., NY, and had enlisted in the War of 1812 at Newburgh, NY. He is not listed in the 1850 or 1860 census index or does he seem to be in the NYC Business Directory after 1850.  Over the years there has been much discussion on just how the mother-in-law of Thomas was related to him. She was Rachel Bloomer.  Aside from the fact that Thomas and Elizabeth Gaffit would have been uncle and nice if his mother-in-law was also his older sister, which does not seem likely.   John Gavit’s Rev. War pension application rules out the possibility that John Gavit was married to the Rachel Bloomer the daughter of William and Rachel (Cosman) Bloomer.  Thomas’ mother-in-law was some other Rachel Bloomer. It is interesting that the youngest daughter of Rachel and a sister of Thomas married into the Wendel family in the Newburgh, NY area.

(8) Thomas Bloomer (1833-1850) This Thomas Bloomer died in NYC on 12 August 1850 at age 17. His mother was listed as Rachel. Neither Thomas nor Rachel has been discovered in any other NY records. 

 Charles Gaffet. Bloomer, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Gaffet) Bloomer, stated he was born while his parents were living on Debrosses Street in NYC. Charles stated his father owned a wood yard in NYC.  The Thomas on Debrosses St in 1825 was a “dockbuilder,” which would have required some sort of wood yard. After 1830 Thomas Bloomer “dockbuilder” is not listed in the NYC Directory.   Elizabeth (Gaffit) Bloomer died 21 May 1842. [A Joseph Bloomer and wife are listed in land records of Ulster County, NY prior to 1800 and in 1810 a Joseph Bloomer is listed in NYC next to John and Rachel Gafett. These facts plus the name of Rachel and John’s first son was Joseph Bloomer Gaffet are the basis for this pedigree.] 
Source: Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island Vol. III p. 1988.  

[See page 269]  Thomas and Leah Maria (Gillette) Bloomer.  Thomas was the NYC “Box Maker” or Bloomer and Sperry Clock Makers who worked and lived at 40 Gold St in NYC.  He was the custodian of Bloomer genealogy in the mid 1800 and it is recorded that his grandfather was a younger member of the Westchester County Bloomers. In 1850 Thomas and family are recorded twice in the NYC census and a third time in Greenwich, Connecticut. The enumeration in the NYC 10th Ward recorded his birth state as Connecticut while the enumeration in Brooklyn’s 10 Ward recorded it as New York.  Almost One hundred pages of information have been collected concerning Thomas, but his pedigree has remained undiscovered.  Thomas’ collection mentions that his unnamed grandfather had collected Bloomer records and related stories of Robert I, but none of his records mention another Bloomer. After his death Benton and Andrew were placed in the custody of Mathew and David W. Buckley of Weston Connecticut. Glovena and a Horace Baker were the executors of the substantial estate.  Several of the Bloomers living in NYC are easy to connect via occupations, addresses, or other family members living at the same address.  This is not the case with Thomas. 
Charles Hamilton Bloomer Jr. of Concord, California, a direct descendant of Thomas, became interested in Bloomer history in 1988. In an effort to establish a link with Robert I, Charles located Thomas’ family plot in Green Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY and visited Bloomer cousins in Bergen Co., New Jersey. These New Jersey cousins had retained a collection of Bloomer family memorabilia.  Old photographs, Civil War pension papers, Benton Bloomer’s Civil War Rifle and an 1844 letter written by Emily to Glovena, were reviewed by Charles.  Copied from cemetery records at Wood Lawn related the following:  Maria died 16 April 1842 at 42 years five months and 16 days.  (A calculated birth date of 31 Oct 1799.) An unnamed Bloomer child is also buried with the same death date as Maria.  (It is very likely that she died as a result of childbirth.) Thomas’ marble marker is over 6’ tall. Other members of this Bloomer family are interred at Greenwood: Emily G. Parker d. 23 Apr 1894, Thomas Jr. d. 28 Aug 1898 and Charles Hamilton Bloomer d. 25 Nov 1888. There was also an Angelina Gordon who died 27 Oct 1872.
mailed from Packhet, Long Island to 11 Dutch St, NYC. The letter reflected strong feelings between Emily and Glovena, who were just several years apart. On 2 October 1854 there was a hearing concerning the disposal of the Thomas’ Greenwich, Connecticut property.  All the children were mentioned and the adult children’s husbands were named in this document.  (John Way must have died before 1850 as Maria, age 29, is enumerated with Thomas’ family.) 
Benton and Andrew remained close their entire lives.  In 1860 they were living with Emily and her husband, and after the Civil War the brothers married daughters of Jeremiah Carlough.  The brothers served in the Civil War together and lived after the war in Ramsey, Bergen Co., New Jersey. (Some records claim this Thomas was married to Elizabeth Gavett.)    (Leah Maria’s age varies from 24, 28 and then 30 in 1850?)

Children: Bloomer

 Leah Maria  b. 1820 M. John Way (1 Mar 1837) d. 10 Feb 1860
+Emily G. b. 1824 M. Rufus Parker  d. 23 Apr 1894
+Thomas Jr.          b. Sep.1826 M. Eliza Jane Trexler d. 25 Aug 1898
+Charlotte b. 7 Apr 1832 M. George Worthington d. 20 July 1915
 Angelina K. b. 1834 M. W. W. Stewart d. 27 Oct 1871
+Andrew Jackson b. 19 Aug 1837 M. Eliza J. Carlough   d. 2 Sep 1912
+Benton H. b. 1839 M. Leah Carlough    d. 30 Dec 1904
 William b. 1846 d. 9 May 1878
 James A. b. 1849 d. 21 Dec 1852
 Ann Eliza b. 1850   Aft 1854
Source: Death certificates Andrew, Charlotte, and Thomas Jr. Civil War Rec Andrew & Benton.

Emily G. Bloomer and Rufus or Lewis J. Parker.  The letter written by Emily in 1844 was an articulate well-written letter, which reflected an educated twenty-year old woman. Emily spoke of a family disagreement.  It appears, reading between the lines, that the disagreement between Emily and Glovina was involving Thomas.  Emily had left home and had been away from Manhattan for six or seven months living with friends at Patchogue, Long Island.  She related her meager circumstances and how she had been caring for sick friends, apparently to help with her support.  Emily was also very concerned of a “village scandal” due to her extended absence from Gold Street. Whatever the outcome of the problems the letter seems to point toward Glovina as the caustic personality. By 1860 Emily found herself and husband supporting her young brothers, Benton and Andrew.   Lewis J. and Emily G. are listed in the New Jersey 1880 census living in Bergen County. 
Cornelius b. 1869 M. 13May 1894 Elizabeth Carter
Source:  1880 New Jersey Census.
Thomas and Eliza (Pattison) Bloomer.   Thomas is listed as a junior in his 31 Jan 1849 NYC marriage record.  In 1850 he and Eliza are listed living in the NYC 7th Ward. They are still there in 1860. Thomas was 26 years old and Eliza was only 24. He is probable the Thomas Bloomer Jr. listed as a carpenter living 249 W. 19th Street in Doggets 1853/4 NYC Directory. From probate records there appears to have been a disagreement over the disposal of Thomas Sr.’s property.  Thomas Jr. is not mentioned in the records related to the Connecticut property. Thomas died at 158 Hendrix St, Brooklyn, NY. His death certificate (1898#14333) listed his father as Thomas Bloomer and his mother as Leah M. Bloomer.  He was working as a clerk and living in a single-family dwelling.  Eliza (Pattison) Bloomer died 4 May 1909 also in Brooklyn.  This Eliza does not appear to be the same one listed in the 1860 census.  The 1909 Eliza’s father was listed as Robert Pattison on the death certificate.

Source:  NY Death certificates.

James A. and Angeline K. Bloomer, brother and sister are listed in Kings, County probate records letters of administration.  LDS Film #872300
Charlotte Bloomer and George Worthington.  George, age 38, and Charlotte, age 38, are listed living in the 1870 Brooklyn, NY 10th Ward.  George was listed as a saddler and harness maker in the NYC Directory for many years.  Charlotte’s death certificate, recorded in Brooklyn, named both her parents. 
Children: Worthington.
Charlotte b.  Dec 1855
Kate b. 1861
George b. 1863
Charles b. 1869
Source: 1870 NYC Census Brooklyn 10th Ward, p 380 & 1900 Census.  

Benton Henderson and Leah Catherine (Carlough/Carlock) Bloomer.   Benton served in Company G, 5th Regiment of the NY Inf during the Civil War. He applied for a pension and among his papers was an affidavit from Thomas B. Way. This Thomas is probably a son of his sister.  Thomas Way was a 1905 resident of Jersey City, New Jersey.  After Benton’s return from the war he married Leah Carlough/Carlock in 1863, the sister of his brother’s wife. They were the daughters of Jeremiah Carlough b. 1820. Benton’s daughter, Leah Maria Bloomer, married Jacob Rea (1864-1905) who, as many other in the family, is interred at Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY.   After Benton’s death Leah filed for a Civil War service pension and the individuals providing information may be of future interest. Witnesses to Benton’s NYC marriage Thomas E. Nichols and Mrs. Jane Buck. (Jane Buck was possibly the wife of the Rev. Buck who performed Benton’s marriage.) Witnesses: Thomas B. Way, Thomas Eckerson Way, and Ethel W. Eckerson. Thomas B. Way is believed to be a son of Benton’s sister Leah Marie (Bloomer) Way. The relationship between the Thomas Eckerson family is via the Carlock/Carlough family.  In 1900 Thomas Eckerson b. 1824 and his wife, Rachel Jane Carlough were living in Saddle River, New Jersey with their granddaughter Ethel Ward Eckerson and Walter C. Bloomer.

Children: Bloomer

Jeremiah Benton b. 28 Oct 1863    M. Philomena Munz   d. 24 Dec 1954
Charles Hamilton b. 1865                M. Mary Hickman (2 Sep 1888)
Walter J. b. 26 Aug 1868   M. Clara Moller
Lea Maria b. 28 Aug 1873   M. Jacob B. Rea M. (2) Arthur Wetzel
Source:  1880 NYC Film 1254891 p. 73.

Both Jeremiah, Walter, Charles and Leah married in New Jersey, and produced large families. 

Jeremiah and Wilhelmina\Philomena (Munz) Bloomer.  Jeremiah married Wilhelmina daughter of Louis Munz. A NYC marriage record recorded the marriage occurred 12 Feb 1898 in Manhattan, New York. The 1900 census recorded Jeremiah had been married for 2 years. The 1910 census recorded Jeremiah had been married for 18 years with seven children living. In the 1900 enumeration Lea and Jacob Rea were living next door to Jeremiah and Leah (Carlough) Bloomer was also listed with the Rea family.  Jeremiah lived on Pasack Road in Bergen County, New Jersey for more than 50 years and was a New Jersey land developer.  Elsie, Elizabeth, Isabella Fand Charles H. are listed in the NJ 1895 census.
Children: (Bloomer)
Elsie b. 29 Apr 1893
Elizabeth b.
Charles H. b.
Isabella b. 1895
Ester b. 1901
Benton b. 1903
Anderson n. 1905
Leah b. 1907
George W. b. 1909
Gladys V. b. 1911
Arthur Jackson b. 1913 M. Lillian Wilson

Anderson and Mary (Dales) Bloomer.   Anderson (1824-1879) and according to the NY State Census was born in NYC.  However, before 1850 had moved to Delaware Co., NY where he lived out his days as a farmer.  He owned a 30-acre farm and grew a variety of crops.

Children: Bloomer

John H. b. 1846 M. Eleanor Ellott d. 25 Sep 1923

Eliza Jane b. 23 Apr 1851 M. Wellington Neer d. 1 Oct 1910
Samuel E. b. 1855
Andrew Jackson and Eliza Jane (Carlough) Bloomer.  Andrew filed for a Civil War Pension in 1898. His death certificate, filed in Bergen Co., NY, listed the names of both parents, Thomas Bloomer and Leah Gillette.  He married Eliza 12 Sep 1860 before he enlisted for service in the Civil War. He enlisted 2 December 1861 and served in Company G, 5th Regiment of NY. Andrew was 5’4” tall with dark hair. Andrew was hospitalized in Annapolis, Maryland in August of 1862 when he had a finger amputated. Andrew’s death certificate recorded the names of both parents.  Andrew is listed in the 1900 Bergen County census.
Children: Bloomer
Thomas Eckerson b. May 1861
Source: Civil War Pension file. 
Anderson and Mary (Thompson) Bloomer.  Anderson was an 1850 resident of Bergen County, N.J.  He was born in 1806 and is listed in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Bergen census as a “Boatman.” Anderson was identified as the son of Elisha and Fanny (Van Wagner) Bloomer in the Bennett material.  Anderson’s name appears on the probate records of George Washington Bloomer and many Bergen County mortgage records. It was believed that they were brothers, and this belief has been added from Mr. Bennett’s’ records. (The Belinda Woolsey who married George W. Bloomer and is buried at Undercliff, N.J. was born in Dec of 1818). [No. 2476].  All three of these families seem to have occupations that would connect them to the Hudson River water traffic and these families moved from NYC in the early 1800 to the NJ side of the Hudson River.  Several members of this Bloomer line are interred at Dumont, Bergen Co., NJ. David H. Bloomer, a son of Anderson had the title of “Captain” on his marker (27 Dec 1859-14 Feb 1910). It should be recalled that Elisha and Fanny (Travis) Bloomer [#69 BFH] were recorded as having two sons who “lived under the New Jersey Palisades and sailed sloops on the Hudson across to New York City.  A plaque commemorates the construction of the “Demarest-Bloomer House.” The plaque mentions that George Bloomer was a dealer in coal and lumber, and owned sloops.  This area was known as “Bloomer’s Landing or Demarest’s Landing.  The 1850 Bloomer history matches these two brothers as the sons of Elisha.  Mary left a will naming her children.  
Children: Bloomer
George b. Oct 1833 M. Sarah
Sarah Francis b. 1836 M. John W. Van Wagner
Mary Eliza b. 1838 M. John V. Berrien
Robert b. 1840
John b. 1842
Abraham b. 1844
Isaac b. Jun 1850
Jacob b. 1851
Source: New Jersey Census 1850 & 1860, Will Film 082081 p. 333, & Bennett Documents 

Charles Richard and Clarissa (Higgins) Bloomer.  Clarissa is listed with Francis and Emma in NYC in 1850. Charles and Charles Jr. were not located and it is believed that Charles Sr. died before 1850 or shortly after.  He is listed as a collector in the NYC Directory for many years living at various locations.  Charles Jr. married twice and has two NYC marriage certificates. These certificates recorded the names of his parents.  Emma and Francis also married in NYC. Charles R. Bloomer was a witness to the marriage of Emma.   It is believed that Clarissa married after the death of Charles Sr. as then names on the marriage certificates of her children; while hard to read, do seem to be different.  In the 1850 census entry a teenage Higgins child is enumerated.  This child was too old to be hers.  Charles Jr. removed to Florida with his second wife and is listed there in 1880. It appears that there were no children from either marriage.  Francis had several children.  The limited information on his NYC death certificate recorded that he had lived his entire life with in the City. Charles Richard Sr.’s pedigree is not know, but the information on his children’s marriage certificates link them to their parents. Francis is a Civil War veteran and is listed with his family in the Bloomer History page 260.  
Source: Emma Certificate 1653 Film 1543908. Charles married in 1869 and again in 1877.  Certificate 1709 Film 1543957

Martin and Rebecca Bloomer.  Martin was an 1850 NYC resident who had emigrated from Ireland to England and then to NYC before 1850.  Martin apparently arrived in America with a few mental problems and was arrested several times for assault.  In February of 1852 Martin and Rebecca were involved in a domestic dispute and Martin stabbed her several times.  Their daughter, 14 year old Laura, ran to the police.  Rebecca died and Martin was sent to the appropriate state institution.  

Jacob Van Wagoner and Louisa Bloomer.  Both were born about 1829 in Bergen County, New Jersey.  They are among the older and well-established families of the Undercliff area. On the same census page with Jacob and Louisa in the 1850 is Hiram and Solomon Bloomer, both age 19, living with Jacob Van Wartz. In 1860 a Melisa Bloomer age 9 is listed with Jacob Van Wartz.  John D. Bloomer born about 1825 is listed with a Mary Jane Gildersleeve age 11 in 1850. It will be recalled that Thomas Gildersleeve married Maria Bloomer in June of 1824.  At present the parents of Louisa, Solomon, Hiram, John D. and Maria are believed to be David and Catherine (Pearsall) Bloomer.  (David is listed with a family in the 1840 census.  Oliver H. Pearsall is the nephew of Catherine (Pearsall) Bloomer.)
Children: Van Wagoner
Catherine Louise b. 1850   M. Oliver Horton Pearsall
Elizabeth A. b. 1853
Margaret E. b. aft 1860
Source: The Story of Englewood Cliffs, James J. Greco, p p.18 (LDS Call 974.921/E2 H2g)
Ann Bloomer. Old records seem to imply that Ann was the daughter of Gilbert and Phoebe (Sherwood) Bloomer and sister of David. The old Bloomer records mention that Ann married a Mr. Osgood. The marriage of Charles Osgood and Ann Bloomer is recorded in NYC 13 Jan 1813. [This date is rather late for a first marriage if she was a sister of David an years after the death of Phoebe Bloomer.]  For several years after 1818 Charles Osgood, David Bloomer and John Bloomer operated “Bloomer & Osgood Shipwrights” located at Broome & Lewis Streets in NYC.  In 1821/22 and thru 1836 Osgood’s name was dropped and John Bloomer’s name remained at the same location as a “shipscarpenter.” (Other names associated with Broome Street: Daniel, David, & William Bloomer.   
Source:  Film# 0017785, Item 3, p. 53./ NYC Business Directory.
William and Nancy Bloomer.  William (1754-1824) is the William who left a Revolutionary War pension record and stated he had 10 children. William died 19 Nov 1824 and on 29 Nov 1824 Nancy filed a letter of Administration in NYC. William died while living on Broome St. Daniel Bloomer (1755- 1825) was also living on Broome Street when he died. William’s pension records described his merger circumstances and one wonders where his children were. In 1810 William is enumerated in NYC with six small children. Three males and three females were listed.   (It seems more than just coincidence that these Bloomer lived in the area of Lewis and Broome Streets.)  “Jacob Green has know Bloomer sixteen or seventeen years knows he had a large family to bring up.  Followed boating for a living taking his wife and children frequently _________  ________ has worked at a public ferry for a living.  Elias says the he has know William Bloomer the writer applicant about twenty years.  He was formerly a serve ant of the department in low circumstances & has seven children to support. That he has followed boating for a living.  That said Bloomer must be will towards sixty years of age.”  
James Huntington (1823-1904) and Mary Bloomer. James is listed in the NYC directory for two decades living on East 26th Street.  According to his 1904 Manhattan death certificate (#11660) he was a widower at his death.  His parents were listed on his death and 1868 marriage certificates. John and Sarah (Schriver) Bloomer are the names that appear.  James is listed with what appears to be his parents in 1850 living in Williamsburg, Kings, New York. It appears that the Mary enumerated in 1850 is James’ wife. James was probable born on Broome Street, as John Bloomer ships’ carpenter was listed from the early 1820s till 1837. On October 14th 1866 James married Margaret Davis. She was a 41-year-old widow. James is listed in 1870 with Margaret age 40, Margaret age 28, William age 20, Elizabeth age 17, and Emma age 13.  Margaret’s married name was Hennion and she was listed in 1850 already a widow. In 1880 James’ sister, Sarah Bloomer, was listed, age 60, living with him. Neither Margaret nor Susan was listed. 
In Trow’s Directory for 1891 Margaret Bloomer widow of James is listed at 404 W. 55th Street.  James, as many other NYC Bloomers, is believed to be a descendant of Robert I.  James was a ships’ carpenter and it is most interesting that his NYC birth of 20 November 1823 is so near that of the James son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Gaffitt) Bloomer. (22 Nov 1823)   (It is interesting that a James H. Bloomer married Sarah Beaty in NYC in 1857 and in 1866 James Huntington Bloomer married Margaret H. Davis.) Margaret residence from 1888 until the time of her death in 1900 was 404 West 55th Street.  I believe that James also had a son by a Mary Dickerman. John James Bloomer was born in 1849 married apparently without issue and died before 1877.  John James married Louise Bidell. She remarried in 1877 to Isaac Proops.
Children Bloomer:
Emily A. b. 1856
Source:  NYC Death Certificates 1900 1876, Brooklyn Marriages for 1866.
John and Sarah (Schriver) Bloomer. The family of John and Sarah is based on nothing other than a common family profession.  In 1820 John was listed in the NYC Directory as a “Shipscaprenter.”  He lived at 51 Broom Street from 1820 until 1836. In 1850 he is listed with wife Jane age 53, Sarah age 28, James H. age 25, Mary age 27 and John age 2. 

Rob1, Rob 2, John 3, William 4, Thomas 5,
James and Susan (Lynn) Bloomer. James has proven to be the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Gaffett) Bloomer. James and Susan were married about 1848 or 49 and are listed in the 1850 & 1855 NYC census.  The young couple was without children for the first few years of their marriage. They then adopted a child they named William Bloomer. James is listed on page 296 of the Bloomer history and that information has proven accurate.  James, Susan and a William Bloomer are listed living in the 20th Ward 4th District in 1855.  A Margaret Thompson is also living with the family and is listed as a cousin.   On 17 May 1858 NYC birth records record that a son was born to James and Susan. This is believed to be James Lynn Bloomer. (LDS Film 1462324.) Susan’s death is recorded in the NY Herald in 1859.

In 1866 James married (2) Martha Ferguson in NYC on 27 Dec 1866.  This was also Martha’s second marriage. Martha was the daughter of William and Sarah (McIntire) Ferguson and born in NYC. In 1870 they are listed with an 11 year old Eupherina Bloomer and a 2 year old Jesse.  In 1870 James and William Bloomer are listed in Pennsylvania with a Thompson family.  An elderly James Lynn is also listed with the family.   James Sr. died in January in 1879 and has a NYC death certificate on record. The family tradition was the child born in May of 1858 was James Jr. and that he was sent to Pennsylvania to live with relations.  In the 1855 NYC census Margaret Thompson “cousin “ is listed with James and Susan.  In 1880 Margaret, Eupherina and Jesse are listed living in Bergen County, New Jersey. In 1880 James Jr. is listed living in PA and William may be the William Bloomer listed living in Jersey City, New Jersey with a Charles Bloomer age 22.[Charles was born in Bergen County and the son of John Bloomer a Rail Road freight manager.] Both James Lynn Bloomer and his brother William worked on the Railroad. [They may have had a family connection via John.] On 14 July 1887 in Saint Peter-Catholic Church, Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey James L. Bloomer married Josephine Haggerty and this marriage record recorded the names of all concerned parents. Josephine was Irish Catholic and one daughter was born before James L. married again in 1893.  [In 1900 James L. and Margaret (Haggerty) Bloomer are listed in Brooklyn, NY with a family of four children.  James was born 17 May of 1858 and this family is linked to Bergen, Hudson and Union Counties, New Jersey.  James L. is listed in 1910, but not with Margaret in 1920.   [It was the son of James L. that mailed the original information printed in the Bloomer Family History.]
Children: Bloomer
William Adopted in 1856
James Lynn b. 17 May 1859   d. 1919 Jersey City, New Jersey
Eupherina b.  1859
Jesse Gaffett b. 1867 M. Edward Valentine Wood (Child of Martha Ferguson)
Martha Washington
Source:  LDS Film #1403373, New York. NYC Marriage Certificate 4969 1866, and New Jersey census.
James Elliott and Imogene (Barmum) Bloomer.  James is a grandson of Reuben Holmes Bloomer.  He and family are listed in the NY 1880 index and various NYC Directories in the Bloomer & King Co. Shirt Manufactures. James’ mother, Rebecca Waring (1821-1909) was living with the family at various times. Her death is recorded on 27 Nov 1909 in Queens County, NY Certificate #3630. Rebecca’s parents were recorded on her death certificate as James Waring and Patience Lockwood. This is believed to be the 28 year old Rebecca Bloomer listed living in Newburg, Orange Co., NY in 1850.   James is also a nephew to Andrew J. Bloomer of Newburgh, NY.  In 1900 James was living at Hempstead, Nassau County, New York
Children: Bloomer
Nellie b. July 1880
Jay Elliott b. Apr 1887
Source: NY Census 1880. Death LDS Film #1323418
[No. 330] Elisha C. Bloomer (1810-1877). Elisha and Mary Bloomer are listed in the 1850 Westchester Co., census and John has proven to be the son of John Bloomer as recorded (?)  Elisha’s grave was located in White Plains at the Presbyterian Church age at death 67y 5m. 0 days.  With a recorded death date of death 22 Oct 1877 it would calculate to the birth date given for Elisha in Orrin’s records.  Monmouth Hart (No. 81) grave was also in the same cemetery dated d. 27 July 1845 age 51y 5mon 28 days.  It is most interesting that Elias C. Bloomer of Putnam County, NY has the exact same death date on his death certificate. 
Source: LDS Film 001799

[No. 232] Elisha and Francis S. (Moon) Bloomer. Additional information was discovered concerning Elisha and his prosperous NYC business. James Burt reduced Elisha’s once prosperous New York City hat business to almost nothing.  James had been an apprentice for Elisha and about 1845 began experimenting with hat-making machinery. When the process was perfected, James opened a business of his own and became successful.  After his hat manufacturing business declined during the 1850’s Elisha began purchasing distressed NYC property and was able to accumulate a modest fortunate. These properties, most given to bankruptcy, were Elisha’s specialty. From New York civil records it is alleged that Elisha conspired with New York City bankruptcy officials to gain insider information for the most lucrative properties.  Several NY Supreme Court cases contain records of foreclosures where Elisha was the defendant. Many other documents exist for his children, and grandchildren. Elisha also has a 1833 slander and deformation of character case where he was the plaintiff. In 1833 a handbill circulated alleging Elisha contracted NY State prison labor from Sing-Sing to manufacture his hats.  There is another case between Elisha and Frederick Bloomer in 1850 and Frederick and his family were listed living in NYC in 1860.  Regardless of the out come of these legal actions, Elisha’s 1870 estate was valued at over $200,000 and the children of Mary Jane (Bloomer) Cook were left with a hansom legacy. In 1859 Elisha and James G. Wilson were ordered by the NY State Supreme Court to pay a judgment to Frederick Bloomer [Film 0566229 p. 441].  While several Frederick Bloomers are descendants of Anderson Bloomer, this Frederick is believed to be the Elisha’s brother.  John W. Bloomer grandson of Anderson and Margaret Van Wagner had a son named Frederick.
(Via “Google Books” and searching Elisha Bloomer over a dozen court cases can be read concerning Elisha legal problems.)

 Francis is named in Elisha’s 1879 will and on the death certificate of Margaret, who died in NYC in 1890. About 1850 a
There is also an extensive marriage indenture recorded in NYC between Mary Jane Bloomer and George Cook. Elisha’s name was also recorded on many land transactions in Ulster County from 1834 and also in Westchester County.   Several of the Ulster County transactions were with a John Moon.   Margaret’s birth was 16 Nov 1828 and she died at age 61 years 3 mons 11 days.  Francis’, Elisha’s youngest daughter married Henry K. Stearns and another daughter, Alice, married Henry’s brother John Noble Stearns.  The Stearns brothers were in the silk manufacturing business and both had families that are listed in Manhattan, NYC in the 1880 census. Elisha’s grandson George Harvey Cook, John and Henry Stearns were the administered Elisha’s large estate.  In 1900 George was married with children and living in Brooklyn.  He was listed as a Rail Road President.   George C. Bloomer, son of John A. and Carolyn, was left a legacy $10,000.  Elisha’s sister, Jane Ann Isleton, nice Fannie Bloomer and Jennie Dean were also mentioned
Children: Bloomer
Catherine M. William S. Spear  d. aft 1878
Mary Jane b. 1829 M. George Cook    d. 1878
John A. b. 3 Jan 1831 M. Carolyn Craft     d. 12 April 1869
Margaret b. 27 Feb 1830 d. 27 Feb 1890
Alice A. b. 1833 M. John N. Stearns 28 Apr 1855
Francis b. 4 Nov 1834   M. Henry Ketchum Stearns     d. 17 Aug 1889
Source: NYC Death Records, 1880 NYC Census, Will Film # 0596948 p.563, NYC Land records. 

William P. and Mary (Williams) Bloomer.  William married 15 June 1856 in NYC at age 23. He listed a NY birth. 
Mary was born in England and age 18 in 1856.  He and Mary are listed in NYC census records for the next decade.
 William was not listed in Trow’s directory until 1857 when he is living at 239 9th Ave. His occupation of blacksmith is
the key to isolating his identity. In 1860 he moved to 33 Gansevoort. He appears at other addresses  until his death in 1877.  
Josephine b. 1859
George H. b. 1863 M. Catherine Beedenbender
Source 1860 & 1870 NYC census, NYC marriage records.

Elisha Bloomer’s family monument (Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY) 

[No.2004] George Washington and Mary Ann (Crum) Bloomer.  The George W. Bloomer on page 26 and this George are the same person.
        George was born 4 Feb 1804 and died 17 Oct 1883.  A large historical Marker at Bloomer’s Landing Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ noted that George Bloomer purchased a home from John C. Demarest in 1864. George, according to the plaque, was a dealer in coal and lumber. The Bloomers and Crums were among the oldest families living near the Undercliffs.  This is believed to be the George Bloomer who married about 1838 Belinda Woolsey (1818-1843).  Both are buried in Bergen County, NJ. It is said that residences of this area rowed or sailed across the river to NYC for groceries.
Based on old Bloomer records stating Elisha had sons who lived at Hackensack and sailed sloops to NYC,
George and Anderson are believed to be the sons of Elisha and Fanny (Wagner) Bloomer.  George Bloomer
of Bergen County NJ. Married to Miss Bogardus.  Page 297.  The discovery of James Whitlock’s diary provided many answers to the Bloomers of Bergen.  These families now have a separate section.
Children: Bloomer
Anderson            b. 1806
George W.            b. 4 Feb 1808
Joseph Allen     
Source:  Greco, James. The Story of Englewood Cliffs,

George H. Bloomer and Lydia (Fuller) Bloomer.  The parents of George were named on his NYC death certificate (Thomas and Elizabeth Trail Bloomer.)  Lydia was the daughter of Bradford Fuller and Lydia Green.  Both Bradford (1807-1879) and Lydia  (1812-1888) are buried in Brown Co., Wisconsin, with several other of their children. George, wife and children were enumerated twice in 1870. 
Children: Bloomer
+William P. b. 1851 d. 1903
Mary b. 1866
Georgina b. 1868
Lydia b. 1860
Source: NYC Death certificates of George, Lydia, and William P. 

[No. 381] George W. Bloomer.  George was born 20 July 1843 and died 25 Oct 1904 in Brooklyn, NY.  He apparently died without issue as an unmarried bookbinder.  George’s mother was listed on his death certificate (Harriet Rhodes).  This family is interred at Cypress Hills Cemetery. However the head stones have been vandalized. Photo
Source: 1904 Brooklyn Death certificate # 20837.  
Gidney and Caroline Bloomer.  Gidney has been an interesting genealogical pedigree challenge. His given name links him to Monmouth and Ann (Gidney) Bloomer, but with a birth year of 1820, he is a generation removed from what is believed to be his grandparents. He is listed in various NYC Directories for many years. (See endnotes)  He married first about 1848 to Caroline. Gidney is listed with Caroline and a Samuel Bloomer, ten years his senior, in 1850.  Gidney remained in Manhattan and is listed in the 1860 & 1870 NYC census living in the 22nd Ward. Both Caroline and Marie died in 1871and are both interred in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Both have NYC death certificates. Gidney Jr. is listed in July 1870 with the family, but not in the January 1871 enumeration. What became of him is unknown? It seems that Sarah was the only child recorded in 1880. A Joseph Bloomer did marry in NYC, but listed has parents as Joseph and Caroline Bloomer.  A diligent search was conducted for Gidney’s death certificate and a death certificate for his wife and children.  It is possible that Gidney’s death was recorded as Sidney Bloome in 1893. Gidney’s second wife (Julie Morrison) died on 4 March 1883 at 48 years of age.  May 1, 1890 was the last time Gidney’s name appeared in the NYC Directory.  He was still living at 529 W. 29th St., which was a basement apartment. There is no reason to think that Gidney did not live out his days on West 29th, where Sidney’s death was recorded. It appears that Gidney died alone.  In 1828 a Robert Bloomer was listed as a “sashmaker/carpenter,” Is there a connection?  Gidney’s name was recorded on the NYC Directory as a “sashsmaker” starting in 1848/49 with an address at 647 Hudson Street.  Samuel Bloomer, who was married to an Eliza, lived at 638 Hudson 1844/18446. This is the same Samuel Bloomer, a brick mason, who lived on Fitzroy Road in the 1820.  In 1848 Gidney appears with a 647 Hudson address.  (This could all mean nothing, but it is interesting.) In the year 1892, when Gidney would have been 74, was the last time his name appeared in the directory.    It is interesting that in the 1855 directory Gidney was living at the same address (399 10 Ave) as Harriet (Rhodes) Bloomer the widow of Isaac son of Anderson Bloomer.  (See Gidney’s end notes)
Children: Bloomer
Gidney b. 1854
Sarah b. 1856 M. Edward Coles/Cole
George F. b. 1858 M. Alice Monks d. 29 Jan 1912
Joseph b. 1861
Maria Louise b. 1864     d. 23 Mar 1873
Source:  1870 NYC census NYC Death Cert. 1883 0451060

George and Alice (Monks) Bloomer. A positive connection was made between George, Gidney and Caroline (Bloomer) Curran when in 2010 a granddaughter related that Joseph Cole attended her father’s funeral.  Caroline (Bloomer) Curran was the only child of George and Alice. Caroline died in 1970 in Queens, NY.  After the death of Edward Cole, about 1910, Sarah (Bloomer) Cole relocated to Hudson County, New Jersey.   Alice, unfortunately, died on the day of Caroline’s marriage to Edward Curran. The residence of Caroline and Alice until 10 January 1903 was 48 West End Ave.  Edward’s parents were Patrick and Lizzie Kelly. George died 29 Jan 1912 while living at 239 West 66th Street.
Child (Bloomer)
Caroline 14 Sep 1881 d. 6 Oct 1970   M. Edward Curran
NYC Marriage certificate 1903 #1646

Caroline (Bloomer) Curran 1881-1970

Caroline/Carrie Bloomer and Edward Curran. Edward and Caroline married on 10 Jan 1902 the day Carrie’s mother Alice (Monks) Bloomer died. Caroline and Edward had seven children. The youngest child, Dorothy (Curran) Cabasin related that she believed the younger years of her mother’s life may have been spent with Sarah (Bloomer) Cole and that in her NYC neighborhood there was much distain between the English and Irish nationalities. An English heritage was not popular and it seems possible Carrie suppressed her ancestry.   Carrie was a woman of unusual stern character was full of grace and charm. She was a very attractive young woman.  In 1903 Edward was left in charge of Alice while Carrie when shopping. When Carrie returned home Edward was engaged in a beer drinking card game with Irish friends and Carrie felt Alice had been neglected.  When Carrie reprimanded Edward for his apparent neglect, Edward responded with several inappropriate remarks.  Carrie marched to the police station and had a warrant issued for Edward’s arrest.  According to Dorothy the case went before a judge and Edward apologized and promised never to swear again. Edward kept his promise. 
Alice b. 16 Oct 1903
Patrick b. Aug 1905
Edward b. June 1907
Thomas b. 5 May 1912
Mary b. 17 July 1914
George b. 15 May 1919 d.  1943 Sicily
Dorothy   b. 22 March 1925
Source: Dorothy Curran Cabasin.

Sarah Bloomer and Edward Cole.  Sarah and Edward married in 1877 and remained in NYC until 1910. Apparently Edward died after that date and Sarah and Edward Jr. moved to Hoboken, New Jersey.  I believed the family had a difficult financial struggle.  Sarah was listed as a “washerwoman” and Julia, her daughter with children, as a laundress. In 1880 the family is listed in NYC with John Cole age 3, Julia Cole age 1. In 1900 Joseph Edward Cole and George Cole were added. In 1910 Julia (Cole) Burke is listed with children Harry, Florence, and Rose. In 1917 Harry Joseph Cole registered for the WW I draft in Hudson County, New Jersey, and listed his mother as Julia Burke.  In 1920 these Burke children are listed with the name of Cole and Julia’s location is unknown. However, from her son’s 1917 draft record she must have also been in Hoboken.  After 1920 the family has not been located.

Isaac T. and Abigail (Loveless) Bloomer.  Information on Isaac’s family is mentioned on page 259 of the Bloomer history. Additional information has been obtained from living descendants, from Ulster County Mortgage records that confirmed Isaac’s parents as Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer, and from Elizabeth’s NYC death certificate.  Elizabeth married James Bailey 3 July 1842 Newburgh, Orange Co., NY and is listed in Ulster County, NY in the 1855 NY with a birth county as Orange.  She and James Bailey, carpenter, are listed in Ulster Co. in 1880.  It appears that Isaac was born about 1795 was living in Orange County when Elizabeth was born in 1822. Isaac Bloomer [No. 66] was the only Isaac in Ulster in 1820.  He is listed there in 1820, but not in 1830 census as his will is dated 1824.   Before Elizabeth’s death she produced son George born on 3 Jan 1856 in NY. George’s California death certificate revealed the name of his mother.
Children: (Bloomer)
Charles Augustus b. 1812
Edgar b. 1814               M. (1) Catherine Osborn   d. 28 Sep 1898
Elizabeth b. 22 May 1822 M. James Bailey                   d. 23 Sep 1918
Laura  b. Witness at brother’s marriage.  M. Jeremiah Elliot
Source NYC Death Record #26326, Film 1322431 Ulster probate records.

Edgar and Catherine (Osborn) Bloomer. During the early 1840s Edgar and family lived in NYC and worked as a carpenter. In “early October 1850” Catherine died and Edgar remarried to Eliza Palmer.  He and his family then migrated to Des Moines, Iowa when Jasper was about 10 years old. Edgar and Edgar Jr. returned to Wilton, Fairfield, Connecticut area after 1880 and Edgar Jr. and Clementine are listed with son Howard in 1900.  Edgar Sr. filed a Civil War pension application based on Jasper’s service and death 31 October 1862 death from Typhoid.  The pension application was filed 16 September 1891 from Wilton and listed many facts to confirm Edgar’s relationship to Jasper. The existence of a family Bible printed in 1834 with various dates of events in the life of Edgar’s family was testified to in the application. Unfortunately, on Jasper’s information was presented. In 1869 Edgar Jr. married Clementine Benedict in Des Moines. Benjamin, Clementine’s father and Van Wick Clementine’s brother, signed Edgar Sr. pension application.  The Benedict family must have migrated to Iowa with the Bloomer in 1854. This family is listed in Connecticut in 1850 & 1860, but family members are listed in Iowa after 1900.  Friends living in Des Moines also testified for Edgar in his pension application. 

Chester Berwick Bloomer Junior Born October 3, 1920, at Community Hospital , in San Bernardino, California. He is the grandson of George Bloomer and grandson of Edgar and Eliza (Palmer) Bloomer.  Chester’s middle name was after the Berwick Castle in Scotland.  He attended Mt. Vernon Elementary School, then went to Arrowview Junior High School. After junior high school he attended San Bernardino High School, where he ran track and held the high hurdle record for almost 20 years before it was broken. After he graduated, he did work for the Santa Fe Railroad. In December of 1940 he met Helen Rebecca Young who was an operator for the telephone company in the nickelodeon department. You called in and told the operator what song you wanted to hear, and she would put it on the jukebox.  After a few months she got so use to what Chester wanted to hear she played them by heart. They met in person and started dating. On December 21, 1941 they were married. Chester was drafted into the Navy in September of 1942 and sent to Corpus Christy, Texas, and from there Beeville Texas, and finally Clinton, Oklahoma. After the service Chet came home and went to work for the fire department at Norton Air Force Base.  After a short while he took the test for the City of San Bernardino Fire Department and worked for them for 30 years until he hurt his back and had to retire, a Captain. Chet and Helen had four children Sheri Dawn Bloomer, Michael David Bloomer, Katherine Ann Bloomer, and Daniel Gordon Bloomer.  Sheri Dawn was born in San Bernardino, Ca September 25, 1942. Michael was born in Clinton, Oklahoma, May 9, 1945. Katherine Ann was born in San Bernardino, Ca November 10, 1947 and passed away October 1, 1967. Daniel Gordon was born in San Bernardino, Ca January 12, 1949. Helen Rebecca Young Bloomer born August 31, 1919 and passed away July 30, 2001. Chet is now 90 living in Beaumont, Ca and doing very well. 
[No. 68] Monmouth and Ann (Gidney) Bloomer.  Monmouth married April of 1791 at Christ’s Church in Westchester County, NY. He died 13 Aug 1832 while living on Lewis St. He and Ann had several children one is believed to be the Anderson Bloomer, who always lived on Lewis St, the location of Monmouth’s death. Anderson married Johanna Pessinger.  Other children were added based on circumstantial evidence from several sources.  The NYC Directory was a business directory and at times added a residential address.  The census listed families. If you compare the two some conclusions can be made.  Thomas who died on 15 July 1832 at 32 years of age lived as a mason on Fitzroy Road during the same time period as did Monmouth.  Samuel Bloomer born in 1810, also a mason lived on Fitzroy Road during the 1820.  In the 1840s both Gidney and Samuel “brick mason” were living in the 600 Block of Hudson St. NYC. This is believed to be more than a coincidence.  Gidney is obviously not of the same generation as Thomas who was born in 1802.  Samuel, who was born in 1810, is to old to be a son of Thomas.  The 1829 NYC resident Robert Bloomer, “sashmaker,” is difficult to leave out of the equation as a son of Monmouth and father of Gidney.   Descendants of Salyer Pettit provided family records that identified a Phoebe Bloomer as the wife of Salyer with a son named Monmouth.  Phebe also has a 4 August 1862 death certificate from Monmouth County, New Jersey that listed her parents as Monmouth and Ann Bloomer. Phebe died of consumption at 68 years and 6 months.  From the 1810 census of NYC it appears that Monmouth had two sons and four daughters. In 1850 an Elizabeth Bloomer age 20 was listed with Anderson. This was not his daughter. Thomas and Phebe both died of Tuberculosis. There seems to be deaths of parents and then consolidation of families. The Anderson Bloomer, born in NYC in 1824, migrated to Delaware before 1850 has not been connected to parents.               
Children: (Bloomer)
Phoebe b. 18 Oct 1893     M. Salyer Pettit d. 4 Aug 1862
Anderson b. 1799      M. Johanna Pessinger
Thomas b. 1801 M. Elizabeth Trails
Source: NYC Directories, NYC Census Records, NYC Death Register

David Bloomer, Shipwright b. (1755-1825) David is the son of Gilbert Bloomer No. 11. He appears living at various NYC addresses from 1797 until the time of his death in 1825.   Michael and Richard Bloomer at various times lived at the same addresses with David. In 1838 Richard was living at 2 Bleeker St. In 1835 a Mary Bloomer age 60 died while living at 2 Bleeker ST, NYC.  While it is not conclusive proof that these are sons, it is a strong indication.  Orrin Bloomer’s record mentioned that David had at least two sisters: Ann, who married an Osgood and Phebe who married Aaron Smith.  According to the 1800 census David had two small males and two small females in the household.   Michael and Richard were occupied as Hudson River Pilots in Longworth’s directory.  (See page 77 B.F.H)
Children: Bloomer:
Michael b.  abt. 1783
Richard  b.  abt. 1790
Source: Longworth Directory for NYC and NYC Death Register. 

                                      MICHIGAN BLOOMERS

Gilbert and Rachel (Dodds) Bloomer.  Gilbert was born 4 Mar 1806 in NY and died at age 35 in Lenawee Co., Michigan.  It is believed that this is a son of Gilbert and Rachel (Barton) Bloomer. There seems to be a connection to Joshua Bloomer of Seneca Co., NY; as in 1837 Joshua of Seneca Co., NY purchased 106 acres in Lenawee Co.  However, a Rachael Dobbs is mentioned in the 1823 will of Edward Coe of Marlborough, Ulster County along with other members of the Bloomer family.  This could be another Rachael Dobbs.  (Probate Records of Lenawee.  Info On line names children of Gilbert and Rachel Dobbs.)
Children: Bloomer
John b. abt. 1830
Jane Ann M. James Mills
Gilbert C. b. 5 May 1838     d. 12 Dec 1844
Source:  Ridgeway Cemetery. Lenawee Co., MI.
John Bloomer, son of Gilbert and Rachel (Dobbs) Bloomer continued to live in Cass Co., MI.  He and wife Elizabeth Smith are listed in the 1870 Michigan census.  In 1880 Elizabeth, age 40, is listed with the following children.  She died 16 Apr 1919. The Online availability of Michigan Vital Records has made it relative easy to extend this family well into the 20th Century. William had a family of five children and remained in the area of Cass County, Michigan. Wallace was still in Cass in 1930 and William was still listed in the 1920 census.  Frank L. Bloomer, son of William and Ida is listed in Three Rivers in 1930 along with his 78 years old mother-in-law Elizabeth Tarrant born in Canada. In the 1860 census Wallace and William are listed with non-Bloomer surnames and Elizabeth is listed as Elizabeth Smith with John Bloomer head of household. 
 Children: Bloomer
Wallace b. 1858 M. Daisy Clayton d. 26 Jan 1933
William b. 1860 M. Ida Floy/Fray/Fry
Emma J. b. 1862
Frank b. 1867 M. Emma Drake
Ida b. 1870 d. 27 Feb 1959
Elsie b. 1874 M. Charles F. Avery
Charles b. 31 Oct 1874 d. 28 Dec 1874
Source: Familysearch Records for Cass County, Michigan
George W. Bloomer (1808-1883). 
Rachel Bloomer and John Gavit/Gavet/Gaffet/Gaffit. John and Rachel were both born in the mid 1700s and ended their days as residents of DeBrosses St in NYC.  John’s age, as was Rachel’s, was noted in his 1818 Rev War pension application. (According to Rachel’s grandson, Charles R. Bloomer, her birth date was 11 Mar 1757.  Jane was mentioned as being 17 years in her father’s Rev. War records.  It would seem reasonable that Rachel did not have children after Jane.  John moved from Ulster County between 1790 and 1798 and was listed in the NYC directory for 1798.  Rachel died about 1820. John remarried Catherine Brooks 16 Dec 1823 in NYC, and died as a NYC “inspector” in 1837.  It was in John’s will that he mentioned his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Bloomer.  In 1853 Catherine applied for a pension based on John’s service in the American Revolution. The information that Rachel was a Bloomer seems to be born out in the fact that their first child was named Joseph Bloomer Gavet. Elizabeth (Gavit) Bloomer was married to Thomas before 1820, and the only Thomas Bloomer listed in the 1820 NY census was living in Orange County, NY.  This would coincide with information by Charles Gaffit Bloomer, which dated his father’s arrival in NYC about 1825 or later. Thomas D. Bloomer also mentioned that Uriah Bloomer as resident of Orange County, NY referred to Rachel as Aunt Rachel.  
Children: Gavit
John b. abt. 1784
Joseph Bloomer b. abt. 1786
Sarah b. abt. 1788 M. Benjamin Hendrickson
Rachel b. abt. 1790 M. William Whitney
Ann b. abt. 1792 M. Cornelius Van Allen
Charles b. abt. 1794
Elizabeth b. 25 Mar 1797 M. Thomas Bloomer
George b. abt. 1798
Jane                 b. 1801 M. Samuel Wandell
Source:  Philip Gavet of Salem, Mass., and Some Of His Descendants, by Joseph Gavit, 1923.
Thomas and Elizabeth (Gaffit) Bloomer.  Thomas, the son of William and Rachel (Cosman) Bloomer, born 24 June 1795 in Orange County, NY.  He served in the War of 1812 and lived most of his life in the NYC area.  According to his son, Charles Gaffit Bloomer’s, biography, Thomas was a hard working dockbuilder, owned several small vessels and engaged in trade up and down the Hudson River. It seems clear that several of these children died at a young age. James may have died in 1829 as a James Bloomer living on Desbrosses St is listed for that year on the NYC Death Register. The 1826 death of an unnamed son is also listed on the register.  (A John Bloomer died 6 Oct 1837, 1 year 7 mos, and 16 days.  (A calculated birth date of 19 Feb 1836).  However, this child was not living on Desbrosses St. It is most interesting that Thomas Denton Bloomer wrote in 1882.  “Uncle Thomas was a wood inspector and had a house on Desbrosses Street.  I was there when young.  He had several girls that I knew.  I never knew any sons.”  Thomas D also mentioned that Rachel Bloomer was referred to as Aunt Rachel by Ury Bloomer.  Ury or Uriah had been an early resident of Orange Co., NY, and know to Thomas D. when he (Thomas D.) was young boy.  (Uriah Bloomer has never been identified or located. It is believed that Uriah Bloomer is George Uriah Bloomer named after George Uriah Wygant 1702-1787 of Durchess County, NY.  A George Bloomer is listed as a neighbor to Thomas D. in 1810).  The birth dates between Thomas’ children do not leave much room for missing children. 
Children: Bloomer
John b. 28 Oct 1815
Jane b. 9 Sep 1817
William W. b. 27 Sep 1819 M. Jessie lived in NYC
Samuel b. 29 Sep 1821 d. 12 Feb 1824
James b. 22 Nov 1822                M. Susan Lynn M. (2) Martha Ferguson 
Son b. 17 Jan 1826 d. 17 Jan 1826
Charles G. b. 6 June 1827 M. Lillius A. Fisher
Thomas b. 5 Dec 1829
Rachel b. 16 Feb 1832
Samuel b. 19 Jan 1834
John b. 29 Feb 1836
Source: Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island Vol. .III. & NYC Death Register 275.

William W. Bloomer is listed in the 1860 NYC census living in the 20th Ward as a Steamboat Captain.  William was born in 1821 and there was a William Bloomer 84 years living with the family. (This is the first appearance of a William born in 1776 and there is a possibility the he is the William who married Susan Van Wagoner. It would provide a connection between Harriet and Isaac).    It appears that the Bloomers with River occupations were connected, while the Bloomers with other occupations were more recent immigrants. The Bloomers listed in the NYC Directory of the early 1800 had almost exclusive river related occupations.   In 1870 William was living in Northfield, Richmond Co., NY with his wife and children plus a 74 year old. Thomas Bloomer. [This is believed to be his father who had been married to Elizabeth Gaffett].  In 1870 William is living with his family, minus Emma, Jesse and Harriet. In 1880 it appears that William is listed living alone in Cambridge, Lenawee Co., Michigan. This William was listed as a widower and working as a railroad agent. Emma Francis married John Tanfield in NYC.  
Children: Bloomer
Emma b. 1844 M. John Tanfield M. 28 Nov 1865
Jessie b. 1845 M. Henry Barkman Wright
Harriet b. 1848 M. Isaac Bloomer of Bergen, N.J. 1868. 
Thomas b. 1853
Charles b. 1859
William b. 1776  (Listed with family in 1860 census)
Source: 1860 NYC Census 20th Ward. 1870 Richmond Co., NY.  
Sixth Generation (190)…….
Rob 1, Jon 2, Reu 3, Arn 4,
Samuel M. and Mary (Lane) Bloomer. Samuel is a son of Arnold and Mary Ann (Palmer) Bloomer (#190).  Arnold and his brother John are listed in 1802 mortgage records of Mamaroneck with other familiar names in the Bloomer pedigree.   Ellen M., Samuel’s second wife was born in 1837.  She and Samuel are listed living in NYC in 1880.  In 1870 Samuel is listed with only the below listed children.  Samuel died 22 Feb 1890 at 78 years of age while living at 210 East 20th St., in NYC.  Samuel could not be found in the 1860 NY census, but is living in NYC in 1850 listed as an engineer. Samuel’s occupation was a janitor from 1870 until his death in 1890.
Children: Bloomer:
George b. 1835
Edward M. b. 7 May 1838    d. 11 Mar 1906
 Kate b. 1847
 John P. b. 1840
 Samuel F. b. 1848
 James S. b. 1850
 Mary E. b. 1853
Source: Death Certificate #1789, 1890 Manhattan L.I. NY. Film #1323112  

Arnold and Sarah (Scholefield) Bloomer. In 1812 the descendants of James Scholefield, unmarried, who had been killed at the Battle of Fort Montgomery, Orange County, New York in October of 1777, and brother of Sarah, filed for a bounty land warrant based on James’ service in the American Revolution. The application named all of James’ siblings and many of his nieces and nephews. This application confirmed Arnold and Sarah’s family, and named other married daughters husbands.  The will of Eli Nelson filed 1728 from Mamaroneck mentioned his son-in-law James Scholefield, possible grandfather of Sarah.  It is known from Arnold’s will that Sarah’s mother was Anna. The oldest brother of James, Alexander, named his first son Nelson Scholefield.  In 1812 twenty-eight family members were listed in the bounty land application.  While there were no dates mentioned, a time line from the birth of Arnold’s children can be deduced. 

At present there is a partial connection between the Nelson, Scholefield and Bloomer families. Bloomer Nelson was identified during the American Revolution in the Rye area and others after him were named Bloomer Nelson. This same Nelson family also has connection with the Burling family where another Bloomer Nelson is mentioned. This second Bloomer Nelson is the son of an unknown Eli Nelson. James Scholefield’s military record recorded that part of his family were Quakers and would not add their signature to any military records. Eli Nelson was referred to as a Quaker Teamster in his pension records. In the 1790 will of James Cole, Major Scholefield was named as the husband of Mary Cole and son-in-law of James. Major Scholefield and family were then residing in Nova Scotia and had fifteen years to collect their legacy. Arnold Bloomer, son of Arnold, John Bloomer and others were mentioned and were identified in the military records of James Scholefield.   (The military record for James Scholefield, and Eli Nelson are available on Footnotes.) 

Rob 1, Jon 2, Reu 3, Arn 4, Step 5.
Edward Mead and Sarah Jane (Stuyvesant) Bloomer.  Edward married in 1866 in Manhattan, NYC and lived in NYC his entire life.  Sarah was the daughter of Peter and Sarah (Burns) Stuyvesant.   Edward and Sarah are listed in the 1880 census and both left NYC death records naming their parents.    Sarah was born 13 June 1838 and died 13 Oct 1918. 
Children (Bloomer):
Sarah B. b. 1871
Elton b. 1875
Carrie R. b. 1877
Source: Death Certificate of Sarah Film#1322433 Cert#29799.
Reuben Bloomer (1810-1855). Reuben was listed in the NYC Directory for 1846/7 living at 252 Delancey Street.  His occupation was a carpenter.  His parents are unknown. He is listed in 1850 as a ship’s carpenter with his wife and children. Another Reuben has a death entry recorded 3 Feb 1848 on the NYC Death Registry is difficult to read, but it appears he was living on King Street.) He this must be the Reuben who married Pricilla (Davis) Bloomer. In 1853 a Pricilla (widow) is listed in the 1853 NYC Directory.
               Seventh Generation (413)
[No. 413] Theophilus Jerry Bloomer.  It was interesting to discover that there were three Bloomers named Theophilus. and two lived in NYC at the same time period.  This Theophilus, or Theodore as he was listed in the 1880 census, was born 17 June 1847 in NYC and had lived there his entire life.  His death certificate recorded that both parents, William and Mary (Purdy?) Bloomer, were born in Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY.  Theophilus never married.   Jerry died 7 Aug 1881, at age 34, at 8:30 PM from Heart Disease.  He and his brother Hanford were Ice Wagon Drivers in NYC according to the 1880 census.  The family was living at 290 Tenth Ave, NYC in 1881.  It appears that the entire family remained in NYC from about 1845 till their respective deaths.  William Sr., and William E. were Carpenters. William E. served during the Civil War in the Marine Corps.  His pension application recorded his parent’s names, his birth in Hyde Park, NY and his death 19 Dec 1914 in NYC.  John Bloomer, another brother was listed as an Express man in 1880.  Theophilus’ brothers along with their father are listed as carpenters in the 1885 NYC Directory. An occupation that was extremely prevalent among all the 19th Century Bloomers.  I suspect that the Mary Bloomer, who died 26 February 1889 at age 73, listed as a widow, lived in NYC since 1844, and interred at Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY was the mother of this family.      
Source: NYC Death Certificate 392620. Mary Bloomer, Film# 1322660 Cert#. 6745.
[268] William and Mary (Purdy) Bloomer.  The discovery of information from the 1880 census and other records located on the children of Jacob and Catherine (Holmes) Bloomer it would seem that this William Bloomer has been eliminated as a child of Jacob. It is believed that he is a grandson of Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer.  While Mary’s death certificate requested the names of her parents the information was not included. The many records left by her children requesting her maiden name also failed to provide an answer other than Bloomer.  When Mary’s maiden name was requested she was always listed as Mary Bloomer.  After 1881 she is listed as a widow in the NYC directory. 


Amelia (Jinks) and Dexter Chamberlin Bloomer.  Because of Amelia’s special place in American History many have been interested in the two children listed with them in the 1860 Iowa census.  They did not have any children of their own, but raised two children during their life in Iowa.  In 1860 Amelia and Dexter legally adopted Edward Lewis from his father Joseph Lewis.  The adoption papers filed from Douglas County, Nebraska March 6, 1860 were discovered among family memorabilia of a descendant living in Livermore, Californian in 2003. The two children raised by the Bloomers were believed to be brother and sister.  However, there is an approximately 10 year age difference between Mary A. and Edward.  Both children were mentioned in Dexter’s will as “my adopted children.” Edward was living in Mesa, Arizona Territory in 1900.  Mary married in 1866 to J. A. Straight and listed in the Exira County, Iowa 1870 with two small children.  Only Edward Lewis is mentioned in the adoption papers. Dexter’s 1900 will is an interesting document and many individuals are named.  A John Bloomer and his sister Esther are mentioned along with several nieces.  His brothers Franklin C. and Charles A. Bloomer were both left legacies.  Dexter owned land in Decatur Burt County Nebraska and in Sarpy County. While Dexter was very generous to his family and friends, the majority of his estate went to Edward and the City of Council Bluffs.  Maie and Boyd Irvine, who were the children of William J. and Jennie (Frost) Irvine, seems to have some special place in the life of Dexter.  A Joseph Sutton and family of Garland County, Arkansas were mentioned. Jennie and Joseph are listed in the 1850 Onondaga, New York census.  
Children (Bloomer)
Mary A. b. 1844    M. J.A. Straight
Edward Dexter b, 1854 
Source: Douglas, Nebraska Court Records, Book R No 96.  Will LDS Film 1476900. 

Rob 1, Jon 2, Wil 3, Coles 5, James 6. 
Robert Frank and Lue (Leland) Bloomer.  Robert was the son of James and Elizabeth Tyler. He was born in Binghamton, New York 18 July 1844 and is listed on page 105 in the Bloomer History. As a young man Frank’s eyes turned to the West and he soon invested his life savings in the Spruce Mont Mining Company in Elko, Nevada. Just as Elko, Frank took advantage of the Trans Congenital Rail Road, moved himself and his money to San Francisco and waited for his investment to pay dividends. It never did.  San Francisco was the investment headquarters of Spruce Mont Mining and Frank traveled from New York to San Francisco and right through downtown Elko many times. He established himself at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco and contemplated his forthcoming fortune.  From personal letters written to Lue from San Francisco, Frank seems to have derived some return from his investment. He wrote of attending several social events at Wade’s Opera House and attended other cultural events in the Palace Hotel. Frank returned to the East and married in 1876 and then took his new bride back to San Francisco. By 1878 the prospects of a secure future had faded into the reality of hard work. In 1880 Frank is listed in San Francisco as a “dry goods merchant,” but still doing well enough to have an eighteen-year-old domestic servant. After he was forced to return to New Jersey where his in-laws lived and start over.  He was in Cleveland, Ohio for several years and then settled in NYC.   In the 1900 NYC census Frank is listed as a “retired importer” with two domestic servants. (Remember that Frank’s daughter married Howard Randolph and Howard compiled the Bloomer Outline published in the NY Historical and Biographical Society.)

Spruce Mountain mining production began in 1869 with the discovery of silver and lead, and continued with limited success into the 20th Century. However, production could not support the growing number of speculators that swarmed into Elko, Nevada after the initial discovery.  The Ingot Mining Company went bankrupt in 1871 after they invested $80,000 in a thirty-ton smelter. The number of shares Spruce Mont sold is unknown, but the amount of lead and silver removed by the miners proved to be just another boom and bust Western mining adventure.


The Bloomers were evident in Dutchess County from the 1758 when Ruben, Robert, William and a second Robert appear on tax records living in the Southern precincts. It is suspected that these may be the same Reuben and Robert who migrated to Ulster County during the American Revolution. By 1790 there were others with the name Bloomer living in Phillipstown, William, Daniel, Gilbert, Benjamin, (two) Abrahams, and Elisha.) Abraham is believed to be the same Abraham who married and migrated to Seneca County, as did Benjamin D. Bloomer. A Benjamin left a will dated 1808 naming his children and listed other Bloomers as witnesses.  From marriage records there seem to be children that have unidentified parents: Isaac S. Pierce and Elizabeth Bloomer, daughter of John were married Dec 11, 1844 at Fishkill Landing, John T. Brown and Jane Bloomer of Liberty were married July 24, 1847, (these parents have been identified). Franklin B. Maguire and Eugenia A. Bloomer of “this Village, Rachel Bloomer and Barlow Green of Fishkill Landing Nov 28, 1847, Melissa C. Bloomer to M. D. Frear both of Ellenville Oct 16, 1847. However, there are still a few families that migrated from Dutchess to other New York locations that remained unplaced. Isaac and Anna (Barlow) Bloomer of Virgil, Courtland, New York and John and Ann Bloomer of Wayne County are among these. Isaac mentioned in his 1863 will from Courtland County that William H. Bloomer (1823-1896) was his nephew.  William was born in Wayne County, but spent most of his life with his uncle in Courtland. He married Florinda Elster and had four sons and two daughters. It should also be recalled that John Calvin Underhill b. 1738 married Mary Bloomer and their son William was born in Dutchess (b. 1773) Daniel Bloomer, the Underhills, and Haines families later migrated to Hunter County, New York and then about 1833 to Huron County, Ohio.  Both William Underhill and Daniel Bloomer were still living in 1850 and are listed in Huron census records.
(Marriages Notices from Dutchess County New York Newspapers 1826-1851)
William and Charity (Smith) Bloomer.  Charity and William were listed on page 257 in the Bloomer Family History.  They apparently were the parents of a Benjamin W. Bloomer who was listed with Charity in a letter of administration in 1818. It would seem that when William died before August of 1818 that Charity was about 47 years old and possibly the mother of the following children. Able is listed in Dutchess Co. records for many years and left a will in 1867.  Elizabeth, who was the only person named in Able’s will, apparently did not have any children.  Smith, Able and Elizabeth were living in the same household in Fishkill in 1850, and the 1860 census records. According to a family history published in the New York G&B Vol 53 page 14 Charity was the daughter of Maurice Smith and Mary Jackson.
Benjamin W. b. 1803
Gilbert b. 1805
Able b. 1808
Smith b. 1811
John W.  b. 11 Sep 1810
Source: Dutchess Co., Letter of Administration 16 Aug 1818 LDS Film 0913678 p.485.

Nathaniel and Sarah Bloomer. Little is known about the lives of Nathaniel and Sarah Bloomer.  They appear in Dutchess mortgage records as husband and wife for entries around 1818. In 1800 a Sarah Bloomer appears with children, but Nathaniel is not listed.  Neither are listed in 1820.  

Benjamin D. and Ann Bloomer. Benjamin and Ann are listed in Dutchess mortgage records in 1817.  This is the Benjamin D. who it is believed later migrated to Seneca County, and served in the War of 1812.

Jemima Bloomer and Thomas Cornwell. Thomas’s grandson has a biographical sketch in the Leading Citizens of Cayuga County, New York p. 299 that listed the children mentioned on page 265 of the Bloomer Family History and stated that Jemima was an early resident of Dutchess, County. The article stated that Thomas was born 17 July 1773 on Long Island, he married Jemima in 1793 of Dutchess County, and moved of Saratoga County, New York. Jemima died in 1823 and Thomas remarried.  (This entire book is available online.)

John and Sarah Bloomer were 1850 residents of Fishkill and enumerated with a number of children.  Julia Bloomer was on of these children.  Julia married Walter Harvey and died her 1898 obituary named her sister, Melissa McArthur of NYC. (Melissa has a 24 Dec 1925 NYC Certificate 30894, that listed her parents as Daniel and Mary (Donlin) Bloomer.)

Mrs. Walter Harvey
Julia, the wife of Walter Harvey, died at Middletown, N.Y. on Saturday, June 11, aged 63 years and 9 month.
She is survived by her husband and the following children: Frances and Lida at home; William, of Middletown; George, of Union Hill, N.J., and Minnie, wife of Benj. Middaugh, of Pike county, and one sister, Mrs. Alex. Melissa Mc Arthur, of New York City. (Death Certificate of McArthur listed parents as Daniel and Mary (Donlin) Bloomer)
The body will be brought here on train No. 11 tomorrow and services will be held in Grace church at 2:30 pm. Interment in Laurel Grove cemetery.
Julia is buried in a family plot at Laurel Grove Cemetery
Burial # 4739 - June 11, 1898 Lot 74 - Section A

Daniel and Mary (Donlin) Bloomer. This Dutchess couple was apparently dead before 1840, because their children are listed with other in 1850.  A Daniel is listed in land records as late as 1836, but his wife is listed a Phebe.   Daniel, possibly a brother to John Bloomer, raised Daniel’s daughters Melissa and Julia.  These children are identified in obituary notices. From 1771 thru 1810 there are no Bloomers in land transactions. In 1811 a John appears, in 1812 Nathaniel and in 1826 Daniel Bloomer. 
                               GREENE COUNTY, NEW YORK

Daniel Bloomer first appeared in Greene County before 1803 and is listed there with nine family members.  He apparently migrated with other families from Amenia, Dutchess County.   He was elected Assessor of Hunter Twp at the second town meeting in 1813. About 1830 the Bloomers, Haines and Underhills migrated to Huron County, Ohio.  William Underhill married Martha Hains about 1800.  I suspect that Martha Haines and Johanna (Haines) Bloomer were sisters.  William and Martha named a son Daniel Bloomer Underhill and Daniel is listed in Huron County, Ohio in 1850.  
Orange County stills remains somewhat of an enigma especially since several Bloomers living in Sullivan County, NY in 1850 recorded births in Orange and the Newburgh area is of special interest. There is evidence that Merrits, Underhills, Bloomers, Fowlers and other familiar family names migrated from the Rye area of Westchester County, NY before 1750.

George Merritt of Rye purchased 1,200 acres of land in Newburgh in 1750. George’s grandson Underhill Merritt (1769-1804) married a Mary, possible Mary Teed.  Underhill Merritt (1769-1804) married Mary (1770-1853) and she remarried John Bloomer.  Another Mary Bloomer perhaps widow of Daniel Bloomer who died in 1808 is interconnected with many families in the area.  John Fowler left a will in 1767 naming his grandchildren: (Mary Merritt, Elizabeth & Abigail Kniffin, and Phebe and Abigail Bloomer) Martha Merritt a daughter of Underhill Merritt died 14 Sep 1848. She was married to Gilbert Holmes. Gilbert Holmes and Mary Bloomer witnessed the will of Martha Kniffin in 1817.  When Mary died in 1853 only Merritt’s were the benefactors.  A Mary Bloomer was the mother of Benjamin F. Bloomer and grandmother of Daniel Bloomer.  When his father died, Daniel migrated to Indiana from Wayne County, NY. Underhill names are connected to Bloomers in Huron County, Ohio in the 1850.   It is believed that the James and Abraham Bloomer listed in Orange County, in the 1800 census are the same that later appear living in Seneca County, NY. The James Merritt, who married Martha Bloomer in 1756, is listed as the son on George and Glorianna (Purdy) Merritt on the LDS New Family Search.

William Bloomer, blacksmith of Balmville, died in 1824 and left a will. During the settlement of his estate pages of land transactions were recorded as his estate was divided among his children.  Thomas Denton Bloomer and William, sons of John, also shared in the estate.  Other names appear as well that are familiar to Bloomer genealogy: Caroline Ward, David and Elizabeth Fowler.  It should be recalled that Thomas Denton Bloomer answered several letters in the late 1800s concerning his early days in the Newburgh area.
(Orange, NY Land Records. Film 0836319 pages 435-451)

Jacob and Catherine (Holmes) Bloomer. Jacob was the father of John and father-in-law of Rebecca (Waring) Bloomer.  Just as in the family of John, guardianship records from Newburgh, Orange County proved to be a key.  In 1832, at the death of Catherine (1 Nov 1831), Andrew J, John, Sarah Ann, Catherine, and Mary Elizabeth plus their individual birth dates were recorded in civil records.  These children were all listed as minors.  Jacob died 15 Feb 1851 and as Catherine, Jacob is buried in Balmville Burying Ground. Rueben H. and William Bloomer were both over 18.  This would account for all the children named in Orrin Bloomer’s records. 
Source: Letters of Guardianship Orange County, NY Film #0836292 Book “B.”      

John Ward and Rebecca W. (Waring) Bloomer (1823-1909).  John was a son of Jacob and Catherine (Holmes) Bloomer and a lifelong resident of Newburgh, Orange Co., NY. John’s name had been recorded in old Bloomer records, but his existence could not be confirmed until now.  He was only married for a few years before his death in 1849.  Rebecca’s husband was named when she filed letters of guardianship of the children in 1851 and other court records. A Ward Bloomer was enumerated with one child and his wife in 1845 living in Newburgh. This was probably John. [Interestingly John Ward Wygant the Cosman’s, Russell and Bloomer families have all been connected.  History of Marlborough p. 155].    John’s death and lineage was confirmed when Andrew J. Bloomer “brother” filed a letter of administration in 1849. John’s early death must have caused sever hardship for Rebecca.  Twenty nine creditors were named on John’s court decree (Film 0837208 p.337).   Rebecca, according to her NYC death certificate, was born in Newburgh, NY, and the daughter of James and Patience (Lockwood) Waring.  She and her children were living in Newburgh Orange Co., NY in 1850 and 1860.  She is listed as Rebecca Bloomer with James, age 7, William, age 4, and John, age 2, in the 1850 census. She did not apply for guardianship of John and he is not listed with her after 1850. In 1860 James Elliot was serving an apprenticeship with John H. Atkinson in Newburgh.  John H. Atkinson had married first Sarah Ann Bloomer and then Catherine Bloomer. Both were daughters of Jacob and Catherine (Holmes) Bloomer and sisters of John Ward Bloomer.  When Rebecca’s father died in 1866 she with other siblings were living in Brooklyn, NY.   In 1880 she is listed with James E. Bloomer, her son, living in NYC.  James was married to Imogene Burmam about 1878.   Rebecca’s parents were still living in Newburgh in 1860 with children younger than Rebecca, so it seems that Rebecca still had some independent support, but she was enumerated just after her parents and not near any Bloomers.
Children: Bloomer
James Elliot     b. 1843   M. Imogene Burman  (Resident of NYC)
William Jacob b. 1846    
John b. 1848
Source: 1850, 1860 & 1870 NY Federal Census, NYC.  Death Cert. Rebecca Bloomer 1909 #3630 & 1845 NY State Census for Newburgh, Orange Co., NY. Orange Co., probate film 836281 p. 268.

John Bloomer (1775-1847) of Warrick, Orange, NY.  John died about 17 Nov 1847 and left a court decree naming members of is family.  John believed to be listed on the 1840 Orange census between 60 & 70 years of age. Others named in his court decree were: Hester Ann Bloomer, Ruth Marie (Bloomer) Jennings wife of Asa Jennings and Sarah Jane Campbell. 

[No. 266] Sarah Bloomer and Samuel Halsey. Sarah died while living in Newburgh in 1855 just three years after her mother, When her father retired from farming about 1858 he moved in with Samuel and his, John’s) grandchildren.  Because of the 16-year span between Sarah and Samuel, Martha (age 11 in 1850) was probably a step-daughter.  John Bloomer, Sarah’s father, left a will dated March 1862. Thomas Denton Bloomer and Samuel Halsey were listed as executors of the Will which was written June 7th 1861. 
Children: (Halsey)
Martha b. 1839
Jerusha b. 1847
Ann B. b. 1849
Elsia b. 1852
Samuel b. 1854
Source: John Bloomer’s will Film #0836316, 1860 Newburgh, Orange Co., NY census.

[No 269] Andrew J. and Cornelia (Deyo) Bloomer.   Additional information has been collected concerning Andrew from Orange Co., NY records and several living descendants have been discovered.  Andrew and Cornelia, of Newburgh, NY, are listed in a Deyo family history published in 1985.  Cornelia was born 17 May 1819 in New Burgan, NY and was the daughter of Abraham A. and Elizabeth (Bruyn) Deyo.  The Deyo family has an extensive New York history and traces their ancestry to Crebteb Du Joux who arrived in New Paltz, NY in 1677. The family was still living in Newburgh, NY in 1875.   Jacob Q. married the daughter of his great aunt, Mary (Bloomer) Wandell.  Sarah Louise was the daughter of John Cosman Wandell.
Children:  Bloomer.
Arabella D. b. 1844 M. Jacob D. Wurts
Anna May b. 8 Sep 1846 M. Abram Hasbrouck
Jacob A. b. 1848 M. Sarah Louisa Wandell  (23 Apr 1874 NYC)
Petronella N. b. 15 Mar 1849 M. Mathew L. LeFever
Daniel Deyo b. 1850 M. Laura Amelia Day
Catherine    b. 1852
Gertrude b. 1856 M. Howell h. Carver
Cornelia b. Nov 1859
Source: NY State Census 1875

Mary Bloomer (1775-1850) of Newburgh, New York is an interesting subject.  Perhaps she is the widow of Daniel Bloomer who left a Newburgh will in 1808, but there has been no positive connection. There is much stronger evidence to place her as the widow of Underhill Merritt.  Many were named in Mary’s will, but no relationship was given.  She seems to have had special affection for Daniel Merritt (1798-1867) son of Underhill Merritt of Newburgh.  In 1834 Daniel and Mary entered into an indenture and in 1841 Daniel repaid the $3,000 loan for $1.00.  Others named in Mary’s will were: Robert and Mary Phillips, Elizabeth Goodsell, Martha Holmes, Cornelius L. and Mary Warring, Charlotte Furman, and Charles W. Goodsell.  All of the people were located living in the Newburgh area. Most are children of Underhill and Mary Merritt.  In the 1817 will of Martha Kiffin of Newburgh Martha Merritt daughter of Underhill Merritt is listed as the executrix with Gilbert Holmes, Mary Bloomer and Joshua Conkling as witnesses. In 1850 Mary is enumerated with a John Lemmon family. Cornelius Warring was the son of James and Patience (Lockwood) Warring.  

[492] Thomas S. and Emma (Lockwood) Bloomer. Thomas married after 1880 and moved to Ridgefield, Connecticut.  A small family Bible was discovered in a bookshop in the Syracuse, NY area and then found it way into the compiler’s hands.  The Bible contained some non-Bloomer family genealogy and an obituary notice of Andrew Thomas Bloomer.  The notice listed family members and limited personal information.
Children Bloomer:
Andrew Thomas b. 10 Nov 1887 M. Anna Stauffer
George Nelson b. 24 May 1889
Franklin Jared b. 19 June 1890
Clara E. b. Sep 1897 Mrs. Horace A. Walker
Source: Obituary 1950 Ridgefield, Ct. Press. & 1900 CT. Census.

                                         Ulster County, New York 

        Butter Hills now Storm King Mountain    (With permission of NY State Library)

Dating before the American Revolution, members of the Bloomer family occupied Ulster County and in particular near the town of Marlborough. (It is tradition that William Bloomer No 36 was born in the Butter Hills in 1749. Butter Hill is a prominent mountain on the Hudson River just north of West Point and across from Breakneck Hill. During the 1870s the hills name was changed to Strom King Mountain.) At the end of the 18th Century four of the Bloomer families living in Marlborough were sons of Robert and Elizabeth (Purdy) Bloomer: Robert, Reuben, Isaac, and Anderson.  Joseph and Sarah Wygant were also living there. There presence obviously resulted in the intermarriage with others in the area and these collateral families were very closely connected to the Bloomers for several generations.  In the years after 1850 several of these Bloomer cousins were responsible for recording records of these Bloomers. (1790 Census Reuben, Joseph, Gilbert, Robert and Isaac Bloomer listed.)
Virginia E. Hanford (1838-1881), a granddaughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Thorn) Bloomer, lived her entire life in Marlborough, and collected Bloomer family information in the 1870s.  Virginia named an “Aunt Mary Bloomer” as having collaborated with her and adding to her correction Bloomer names.  [While there were many Bloomer aunts and uncles in the area, it is likely that Aunt Mary Bloomer was her mother’s sister. While Virginia provided family information unrecorded in official records and listed several family groups, she did not mention Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer, or identify any Bloomers as being their descendants.  However, Virginia did list, in the most elementary form, families that were discovered to have Ulster origins. While the children of Joseph and Sarah (Wygant) Bloomer seemed to have moved from the area of Marlborough before 1800, Virginia did record their names and descendants.  George Uriah Bloomer, a son of Joseph and Sarah Wygant, migrated to Orange County and then to Sullivan County about 1820. He died in Sullivan in 1853. Virginia recorded George’s family and several of his descendants.  

  Virginia’s Aunt Mary identified a daughter of Robert and Ann Carhart as having married a Bingham.  A Jeremiah Bingham married a Mary Bloomer 20 May 1840 in NYC.  Another Mary Bloomer married Jose Leon on 25 March 1839 in NYC.  A Mary Ann Leon is listed living in Marlborough in 1850. Other Bloomers who lived in Marlborough during Virginia’s lifetime were not identified or mentioned in her papers beyond a family group listing. Among Virginia’s list is James Bloomer and his 14 children.  While there were several James Bloomers in the area, this James is believed to be the son of George Uriah Bloomer. However, other Bloomers who lived in the area are not listed:  Charles Augustus Bloomer, Nancy (Teed) Bloomer who lived till 1853, Isaac T. Bloomer, Reuben and Fanny (Mead) Bloomer, William and Mary (Purdy?) and the sons of Robert R. and Deborah (Anderson) Bloomer and Abigail (Loveless) Bloomer (1785-1870) wife of Isaac T. Bloomer were not listed.  (Perhaps Virginia did not know that Ruben and her grandfather Isaac Bloomer were brothers). 
Martha Bloomer, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Merritt Bloomer born 22 Aug 1737, married Thomas Merritt before 1757.  Martha, according to Merritt family records, died 16 Jan 1803 in Marlborough.  As late as 1856 this connection was still evident and Merritt Bloomer was a NYC resident.  The Wygant, Purdy and Fowler families are other names that are frequently associated with the Bloomers in the area of Marlborough. 

The 1855 New York State census for Ulster County listed several Bloomer families in residence.  It is interesting to note that of the older generation with families, all listed their NY birth county as Orange County.  The George Bloomer (1812-?) living in Sullivan Co., NY in 1850 is connected to the Bloomers of Ulster via George Uriah. There are several land transactions in Sullivan Co. in the latter part of the 1840 naming an Isaac Bloomer, George Bloomer and a John Bloomer (1792-). John was enumerated with George and family in 1850.
Grantor & Grantee records of Ulster provide the best clues to these Bloomers.  Many of the descendants of Anderson and Margaret (Van Wagoner) Bloomer later moved to NYC. Mortgage transactions dated from the 1830s into the early 1850s help connect them. Several times the names of Elisha’s and John’s and their wife names were mentioned in these records.   Michael Bloomer is listed in a land sale in 1811 and this is believed of be the same Michael living in NYC after that date.
These Bloomer families have been identified as living in or near Marlborough between 1790 and 1850:  Robert and Ann (Carnhart) Bloomer, Isaac and Keturah (Tucker) Bloomer, Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer who had perhaps five sons: Robert R. and Deborah (Anderson) Bloomer were there before 1800, Isaac T. and Abigail (Loveless) Bloomer had several sons, Reuben and Fanny (Mead) Bloomer. All of these couples had families that have not been completely documented.  Anderson and Margaret (Van Wagner) Bloomer. James and Ann Bloomer were adults in 1815. [James was born before 1795 and a son of Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer].  Phoebe Bloomer # 209 and Able D. Russell, daughter of Robert and Ann.  Anderson, and Isaac both left Ulster County wills.  Charles Augustus Bloomer (1812-aft1855) married three times and produced several sons. Edgar, Charles A, and William who married and moved to NYC. Charles A. and William moved from Ulster before 1850 to New York City and lived out their lives along with the four sons of Anderson and Margaret.  Edgar migrated to Iowa and then back to NY.   

Mortgage records present a more extensive list of Bloomer family names and relationships than any other Ulster County records.  These records center on Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer and were the basis for the extension of his family beyond the list of children in the Bloomer History.  For the first time the names of Robert R. and Deborah (Anderson) Bloomer were identified with a date and location. Many other familiar names are listed in these records:  Miles Fletcher, William Cosman, John Dexter, Henry Cosman, John Cosman, Oliver Cosman, Davis Osborne, Laura Amanda Bloomer and husband Isaac Bloomer. Without a will names are difficult to place in a family group and the only other option has been the work of Virginia Hanford. Isaac Bloomer’s name was also on the 1808 Orange County will of Daniel Bloomer.  Daniel had a 1798 mortgage record filed in Ulster County. 
Miles Fletcher was the son-in-law of Isaac and Elizabeth (Thorn) Bloomer. This Isaac Bloomer died in 1825 and the names on his will (Miles Fletcher, Luther Woolsey, Edward Hanford, Joseph Lockwood, George Birdsall and Ebenezer Kniffin) are known relations of Isaac and Elizabeth. In the 1838 mortgage between Miles Fletcher and Isaac and Laura Amanda (Smith) Bloomer, Ebenezer Kniffin’s, Joseph Lockwood’s names also appear. This Isaac is the son of Isaac and Elizabeth, and the mortgage was made just before he left for Ohio. 

James and Maria Bloomer.  James was born in 1801 and was a life long resident of Ulster County.  He is listed in census records up to 1860.  James is almost without doubt a grandson of Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer.  In the probate packets of Ulster County is the July 1817 estate inventory of a James Bloomer. A will is mentioned with Gilbert Kniffen as executor.  Listed in the household of James and Elizabeth (Bloomer) Bailey in 1850 is an 80 year old Rachel Kniffen along with Abigail (Loveless) Bloomer.  Nancy and John migrated to St. Louis Missouri and reared a large family.    
Children: (Bloomer)
Albert b. 1834
Nancy b. 1839 M. John S. Sexton d. 28 Jan 1917
Reuben b. 1841
Oscar O. b. 1843 M. Alice B. Dubois
Source:  LDS Film 941018, 1850, 1855, and 1860 census records.  

Oscar B. Bloomer and Alice B. Dubois. Both Oscar and Alice grew up in Marlborough and knew each other as children. Oscar enlisted 3 Aug 1864 for service in the Civil War at Goshen, New York. Oscar and was discharged a year later at Alexandria, Virginia.  He and Alice married 4 May 1873 at the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, in Milton, Ulster County, NY by the Reverend Horace Wood.  Oscar fathered two children, but before 1880 had drifted from Ulster, County to the hot climate southwestern Arizona. During the summer temperatures can reach 117 degrees.  In search of gold, Oscar wondered the barren rocky hills east of the lower Colorado for 26 years. This was the decade of Geronimo and the Apache raiding parties that prowled the Southwest.   Eleven days before his death Oscar and his partner (Harry H. Handley) headed out from Harrisburg on a “gold prospecting” expedition. After covering 40 miles Oscar fell sick and Harry helped Oscar back to Palomas in search of medical attention. There was no doctor or medial treatment available and on the 19th of July 1906 Oscar died. He was buried in a hand made coffin in an unmarked grave. (Harrisburg was a typical boom and bust Arizona mining town that saw its end about 1906. Today there is only a cemetery marker where the town once flourished.) Whatever time Oscar spent away from New York, Alice implied in her applications that Oscar had spent part of 1905 in away from the gold fields.  However, about 1897 thru 1890 Oscar submitted pension applications and other documents strictly from Palomas and witnessed by his Arizona partners.  
Mary Ann M. Lindsey N. Hutchins
Dimmick b. 8 Oct 1877 M. Carrie Ellen (?)
Source: 1880, 1900 Census records, and Oscar’s Civil War Pension Files.

James Bloomer (1798-aft 1860) is listed in the Virginia Hanford material and was located in Fallsburg, Sullivan County, NY in 1850. In the NY State 1855 census James is listed in Liberty twp, Sullivan, County. The state census recorded his NY County of birth as Orange. The enumerator also listed the four young females as his daughters. Beverly was not enumerated with the family.   It is difficult to determine if he is the son of Robert and Deborah (Anderson) Bloomer or Rueben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer.  Since none of his children were named Reuben, Nancy, Robert or Deborah is difficult to place him for sure. However, the fact that he was born in Orange County and not Ulster it seems most likely he is a son of George Uriah Bloomer, and the death of a James Bloomer in Ulster in 1817 seems to point to James as the son of Reuben and Nancy.  There is no question that during his lifetime he lived in he area of Marlborough in Ulster County, New York and several of his children were born there.
 Apparently his wife had died before 1850, but several of his children were listed living with him through 1860.  Beverly Bloomer age 11 was among these children in 1850.  This is the Beverly Bloomer listed in Richmond, VA with his brother Joseph in 1860 and the same Beverly who married Virginia Heislop after 1860. Virginia Hanford’s list of children for James was without birth dates.  However, other Bloomers in the area of Fallsburg, NY match given names of children Virginia Hanford listed with the exception of Hetty.  The children listed by Virginia Hanford were in the correct order of birth as census records.
Children Bloomer:
Joseph (From list of Virginia Hanford)
Isaac b. 1824
Charles b. 1832
George b. 1837 (Listed in Richmond, VA in 1860.)
John b. 1830
Elizabeth b. 1833 Born in Ulster County, NY
Hetty b. 1837   Born in Ulster County, NY
Beverly b. 1839 Listed in Richmond, VA in 1860.)
Rachel b. 1843
Josephine b. 1847 Born in Orange County, NY
Source: 1850 Sullivan, NY, NY 1855 Liberty Twp #312, & 1860, Henrico, VA census. 

   Other Bloomer family connections in Marlborough, Ulster County:  In the 1823 the will of Edward Coe his wife and children were mentioned.  It appears that their daughter Glorianer Coe was the wife of Theophilus Hanford and they were the parents of Edward Coe Handford. Edward Coe Handford married Eveline Bloomer, daughter of Isaac Bloomer.  Edward and Eveline (Bloomer) Hanford are named in Isaac’s 1825 Marlborough will. Edward C. and Eveline were the parents of Isaac Bloomer Hanford and other children. Isaac Bloomer Hanford is listed in the 1880 San Francisco, California census enumerated on the same page with children of Hiram Green Bloomer.  Hiram and family left NYC for Californian in 1854. Dr. Hiram Green Bloomer (1819-1874) was a younger brother of Eveline and a well know California Botanist.  Hiram Reynolds Bloomer (1845-1911), son of Hiram Green Bloomer, was a distinguished San Francisco artist. He trained in Paris, London and under several other American artists. He held exhibitions in Philadephia (1876), Paris Salon and Expo Universelle (1878); Royal Academy of London (1880) and San Francisco Art Institute (1904); and many other locations. 

There also seems to be an extended family connection to John and Mary Mead who were mentioned in the 1823 will of Isaac Bloomer There are several Bloomer children born in NYC in the 1860 with a given name of Mead.  There is also the 1860 NYC death of a 30-year-old Mary Mead Bloomer.
Source: Ulster County, NY Will Brooks 1814-1826, by Louise Hasbrouck Zimm. 1850 & 1855 Census Records.    

                                SENECA COUNTY, NEW YORK

The initial research completed for Seneca was very cursory. Since 1988 several descendants of James and Abraham Bloomer have collected pages of material to clarify this complicated pedigree. While James and Abraham are still believed to be brothers, it has not been proven. The early deaths of parents have further complicated the correct placement of Bloomer children. Richard E. Elden of Princeton, New Jersey is one of the most prolific researchers of these Ovid Bloomers and contributed much to the clarification the descendants of James and Abraham. Dexter Bloomer was the third adult male Bloomer to occupy Seneca. However, Dexter was of a later generation. James (1765-1799) and Abraham (1762-1834) are believed to be from Amenia, Dutchess County, New York. In 1790 seven Bloomer families were listed in Dutchess County.    However, there is also a connection to Elizabeth (Bloomer) and Daniel LaMoreaux who migrated from Orange County, NY to Seneca County in 1801. It is recalled that a John LaMoreaux married in the home of Stephen Bloomer in Orange County, NY in 1824. 

Aaron Page Bloomer.  Aaron’s father died before 1850 and his mother remarried before 1860.  Elvira married (2) John C. Denniston and the combined families are listed living in Seneca, Ontario, New York in 1860. 


The key to the Bloomers of Sullivan County, New York was discovered in the mortgage records of Ulster County.  There in the 1787 mortgage records of Joseph Bloomer and Mercy, husband and wife and Michael Wygant was the name of George Uriah Wygant. A Uriah Bloomer was mentioned in the 1888 correspondence between Joseph Gavitt and Thomas Denton Bloomer.  Thomas wrote that as a small boy he often passed the home of Uriah Bloomer on his way to school. Since Thomas was born in 1800 in Newburgh, Orange County, the dates would have included 1810. The only other Bloomer listed living in Newburgh in 1810 was George Bloomer. A George Bloomer is enumerated just three enumerations from the residence of Thomas Denton Bloomer. Thomas also mentioned that Uriah had a son James among others. Thomas explained that Rachel Bloomer of Marlborough was the wife of John Gavit, and referred to as aunt Rachel by Uriah and his children. The Joseph Bloomer of Marlborough in the late 1700 was married to Sarah Wygant and she was most likely the daughter of George Uriah Wygant. Virginia Hanford named several children of a George Bloomer and these names match children living in Sullivan County in the 1850s. Virginia’s listed: George, James, John, Mary, Ann, Sarah and Rachael.  Mortgage records of Sullivan connect members of George Uriah Bloomer’s grandchildren.  Virginia’s list of Bloomer families remains centered on Bloomers living in the Marlborough Ulster County area.  
Oliver Cosman was a witness on the will of William Bloomer of Newburgh.  John Dexter was mentioned in the will of Anderson Bloomer.  Edgar Bloomer, son of Isaac T. and Abigail (Lovelsee) Bloomer, married first Catherine Osborne. The mortgage between Reuben Jr. and Solomon Marsher of Newburgh on 17th April 1817 for land in the area of Brake Neck Hill was obviously made by the son of Reuben and Nancy. Reuben was listed as over 45 years of age in the 1820 census.   The mortgage of James and Ann Bloomer in 1815 would establish an age of 21 for him in 1815.  Isaac T. & Nelly Bloomer who mortgaged land in 1811 is the same Isaac T. with wife Abigail who mortgaged land in 1816. So, he was at least 21 in 1811.  The September 1817 mortgage listing Nancy Bloomer, Reuben Bloomer, David Bloomer, and witnessed by Charles Bloomer, is assumed to be between members of the same family.  The family of Reuben Jr., Charles Bloomer and wife Sarah later entered into a mortgage with Dorcus Place in 1828.  The 1812 mortgage between Robert R. and Deborah (Anderson) Bloomer and Reuben Bloomer and the given names of Robert’s children would seem to give a strong indication that Robert was a son of Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer.  This could then connect James and Maria, who were both born in 1803 and listed in Ulster County in 1850, are grand children of Reuben and Nancy.  The negative indicator to this relationship is that the 1855 NY census listed James’ birth county as Orange, NY.   
Joseph and Elizabeth (Hornbeck) Bloomer are listed in various records of Sullivan and with Gertrude Barber’s cemetery records of Sullivan.  Both Joseph and Elizabeth, and their children were still living in 1900.  Joseph was the son of James and Catherine (Lawrence) Bloomer and grandson of George Uriah.
William (1818-1881) and Mary Bloomer both born in Marlborough.
In 1787 a mortgage was entered into between Joseph Bloomer and Michael Wygant.  Records traced land back to Michael then to George Uriah Wygant.  
Note: The Court House in Sullivan was destroyed by fire in the 1880s and records are very limited.


There were three Bloomer families living in Wayne County before 1850.  It appears that they arrived between 1825 and 1830.  Benjamin and Seleh Bloomer living in Arcada, and Daniel Bloomer living in Sodus. In 1830 Jane Bloomer is listed with younger children.  It is believed that she was the wife of John N. Bloomer who is named in the 1826 will of William Drake.  It would appear from the 1840 census they all had families.  Selah and Rachel Bloomer were enumerated with six children in 1840 and Phoebe was listed with nine children in 1840.  After 1850 the family of Samuel Merick Bloomer, who had migrated to Wayne from Dorset Vermont, was living in Wayne. The 1855 NY State census recorded that Daniel was born in Dutchess County and a comparison with other information this would seem to indicate that he is a grandson of Reuben and Nancy (Teed) Bloomer. Both Benjamin and Daniel had died before 1840.  There has not been a connection discovered between these three families and Daniel’s family living in Sodus has many mortgage entries that recorded only their family names.   Sophia Kane Bloomer who married Aaron Platt Seeley in 1854 and lived many years in Palmyra has not been identified. However, she was married in the town Williamson very near to the town of Sodus.  There are several other unknown Bloomer children listed in the 1850 Wayne census.  The Palmyra grave of Mahala Kane Bloomer (1810-1878) would seem to be the mother of Sophia Kane Bloomer.  Mahala is listed in the Palmyra cemetery near the Seeley family plot and must have been the Mahala (Richarderson) Kane who married (2) Coles A. Bloomer.  A friend in Wayne County filed the 1864 will of William S. Bloomer, who died at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia during the Civil War.  William is among the unidentified Wayne residences, but is believed to be the brother of an Isaac Bloomer listed in the 1850 Wayne census.  Another William Bloomer, whose death certificate named his parents as John and Jane Bloomer, was born in Loyns in 1823.  This William later married (1848) in Virgil, Cortland County and was identified as being the nephew of Isaac and Ann (Barlow) Bloomer in Isaac’s will.  Isaac of Cortland was born in Dutchess County in 1785.  John Alexander Bloomer whose partial pedigree listed John and Jane Van Lick as his parents was mailed to me in 1985.  The marriage of John and Jane Van Flick is recorded in 1815 in Dutchess County, New York.  Ann (Barlow) Bloomer is mentioned in the Rev War. Pension records of her father, Samuel. 
Isaac and Adeline (Case) Bloomer. Isaac was born and married in Wayne County, New York. Isaac is listed there in 1850.  However, before 1860 he married, migrated to Ohio and then to Michigan. He and Adeline are listed there with their three sons and his father in-law in 1870. Isaac died in Saginaw on 24 Sept 1874 at 54 years 9 months and 24 days. Adeline remarried James Murray on 25 July 1875 and she, James and two of her sons are listed in Saginaw in 1880.
Children: Bloomer
Alphrius b. 1856
Joseph b.  1868
Royal b. 1863
Source Michigan Census Records and Vital records from Familysearch Records.
Daniel and Phoebe (Wescott) Bloomer. Daniel (1789-1839) was a resident of Wayne Co., NY and listed on page 259 of the Bloomer History. His parents are unknown, however Daniel Jr. was born in Dutchess County.  Phoebe who apparently never remarried, was living with her son Daniel in 1850, and died in 1864. A family plot located in Wayne County where both Daniel and Daniel Jr’s families are interned assisted with the family group.  Sarah Ann, James and family are listed in the 1850 Palmyra census. Gertrude apparently never married and is listed with various family members until her death in Oakland, Michigan. At that time she was apparently living with her sister Julia/Juliette Dekay. Gertrude’s death certificate listed her mother’s maiden name.
Children: Bloomer
Sarah Ann b. 1817 M. James Butler
Abraham b. 1819 d. 1896
Daniel b. 1821 d. 26 Feb 1879
Julia b.  Sep 1823 M. George DeKay
Caroline b. 1827 d. 1852
John Edgar b. 1829 d. 1899
Sophia Kane b. 1835
Isaac b. 1837 d. age 4mon
Gertrude Helen    b. Jan 1839 d. 27 June 1908

Source: Wayne, Co., NY Cemetery Records Film #845023

Selah and Rachel Bloomer. Selah (1794-1875+) and members of his family are buried in Joy Cemetery in Wayne Co., Apparently he married twice.  His second marriage was to Catherine who died 20 Mar 1864 at 70 years of age.  Jane M. Bloomer (1831-30 Apr 1852) was listed as a daughter of S. and Rachel Bloomer in cemetery records. (Bloomer History Page 301.)
Source: Wayne, Co., NY Cemetery Records Film #845023
Daniel and Jane Bloomer.  Daniel the son of Daniel and Phoebe is listed in various Wayne County records.  Daniel’s family has been expanded with information from Wayne County census and cemetery records. 
John B. b. 1852 d. 1916
Erastus R. b. 1853
Elizabeth B. b. 1855
Lucy A. b. 1858
Source: Bloomer Family History p. 258.

Sophia Kane Bloomer and Aaron Platt Seeley.  Aaron appears to be from a group of Seeley carriage makers living in Palmyra.  Aaron was listed as a Master Carriage Maker in 1850 and several other Seeley head of families were listed with the same occupation. Aaron had migrated from Bridgeport, Connecticut.  He was the son of Munson and Eliza (Platt) Seeley.  Aaron’s parents are listed in Palmyra cemetery records as “Aaron P. Seeley with Polly Lyons” as the parents of an “Eliza A. Seeley wife of Munson, dau of Aaron P. Seeley and Polly Lyons 1888 age 84.”  An Abner Seeley’s death is recorded 15 Mar 1875 age 35. Abner is a brother of Aaron. A Mahala Kane Bloomer died 13 Oct 1878 age 68 is listed with the Seeley family cemetery records.  Mahala Kane Bloomer born in 1810 was the wife of Coles Able Bloomer a cousin of the Bloomer Brothers who lived in of Wayne County after 1860. Since old family records record that Coles and Mahala did not marry until 1856.  There seems to be something in error.     
Coles A. b. 1867
Abner b. 1872
Harry b. 1876

[461] Stephen Fields and Sarah A. (Lent) Bloomer.  Stephen was born 13 Sep 1850 in Brewster, Putnam Co.  NY. In 1875 he moved from Brewster to Brookfield, Connecticut and lived there until his death on 29 Sep 1899.  He and several family members are interred in Laurel Hill Cemetery. Florence was born in Bridgeport, CT and resided in Stanford during her adult years.  Joseph and Martha were both born in Brookfield and are listed in the 1880 census.
Children: Bloomer
Florence Irene b. 28 Aug 1871 M. George F. Totamus
Theodore Edward b. 4 Feb 1874 d. 18 May 1896
Martha Eudora b. 20 Apr 1881 M. Harry William House (20 Dec 1901)
Source: Hawley, Emily C., Annals of Brookfield, Fairfield, CT., page 323.

Seventh Generation (446)
William Robert and Mary Bloomer.  William and family are listed in the Massachusetts 1880 census.  They were living in Barnstable County. Most of the children were born on Price Edward Island. 
Children: Bloomer
Joseph B. b. 1856
Alice b. 1861
William A. b. 1866
Nary L. b. 1867
Source: Massachusetts Census 1880.

Gilbert and Rachel (Dodds) Bloomer.  Gilbert was born in NY, but moved to Lenawee Co., MI in 1837.  He was born 4 Mar 1806, and died as a young man on 25 Dec 1841. Joshua Bloomer of Seneca Co., NY also patented land in Lenawee in 1837. The pedigree of Gilbert is unknown. 
Children: Bloomer
John b. abt 1830 M. Elizabeth Smith d. 1872.
Gilbert C. b. 5 May 1838     d. 12 Dec 1844 6y,6,m,27d.

Rob 1, Jon 2, Reu 3, Gil 4. 
[197] Ann Bloomer and Roswell Henry. Ann, according to the 1850 Monroe Co, NY was born in 1805 and Rachel (Barton) Bloomer, her mother in 1771.  Ann is listed on page 83 married to Henry Roswell. There is no evidence of Gilbert in Monroe land or probate records. Roswell and Ann are mentioned in a history of Lenawee Co., MI. Apparently they did not migrate to Michigan from Monroe Co., NY where they lived between 1850 and 1860. Their son, John, was an early settler of southern Michigan and his name was mentioned in Michigan records.
Children Henry:
 John b. 4 Feb 1833 M. Savilla E. Palmer d. Aug 1866
George b. 1836
Charles b. 1838
Nancy b. 1842
Sarah b. 1842
Source: Pioneer Families of Southeastern Michigan p. 171  (LDS 977.43) & Monroe Co., NY Census.

Ward James and Bernice Alice (Childs) Bloomer.  Ward was the grandson of [No.2045], James Harvey and Emma Bloomer. James was part of the Courtland County, NY Bloomers and a son of Isaac and Hannah Bloomer Ward was born in Scranton PA 12 April 1905.  He married in Westfield, NJ in 1935 and died 26 Mar 1983 in N.J. 
Children: Bloomer
Ralph Ward b. 18 Aug 1936 M. Joanne Quider
Alan Childs b. 19 July 1943 M. Joan Mikesell
Alice Ward b. 28 July 1947 M. Herbert N. Gorham
Source: Alice (Bloomer) Gordam, Qwego, NY




      Will Proven 22 February 1809


LDS Film# 0842589 Book D p. 214

In the name of God amen.  I Anderson Bloomer of Marlborough, Ulster County and State of New York, being weak in body but of sound memory (?? be God) do this day February sixth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine make and publish this my last will and Testament in the manner following: (that is to say) after my debts are paid out of my estate the reside if any there be put to interest for the use of bring up my children. Fiz.  John, Elisha, Fredrick, Hannah, Isaac & Jane Ann Bloomer and if any monies there should be after bring up? They are brought up to be equal divided among them at their becoming to the years of twenty-on and also hereby order that when my six Children become suitable age that they be put to a Trade and I make ordain constitute ordain and appoint Isaac Bloomer, Theophilius Hanford, Gilbert Kniffen Junior my executors to this my last Will and Testament.  To see that same performed hereby revoking all other Wills & Testament by me here fore made and I hereby publish and declare this to be my last will & Testament in presence of these  // who have in presence of each other. 
Published and declared to be my last will & testament in the presence of theses witnesses who have subscribed their names here on in the presence of each other. 
John Dexter
Tunis Dolson (Anderson Bloomer’s signature)
CHs. Kniffin  
Schedule if my two above named daughters should marry before they should become to the age of twenty-one that they bequest be paid they if my // be----

Note: Isaac Bloomer and James Bloomer have probate records and estate inventories in Ulster Probate Packet # 3. Anderson Bloomer’s will is also in Packet #3. Gilbert Kniffen was the executor of James Bloomer’s 1817 estate. Film 0941018.  Isaac Bloomer’s inventory was completed by Edward P. Hanford on 5 June 1824.


1 Jan 1859 Eliza Bloomer     55 years Film 1314285  329 W. 46th Street  (Samuel’s wife)
12 Apr 1859 Sarah 1 day 148 E. 37th St.
11 May 1859 Samuel 50 City Prison  
11 May 1859 Daniel 22 years
30 July 1859 Franklin J. 2y 9m 5 dys 131 S/W/
17 Nov 1859 Susan 34y 3m 5 dy 286 W. 37th St Film 0447562 Wife of James L. 
1860                          No Bloomers
1870 Dec 31     William C. 3mon               77386
1871 Nov 27            Ellen Bloomer        48 years              102296  Wife of Frederick Bloomer
*1871March 23   Maria Louisa     7yrs           83398   Gidney’s dau 627 9th Ave
1871 Aug 4 Caroline Bloomer 41 yrs 93964  Wife of Gideny 627 9th Ave.
*1872 July 13     Charles F.          1year 123303 72 9Ave ?? Son of James and Margaret
1872 March 4    Lilly Bloomer  1year 114531
*1872 Nov 27    William P.     40 years 134857
1872 May 4 Mary Bloomer 38years 114036
1872 May 22 John J. Wale 26years 117192
*1873 Sep 16 Johanna 48years 156124
1873 Jan 23 Rudolph 32 years 139109
3 April 1874 Jacob A. 28992
*1874 May 14 Edward M. 1year 176418 208 E. 51St. St. Son of Edward M.
*1874 Sep 21 Jacob 76 years 187424   German in US 26 years
1874 Nov 7 Solomon 3years 191065
1875 Oct 28 Margaret 44years 221351
*1876 Oct 10         John 60year 249972  Irish 1322546
1877 Nov 6 Saul F. 29years 257444
1878        No Bloomer Deaths
a.      Catherine 68years 330194  F. James 1322587
*1879 Mach 15 Edward Mead 2years 314553  6th Grove Pl.
*1879 Dec 16 Francis E. 7 years 335704 Burial Madison, NJ 431 W. 28th
1879 Jan 1 James 55years 308574  150 W. 54 St. 1322576
1879 Feb 26 James 45 313314 Irish  Father Unk. 32578
*1879 July 1 Walter E. 11mon 322621 F. Dennis P. & Emma B Madison, NJ
1880 Dec 12 John 1 366738
1881 July 30 Catherine 42years 391395
*1881 Aug 7 Theophelius J. 34years 392620  1322606
*1882 July 13 Johannah 75years 428729 John & Margaret Pessinger
*1883 May 5 Julia 48years 451060 Gidney’s  2nd wife
*1883 March 23 Stephen 65years 453010 456 Pearl St. Both Par. Born in NYC
*1884 May 14 Robert L. 6years 486181Robert F. & Lue
*1885 Jan 1 Harriet A. 73years 514967 Gabriel &Catherine Rhodes
*1885 May 15 Rosanna 50years 528138 Patrick Dowardy 73967
*1886 Sep 17 Annie 1year 576434 Joseph & ? 318 E. 47th St.
*1886 March 16 Robert F. Jr. 2years 557647 Robert F. & Lue
*1887 Feb 18 Robert 1mon 592525
1888 Mar 29 Ann 88years 10138 1412509
1888 Sep 20 Charles 30406
1888 July 1 George F. 1mon 20698
1889 May 9 Julia 24years 15147 406W. 49St. F (?) Smith
1889 June 6 Isabella 2mon 19544
1889 Feb 26 Mary Bloomer 73years 6745 424 W. 36 St Wife of William 1322660
1889 Dec 15 Susan 49years 37908
*1890 Nov 22 Samuel M. 78years 7289 Arnold & Mary Bloomer
*1890 Feb 27 Margaret 61years 7874 Elisha & Francis Moon 1322681
1890 Feb Mary 6mon 5083
1891 No Bloomer Death Certificates
*1892 Jan Thomas F. 8y 2562 F. William/M. Rosanna 1322833
1892 July George 3y 27609
1892 May Lizzie 44 18241
*1892 Francis 47y 862 Brooklyn
*1892 March Richard 92y 10630 or 650  Irish
1893                          Francis T.        1 year                   8682
1893 March                  Robert             63                  7191
1893 Aug                   Sidney Bloome                                    31985
1893 Jan                   Lucy A.          49y                  2162   Lucy Hagman
1894                          None
1895                          Jane Bloomer  55                  6398
1896                          None
1897                          None
1898 Sep 20                   Ida Bloomer 19y                   26934
*1899 May 9                   Mary                24y                  15147 406th W. 49St.
 1900           Margaret H.   77  1876 Manhattan.  Wife of James Huntington Bloomer
1900                          Blummer W. 65 y.                   26992 Manhattan
1900                          William   47y                   70                  
*1900                        William            60y                   14 Manhattan. 352 W. 34 St. Parents Blank
1901 Apr 11                  James J.    77y                  11660 Manhattan
1901 June 5                  William A.      47 yrs           
1902 Apr                   James J.             77y                   11660 Manhattan. 
1903 Sep                   Leah Blumert   70 years                  29033 Manhattan.
1903                          Alice E. Bloomer    40 Years   Alice Monks daughter-in-law of Gidney
*1903                        William P.       51y                   24205 George & Lydia Fullmer
*1904                        James H.           81y                   22994 Brooklyn John & Sarah Schriver
1904                          Robert P.        23y                   2054 Queens.
1904                          John G. Bloomer                  73 years        930 Brooklyn.
*1903                        Charles A.       67y                  2493 Manhattan.
 1905 March                  Arthur               2y                   7842.
1905                          Lawrence        29y                   12394 or 12594
1905                          James                35                   3728 Manhattan.
1905                          Edward M.      67y                   8204
1905                          Mary        38y                   22649
1905                          Alice        1m                   1213 Bronx.
1906                              Elizabeth        70y                   2581 Queens
1906                          Sarah E.   75 y                   8935 Brooklyn.
1906 Feb                   James                35                  3728                F. William /M. Hannah Ireland
1906                          Andrew Blumer                   68y                   643 Queens
*1907                        Lydia J.             73                   2307/1507 Brooklyn Bradford Fuller/Lydia Green
*1908                         George W        61y                   20837 Harriett (Rhodes) Bloomer
*1907                                Ida                   22                   1672 Manhattan. Like Rick & Mary Magner 153 9th Ave
*1905                        Nelson             2y                   1775 Millard J’s son
*1907                        Malvina 57y                   6236 Wife of Thoephilus.
*1907                        Mary        72y                  9330 James Conway & Mary Smith
*1908                         Thomas    12                   15544 Manhattan Thomas W. & Bridget McCartin
*1908                        Marrion F.                   26                   19152 Manhattan.
*1905                            Imogene B.                            63y                   1732 Queens. Charles Barnam & Margaret Peck        
1909                               John         5m                   26075 Manhattan.
1909                         Theophelius    56y                  36411 Manhattan.  Full certificate
1909                 Clark          75y          6519 Brooklyn
*1909                              Rebecca W.      88y Dec                   3630 Queens Full certificate
*1910                        George H.                              80y                  23590  Thomas & Elizabeth (Trail) Bloomer
1910                          Mary                37                    4831 Bronx
*1911 29 Jan                   Johannah         75                  3324 Manhattan Anderson’s dau
1911 26 Jan                    Francis             67                  1934 Brooklyn
1912                          Francis             10m                  Queens
*1912 Jan 29                  George              58                  3560 Manhattan                  George & Caroline   1323299
1912 Dec 31                  Catherine         72                  139
*1912 Dec 2                  John                  70                  3664 Queens F. John/ M. unk                  1323431
1912 Nov 12                  Clara V.           1                  1365 Richmond
1913 Jan 24                  Patrick              27                  2739
1913 Apr 4                  John                  33                  7273               
1913 Mar 2                  Mary J.            60                  4730 Brooklyn
*1918                        Fanny                60                  34246 .Smith Halladay/Caroline Backstore
*1918                        Elizabeth Bailey                     26326 Parents Isaac Bloomer & Abigail Loveless

Aaron Page. Bloomer* Son of William and Elvira Page Bloomer
Andrew Bloomer
Andrew J. Bloomer* Son of Thomas & Marie Bloomer 
Benton Bloomer*       Son of Thomas & Maria Bloomer
Bennett Bloomer*      Son of Hiram & Ester (Bennett) Bloomer
Charles G. Bloomer  Died 9 July 1864 from Amsterdam, Montgomery, NY. Son of Joshua Bloomer
Daniel Bloomer
Daniel Bloomer
Edward M. Bloomer   Binghamton, NY
Francis Bloomer b. 1845 died 1892 in NYC parents not named on death cert.
George A. Bloomer
George H. Bloomer
Hiram Bloomer*
Jacob Bloomer
Capt. John A. Bloomer     Son of Elisha and Francis (Moon) died 12 April 1869 result of the war. 
Oscar B.Bloomer Ulster County Pension Application
Reuben Bloomer Ulster County
Samuel Bloomer
William B. Bloomer    (son of Elias Cornelius Bloomer)
William H. Bloomer*  (Son of George & Elmira, Sullivan Co., NY. Grandson of George Uriah Bloomer)
William P. Bloomer  b. 1845 living in 1901 in Newburgh, NY.
William S. Bloomer  b. Wayne County. Killed at Cold Harbor. Possible son of Isaac Bloomer, Wayne County.

Bloomer Graves in Greenwood Cemetery Brooklyn, New York
Abraham Bloomer 2 Aug 1905 Section 128
Elisha Bloomer 3 Nov 1879 Section 29 Son of Anderson Bloomer (NYC Hatter)
Eliza Bloomer 6 May 1909 Section
Ellen Bloomer 28 Nov 1871 Section 29 Think this is wife of Frederick Bloomer
Ellen Bloomer 4 April 1858 Section 29
Francis Bloomer 28 Jan 1911 Section 128
Francis S. Bloomer 4 Jan 1883 Section 29  Wife of Elisha Bloomer (Francis S. Moon)
Benton H. Bloomer 30 Dec 1904 Section     Son of Thomas and Maria Bloomer
Caroline Bloomer    3 Aug 1871 Section 65   Wife of Gidney Bloomer
Charles F. Bloomer 14 July 1872 Section 17     Charles Ferguson Bloomer   Son of James Bloomer (Policeman)
Charles Hamilton Bloomer Section Grandson of  Thomas & Maria Bloomer
Child of Elisha Bloomer 6 Sep 1856 Section 29
Edna L. Bloomer 5 Oct 1883                 Section 175
Edward Mead Bloomer 5-17-1874 Section 175  Son of Edward M. Bloomer 
Frederick J. Bloomer 6 Sep 1856 Section 29 Think, son or brother of Elijah Bloomer
Frederick Bloomer 23 Apr 1862 Section 29   Think, Nephew of Elijah Bloomer
Imogene B. Bloomer 5 July 1908 Section 68    Wife of James Bloomer (NYC Shirt merchant)
James Bloomer          5 Jan 1879 Section 17    NYC Policeman, Son of Thomas & Eliza (Gaffett) Bloomer
James A. Bloomer    21 Dec 1852 Section   Frederick Bloomer had son James A. in 1850 census
John Bloomer    6 April 1913 Section 128
John A. Bloomer        12 April 1869      Section 29   Son of Elisha and Francis (Moon) Bloomer
Julia V. Bloomer 13 Nov 1893 Section 132
Margaret Bloomer 1 Mar 1890 Section 29 Daughter of Elisha and Francis (Moon) Bloomer
Margaret H. Bloomer 19 Jan 1900 Section A.  nee Margaret H. Davis wife of James H. Bloomer 
Maria L. Bloomer 25 March 1871 Section 65 Gidney and Caroline Bloomer’s daughter
Mary Ann Bloomer 12 Dec 1867 Section 86
Mary E. Bloomer 19 Nov 1880 Section 203
Mary J. Bloomer 15 May 1913 Section 6
Mrs. Maria Bloomer 17 April 1842 Section Wife of Thomas Bloomer. Mother of Benton Bloomer
Nellie I Bloomer        6 Sep 1905 Section 68 Wife of Nelson Bloomer (Theophilus Bloomer’s  line)
Phoebe Jane Bloomer  2 Aug 1905 Section 128
Robert Bloomer   29 July 1905 Section 128
Samuel S. Bloomer 1 Feb 1869 Section 175
Sarah Bloomer 7 Feb 1853
Theodore W. S. Bloomer   8 Aug 1853 Section 121
Thomas Bloomer 28 Aug 1898 Section         Son of Maria and Thomas certif.# 14333? 
Thomas Bloomer 18 Dec 1853 Section 126
Thomas Bloomer 7 June 1850 Section Thomas Box Maker father of Benton Bloomer
William Bloomer 1 Oct 1916 Section 128
William Bloomer 2 Oct 1896 Section 135
William A. Bloomer 4 Jan 1901 Evergreen   Adopted son of James and Susan Bloomer
William H. Bloomer 2 Aug 1905 Section 128  (Could be William H. of Sullivan County)
William W. Bloomer 30 June 1854 Section 126
W.M. Bloomer    9 May 1878

All Bloomers in section 29 are direct descendants of Anderson and Margaret (Van Wagoner) Bloomer
Bergen County, New Jersey
Until the summer of 2006 the Bloomers of Bergen County, New Jersey were somewhat of an enigma. Not all questions have been answered, but the majority of the Bloomer families have been sorted to a satisfactory conclusion.  Many personal facts in addition to a glimpse into their daily activities have been obtained.  It is a story of a unique little mid 19th Century community; a community that moved through the 1800s from fishing, to boat building, to the transportation of cargo and goods across the Hudson to New York City.   
 During the summer of 2006 Alex Bennett of Villas, New Jersey (609-886-1493) a historian of the  Englewood Cliff, Bergen County, New Jersey area, mailed many pages of local history. The pages were a verity of personal memorabilia and genealogical reminisces compiled by four individuals who had lived in the Englewood area during the 1840s and into the early 1900s. All four were descended from the family of John Frederick Van Wagner and Christian Becker. The pages were compiled by James A. Whitlock in 1849, Captain John Crum’s in 1896, again in 1916, memories of W.O. Allenson, and Benjamin Westervelt (1840-1930).  Much of the local color offered by these individuals found it way into The Story of Englewood Cliffs, James J. Greco. This book also contains a picture of the Jacob and Louisa (Bloomer) Van Wagoner family.  Two of Jacob’s daughters again married into the Norman and Pearsall families.  
What is most interesting is the fact these records were compiled independently, at different times, but all mentioned many of the same families. As a result the records are a valuable cross reference to each other and help to verify the other. The combined stories and note paint a unique picture of the people of a small fishing village on the Hudson River. These people were interrelated with a family tradition of success and hard work.
 James Whitlock, a NYC law clerk in the 1840s, compiled a hand written diary containing a genealogy of various related family who had lived at the Englewood Cliffs. There were also personal recollections of Mr. Whitlock’s early years in NYC as a law clerk and later Wall Street attorney. Records of the Bloomer, Whitlock, Van Wagner, Becker, Westervelt, and Crum families were detailed with relative certainty and many sources were enumerated.  Captain Crum’s document was more of a narrative.  Written in a style of unrelated independent paragraphs that were often short statements of local history and the people he had contacted during his early years.   It also contained a more contemporary genealogy of the Becker, Van Wagner, Crum and Bloomer families. These documents answered many more questions than they posed, and offer a wonderful insight into the early families of the Hackensack area.  
  Many Bloomer descendants intermarried with the oldest families of the Undercliff area. Anderson Bloomer married Margaret Van Wagner before 1800 as did his brother Elisah, and the Bennett records record a third marriage between an unknown William Bloomer and another Van Wagner sister. This was the first of three know marriages into the Van Wagner family and the Bloomers.  About 1858 Sarah Francis Bloomer married John W. Van Wagner and in 1848 Jacob Van Wagoner married Louisa Bloomer. All of these families are mentioned numerous times in general histories of the area.  However, the many intermarriages were not know until Bennett’s information was reviewed.   
Before 1775 sons of Robert and Elizabeth Purdy were recorded in various records of Westchester County, NY. Perhaps, Elizabeth fled from Rye across the Hudson to escape the British during the American Revolution.  It will be recalled that her husband Robert had been captured at the battle of Plains and died as a prisoner of war.  Anderson and Elisah were recorded in New Jersey tax records before 1800 and were working on the River till 1808. After that date Anderson returned to Marlborough County, NY.  While George, David and Anderson’s names are recorded in Bergen mortgage records; their names have not been observed on grantor or grantee records. However, George, Anderson, Theophilus H. and David are believed to be sons of Elisah. Theophilus and David both died before 1840, but Anderson and George’s names are recorded on many pages of Bergen mortgage records.  A review property records did not reveal any Bloomer names. This is unusual since they did own land. Both grantors and grantees indexes were checked. Often their property in mortgage records described land on the high water mark of the Hudson River. The children believed to be the sons and daughters of Elisha are listed in family groups in various places in this document. Later (1860s) more than half-dozen Bloomer families left NYC for the healthier and safer shores of the New Jersey side of the Hudson.  These Bloomers and their cousins were boating families and made their living on the Hudson transporting cargo.  Captain Crum named many families and the sloops they owned.    
David and Catherine (Pearsall) Bloomer’s children are listed several times in the Bennett material.  However, there is no consensus of their children among the three authors.  It seems highly possible that William and Susan (Van Wagner) Bloomer suffered an early death and their children may have been absorbed into David and Catherine family.
 The birth year of Catherine was established from the 1850 census as 1805 and Hiram and Solomon Bloomer  (twins) are listed with her in 1850.  They were born in the 1830s, which would be consistent with the estimated ages of David and Catherine. Other children attributed to them are in the wrong generation to be their prodigy. [Elizabeth Bloomer married Fred Norman in 1823. That should give her a birth year of approximately 1805.  The Fanny Bloomer who married Reuben Brooks was born in 1808. Again, placing Fanny in the wrong generation to be a child of George or Anderson..  Maria (Bloomer) Gildersleeve married Thomas in NYC in 1824.  Assuming she was approximately 20 at the time of her marriage, she is not a child of David and Catherine. Theophilus H. Bloomer would seem to be in this same category.
As a result, the information provided by Mr. Bennett listing a marriage of a third Van Wagner daughter to a William Bloomer would provided parents for the seemingly misplaced children of Whitlock’s and Captain Crum’s documents.  It would also place children in David’s family, but still leave some speculation. A logical answer is the early death of William and Susan Bloomer.  The only son of Theophilus J. and Julia (Smith) Bloomer went to live with his mother’s parents in Ohio after her New Jersey death.  This is some indicator that they were the nearest grandparents. It has been noted that in 1793 Bergen County tax records is the name of a John Smith. John Smith was the name of Julia’s father.              
Julia (Smith) Bloomer.  Julia’s grave is located in the Undercliff Cemetery in Bergen County.  Her family has been located and expanded.  However, her husband (Theophilus H. Bloomer) has not been located in New Jersey. Millard Bloomer, grandson of Theophilus Sr., made a significant effort attempting to identify his Bloomer heritage.  He discovered few clues and made little headway in his efforts.  In 1936 Millard wrote a letter to his son concerning his father, “there was some family that he visited somewhere in New Jersey now & then…..”
 Theophilus married Julia in Ross, Ohio and their only son Theophilus J. Bloomer was born in NYC three years later.  Julia died 3 Jan 1837 and Theophilus H. died in Cleveland, Ohio in 1840. Theophilus J. is listed in Ross County, Ohio in 1850, not listed in the 1860 census and then appears in the 1870 NYC census. Theophilus is listed in the 1857 NYC Directory.   In 1938 a grandson of Theophilus (Millard Bloomer) attempted to establish a family pedigree.  He was able to contact many of his Smith cousins, who knew many Smith family details, but could tell him nothing of his Bloomer line.  There was even uncertain tee concerning the given name of Julia’s husband. It also seems that Theophilus H. Bloomer was traveling from Ohio to New York with the Smith family, and not with any known Bloomers.  There is a John Smith listed in the 1792 Tax records of Bergen County, but all of his five children reflect a birth state of New York .  One son, John Smith Jr. was a successful Umbrella manufacture living in the 17th Ward of NYC for over thirty years. There would have been many opportunities for young Theophilus J. to stay with Smith uncles in NYC.  Sarah Smith, mother of Julia Smith, is in Ross County, Ohio in 1850, then listed with son James Isaac in Syracuse, Onondaga County, NY in 1860 and with son John in 1870 living in the 17Ward of NYC. However, Theophilus Jr. selected a profession more consistent with the Bloomer family than with the Smith family. 

George Washington Van Note and Ella A. Bloomer.  Ella is the daughter of John and Margaret (Becker) Bloomer. George and Ella’s 1875 marriage certificate is recorded in NYC and it appears that they spent most of their married life there.  Most of their children died at an early age and there appears to be a family grave site in Cypress Hills Cemetery. The birth certificate of one child, George Washington Van Note, recorded that Ella was the mother of seven children. Several Van Note names may be the deceased children interred in Cypress Hills:  Margaret d. 10 Jan 1888, George W. 7 Apr 1888, Lillis 21 Oct 1894, Henry Van Note d. 4 Aug 1909, Maggie 16 Nov 1910, George W. 10 Jan 1925.  William M. Van Note, who was listed as the father of George Washington Van Note on the marriage certificate is also interred in Cypress Hills. 
Pennsylvania Bloomers have always presented an interesting group for research.  Very few have been connected to Robert Bloomer of Rye, New York and it appears that most came from countries other than England.   Abraham Bloomer (1736-1822) was the first Bloomer to appear in Pennsylvania records and at various times his name was recorded as Blumer and Bloomer. Abraham was born in Germany and while in Europe he served a distinguished carrier in the service of various Western Europeans countries as a minister of the Reformed Church.  Abraham spoke several languages and was an excellent scholar.  Despite his European success he immigrated to America in January of 1771 and spent his first months in New York City.  After, he moved on to Pennsylvania.  By 1778 he was living in Lehigh County and lived there the remainder of his days.  He was responsible for a large family and many of his descendants served in the military after the American Revolution. Other Pennsylvania Bloomers are credited with Irish descent.  These Bloomers came to America with little money and left few civil records to trace their ancestry.    
Source: (History of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Roberts, Charles Rhoads, 1914, Vol II p. 118)




There has been some question concerning the maiden name of the wife of Daniel Bloomer son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Ketchum) Bloomer. Over the years it was recorded as Defoe and Looney.  Eula McNutt, a Bloomer descendant, recorded the information from Nickels Cemetery located near Looney’s Gap in Scott County, VA. “Nathanial Bloomer, son of Daniel & Lucinda Looney of Hawkins Co., children of Nathanial & Mary Bloomer. They died young.  This information is recorded in Cemeteries of Scott County Virginia. (LDS Call# 975.5732 V3).
While it is easy to generalize accounts of life in the early 1800 they seem to have remained the same well into the 20th Century for the Bloomers of Southern Virginia. John Bloomer (1775-1851) lived till after 1850, and the Tennessee 1850 census recorded that he had married within the year.  John seemed to be the last of his generation.  However, Daniel and Mary Bloomer of Russell County, Virginia are interesting.  Their identity remains a little obscure.  Mary was still living at age 85 in 1850 and the 1850 census recorded her birth in Grandville County, North Carolina.  She was possible living with a married daughter, Nancy Hayes age 53. 
For most Bloomers a day on the farm began at 4:30 AM, when mother and the older girls fired the wood stove for breakfast.  Shortly after the men of the house would arise, eat and were in the fields by 5:30.  The women would finish with whatever kitchen work was left and then join their men in the fields.  The work continued until about 10:30 when mother and the girls went in to prepare the eleven o’clock dinner.  After dinner the table and food would be covered with perhaps a sheet and all would rest for the next two hours.  Eunis (Bloomer) Easler, recalled her mother spent the time reading the Bible or singing from her worn hymnal. Frelin, Eunis’ father, would set on the porch with is “fly-flapper”(a leather fly swatter) and attempt to better his record of four kills with a single swat.
About 2:00pm everyone would get moving again and return to the fields. Work continued till near dusk and then it was back to the house for supper.  The evening meal often consisted of cornbread, milk, and leftovers from the noon meal. Oil lamps were only burned for an hour after dark to preserve kerosene. A battery, if charged, provided power for the family radio. Music from the Chuck Wagon Gospel Hour or the Grand Ole Opera would echo through the house till bedtime.  The children slept on cornstalk mattresses and each night the stalks were rearranged.  Mom and dad had a feather bed.  Newspapers were plastered to the walls with a mixture of flower and water to help keep out the winter winds. 
Tobacco was everyone’s cash crop, if you didn’t have a hidden whiskey still, and there was a government subsidy paid to each farmer if he limited his tobacco production.  A hidden crop of a few acres was always tucked away in a far off corner of the farm. Frelin had his extra tobacco on the top of a small knoll behind the house.  Being a good Baptist and while Cordilia looked over his shoulder he didn’t want to lie, so, he always just underestimated his acreage and relied on the lazy nature of the government inspector. Frelin’s judge of human nature never failed him.  Not one inspector ever trudged up to Frelin’s knoll and each year the family earned a little extra money on their Knoll Tabackee.
During the summer of 2002 a Bloomer family reunion was attended at the Natural Tunnel State Park in Scott County, VA.  The many Bloomers who attended were primarily descendants of Isaac and Nancy (Pearson) Bloomer. This is the reunion mentioned by Viola (Bloomer) Gilliam.  The family described a hard and difficult life on the farm well into the 20th Century; a life with few amenities, but full of compassion and understanding.        
Records from Rockcastle Co., KY have provided additional information and closed a few gaps on the Bloomers that moved there from Hawkins County, Tennessee.  Daniel C. Bloomer, a native of Scott Co., VA, and Nancy Hayes, a native of Grainger Co., TN, married 29 Dec 1853 in Rockcastle Co. Mary F. Bloomer (No.866) died 19 Sep 1856.
 William Colbert Bloomer, also a child of Daniel C. and Nancy E. (Hays) Bloomer was born 30 May 1858.  Jane (Christman) Bloomer, wife of William Bloomer (No.681) died in May 1870 of a fever.  Elizabeth Bloomer (No. 731) married Isaac Wallen 19 Mar 1857.  Elizabeth and Isaac Wallen lived in Rockcastle Co., and lost at least two children to an early death.  (Sarah Jane died 21 Apr 1858 and Malvina died 24 July 1859).  Martha (Bloomer) Damron (No.756) daughter of Jesse and Rachel (Livesay) Bloomer married James Damron before 1875.. They had an unnamed child on 21 July 1875.  Sarah Ellen Bloomer (No.901) was born 21 Aug 1874. In 1880 Ida Damron age 5 is listed as the niece of John J. Bloomer.   Mary Bloomer (No.746) and her husband Larkin Baker had at least one son and one daughter: (Jackson Baker was born 5 Feb 1857 and Sarah J Baker was born 15 Feb 1859). Johnson Bloomer (No.734) was born 16 Mar 1837. Linda Bloomer daughter of William A. Bloomer (No.871) may have married a Cummings and lived till 1984. Darrell Mitchell Cress (1839-1898) married the Mary (Bloomer) Barker (1836-1865) in Rockcastle County in 1865. Mary was the widow of Larkin Baker.  Darrell Mitchell Cress had moved to Rockcastle in 1865 from Lee County, VA. After the death of Mary Bloomer Cress, Darrell married Mary Francosco and then married Sarah E. Warren, sister of Martha (Warren) Bloomer. ( 4 May 1874.)   In April 1872 Darrell was awarded custody of Martha Bloomer. Martha was the daughter of Jesse D. Bloomer.  Mary J. Bloomer and Andrew J. Boling.  They had sons George D. born 16 Apr 1875 and Charles P. born April 8, 1876. 
Source: Rockcastle, Kentucky Vital Statistics 1853-1910, Carol F. Hooper

The dispute between Jesse Henderson Robinette and Doctor O Bloomer has received considerable interest. Henderson was the oldest son of Samuel and Ann (Bloomer) Robinette. Doctor was the brother of Ann.  Both men were born in 1851.  Doctor was married about 1869 and is listed with his wife and children in Scott County in the 1870 census.  Apparently the quarrel between Henderson and Doctor occurred in 1873.  According to information collected in 1930s Henderson left Scott County and appeared in the 1900 census of Leslie County, Kentucky as Charley Bloomer with his family. The marriage record for Charley and Lucinda Muncy recorded several interesting bits of information. They married on December 5, 1896. Charley’s age was listed as 24 and Lucida as 19. The ages of both Charley and Lucinda in the 1900 census agree with the 1896 information and add February 1872 as the birth month for Charley. The marriage record recoded the parents of Charley as Joseph and Annie Bloomer.    By 1910 his wife was remarried to a Mr. Dave McFadden with Bloomer children Evert, Bart, Ray and William.  It seems unlikely that Charley would appear 20 years younger when he married a 19-year-old Lucinda. Charlie died before 1908 and Lucinda remarried a David McFadden. David and Lucinda are listed in Leslie in 1910. 
Hawkins & Hancock County, Tennessee
Since 1988 many Hawkins County Court records have been transcribed and published.  These records hold a special interest for Bloomer family research, and Looney descendants. (My mother was a Looney descendant.) My Bloomer line went to Indiana and my Looney line went to Mississippi then on to Texas after the Civil War.  None-the-less, Joseph McMinns, former governor of Tennessee, bequeathed Joseph McMinns Looney a one hundred dollar horse in 1824. Joseph McMinns Looney married Delaney Evans and was my 6th great-grandfather.  The answer to the pedigree of Pleasant Bloomer and his connection to the Dazell Manis and Lawson families also has Hawkins County roots.  There are land transactions between Daniel Bloomer, Peter Lawson. 
Just why Daniel and John left Scott County, Virginia for Hawkins County, Tennessee before 1823 is only conjecture, but they were still interested in hard work. But Daniel most likely purchased land in 1805. There are several court records that mention John Bloomer’s mill. Since John did not leave a will, it appeared that Daniel had been more successful in accumulating life’s goods than John.  It has not yet been discovered what happen to the mill, but John had re-married at 75 years old in 1850.  The Hawkins 1850 census reflected this information.  John’s wife must have died soon after, but John was listed with his married daughter Mary and William Waller/Walling. John had a business that appears to have been successful. On 22 Aug 1806 Daniel Bloomer conveyed land to George Brock. (LDS Film 972800 Book 4 p. 164) 
 The first Bloomer marriage recorded in Hawkins was Nehemiah and Mary Bledsoe on Feb 1, 1826. The next recorded Bloomer marriage in Hawkins was James D. and Margaret (Sullivan) Bloomer in 1836. This proves interesting since the death certificate of Pleasant Bloomer (1831-1909) recorded parents of James Bloomer and Emaline Lawson. A James Bloomer is listed in the 1830 Hawkins County census with a female assumed to be his wife. Her age is recorded between 15 and 20. In 1840 a James Bloomer is listed in Lee County, Virginia with a female that his over 30. It appears that these are two different individuals.  [On 26 May 1810 Daniel Bloomer was named in the Hawkins marriage record of William Burton and Polly Roberts.]  In 1833 John Bloomer, Peter Lawson, William Bloomer and Joseph Reason were named on land records. The Lawson, Reason, Bloomer connection is observed with Pleasant Bloomer in 1860 in Henry County, Indiana with Lawson and Reason people from Tennessee.     
It appears from census records that after the death of Daniel, James returned to Lee, County Virginia and other sons returned to Scott County. 

Charley Bloomer/Henderson Robinette
One of the interesting questions that has persisted over the years is that of Henderson Robinette and Doctor O. Bloomer.  As mentioned in the opening pages, technology has progressed to the point where census records can be electronically searched for given names.  According to family tradition Henderson, during a dispute, killed Doctor in Scott County and then left for Kentucky. Henderson changed his name to Charlie Bloomer, married and had a family.  Elizabeth Ann Bloomer and Samuel Robinette married 19 Dec 1850 with the names of James, Palestine, Jesse, and Joseph Bloomer appearing on the marriage license.  The Robinette children listed in the 1860 census records do not match the list compiled by Mayme Blankenship during the 1930s. The 1860 census listed Jesse H. and Wilburn Robinette as the only males in the family. Samuel, reportedly killed by “bushwhackers” nor any member of his family can be located in the 1870 census. Doctor Bloomer is listed in Scott County.  Charlie Bloomer reportedly had several sons, one named Everett Bloomer.  Everett, and Bart are found in census records for 1900 and 1910 in Leslie County, Kentucky.  Doctor’s descendants stated his death occurred in 1873.  Charlie recorded his age as 24 in 1896 as 28 in 1900. That would give Charlie a birth year of 1872 and present an extreme age discrepancy.  It seems unlikely that Henderson Robinette could appear 20 years younger than he really was. Charlie died about 1907 and Lucinda remarried David McFadden.  This family is listed in the 1910 census of Leslie County.   
Charlie Bloomer married on 5 December 1897 in Leslie County, Kentucky.  Charlie recorded his parents as Joseph and Annie Bloomer, and a birthplace as Hawkins County, Tennessee on his marriage record.       
 In 1850 Pleasant Bloomer was listed with the Delsel/Dalzell Manis family living in Henry County, Indiana.  Dalsel and family, according to the birth state listed for Dasel’s children, had been in Indiana since 1834.  In 1834, according to Hawkins Court Minutes, Peter Manis, William Manis, Riley Manis, Campbell Manis, Anderson Fields, and William Bloomer were ordered to view and lay off a road from the upper post of John Bloomer’s mill up the valley to “Little War Gap.”  A Lydia Manis, birth year 1784, was listed in Henry County in 1860 living with Preston Robinson’s family. In 1850 Lydia Manis was living with Preston in Hancock County, Tennessee and next-door is Claiborne and Milley (Bloomer) Roberts. Next to them were Elizabeth (Manis) and Hiram Fields and then the family of Jesse and Rachel (Livesy) Bloomer.   A Dalzell Manis age 2 is listed in Hawkins in 1850.  This name is family connected, but just what the connection is between Pleasant Bloomer and the Manis and Robinson family is unclear.  What seems clear is the Hawkins County connection with Pleasant Bloomer and the Manis family of Henry County, Indiana. Preston Roberson had apparently traveled to Indiana before 1850 and then returned.  Campbell Roberson, age 3 in 1850, was born in Indiana and so were all his siblings. This could account for Pleasant Bloomers present in Indiana in 1850.     

Notes & Films:
Land Records of Hawkins County: Deeds 1801-1819 (Film 972799). Deed Index 1823-1837 (Film 972803) Land Index 0024687.  George Brock to Daniel Bloomer 22 Aug 1806 (Film972800). John Bloomer 1842 book 18 p.88. J.D.Bloomer 1844 Book 19 page 3. J.D. Bloomer 1845 Book 19 page 119. William J. Bloomer 1846 1846 Book 19 page 306.  James  Bloomer 1833 1839 Book 16 page 440.   Russell County, VA Daniel & Mary Bloomer 4 Feb 1812 Daniel & Polly 1837, Daniel & others 1837.  Dilia 1828 (Film0033828)

William M. and Mary Mollie (Willis) Bloomer.  William married 5 April 1911 in Hancock County. William lived his entire life in Hancock County, Tennessee and is listed in various Hancock census records: He married about 1885 and had five children. In the 1910 census he is listed as divorced, but also listed is as a servant is a Mollie E. Wolfe age 42. Mollie had small children who were also listed as “servants children.”  In the 1930 census William M. Bloomer, age 71 a widower, is listed in the household of his married daughter (Mary Catherine (Bloomer) Jarnagin. Mollie Wolfe is still living and listed with several of her Wolfe children. Jesse Bloomer and Pearl Cope are also in the household listed as a half-brother and sister of Burt Wolfe.  Family Search has posted a death certificate for Jessie listing his parents as William and Mollie (Willis) Bloomer. Mary Susan (Wolfe) Bloomer, wife of Hiram has parents list as George W. Wolfe and Nancy Ann Johns 
Children: Bloomer
Clarence H. b. 26 July 1886 M. Elizabeth Wolfe (Living in Hawkins County in 1930) d. Jan 1966
Jesse P. b. 2 Mar 1887 d. 16 Sep 1941
Hiram Willis b. 15 Mar 1890 M. Mary Susan Wolfe d. 12 May 1935
Mary Catherine b. Feb 1892 M. Thomas H. Jarnagin
Amanda Ann Pearl b. Feb 1898
Source: Census Records, information on and Family Search
Pleasant and Emaline (Reason) Bloomer. What is interesting about this family is their connection to Hawkins County, Tennessee.  Emaline and her sister Caroline Reason were both born in Tennessee and Caroline was listed with Dalsel Manis’ family in 1860.  It appears that the parents of Emaline died before 1850.  Several Reason children are listed in Rush County, Indiana in 1850 without parents. Caroline was listed living in Henry County in 1850.  (According to the death certificate Peasant’s parents were, James D. Bloomer and Emaline Lawson.) James Bloomer of Hawkins County had moved back to Lee County, Virginia by 1840 and is listed there with one child. In 1830 James is listed just before John Bloomer living Hawkins County in a separate household. John has several females and one additional male living with him.  In 1850 several members of the Manis family are listed in Hancock County, Tennessee next to Jesse D. and Rachel Bloomer.  
Children: Bloomer
Alanzo b. 1856
Sarah C. b. 1857
James Willard b. 1860
Mary b. 1863
Alvin b. 1872
Calvin b. 1872
Dora b. 1876
Source. 1850, 1860, 1870 & 1880 Henry, Indiana & Hawkins County, Tennessee census.   
Jesse C. and Martha (Meece) Bloomer. Jesse and Martha are listed in the 1880 census of Rockcastle Co., KY and it is believed that this is Jesse Cannon Bloomer (No.734).  Jesse was born in 1837 and Martha in 1852.  They married 12 Mar 1874 in Rockcastle Co. and had the following children. In 1900 Cannon was living with a daughter named Mary who’s birthday is a few months off (Feb 1879) from the birth date recorded in Rockastle’s birth records. Robert Henry is listed in WW I draft records.   
Children:  Bloomer
Victoria b. 6 Dec 1874
Robert Henry b. 19 Nov 1876 d. 15 July 1939
Mary E. b.  2 Nov 1878
Source: State Vital Statistics & Federal Census Mortality Schedule, Rockcastle Co., KY.

Franklin R. and Agnes Jane Nelia (O’Dell) Bloomer.  Franklin and Agnes were married in Big Stone Gap, VA and moved to Texas before 1900.  The family is listed in the 1900 and 1910 US Texas census.  They remained in Hunt Co. until 1933 when Franklin followed his sons Grady and Thurman to Carlsbad, New Mexico. (The family is listed in Marshall County Oklahoma in 1920)  Franklin worked in the construction industry for most of his life and died about 1945 in Carlsbad.  Agnes died in 1986 while visiting her daughter in Grand Junction, Colorado. Thurman and Grady raised their families in Carlsbad.  Leslie has one son, John Jr. and two daughters: Betty Jane and Dorothy Lee.
Children: Bloomer
Nelia b. 1880
Nancy b. 1882
Thurman b. 12 Mar 1896 M. Veris
Grady b. 29 Dec 1901
William Loyd b. 1905
Bessie b. 30 May 1907
Leslie b. 11 Sep 1911 M. John Fulfur
Mildred b. 1914
Source: Leslie (Bloomer) Fulfur, Grand Junction, Co. 1989

Ninth Generation (926)

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Isa 6, Joh H. 7, Chris 8

James Jordan and Mary M. (Wolf) Bloomer.  James spent the majority of his life as a Tennessee farmer. In 1924 he and his family moved to the Knoxville area where James added carpentry to his occupations. James died 28 Jan 1959 near Bean Station, TN.  Mosco, James’ son, served with the 99th Chemical Motor Battalion and later with Patton’s 3rd Army. He saw action in the African and Italian campaigns.  Fred and Ray were both still living in 1989.  Fred’s son, James L. Bloomer, was living in Philadelphia, PA and employed as a chemist. 

Children: Bloomer
Fred S. b. 7 Sep 1910
Mosco E. b. 21 Jan 1913

Raymond b. 27 Nov 1915

Ruby b. 1923
Source: Mosco E. Bloomer, Niagara Falls, NY, 716-284-5084, 1989.  Listed in 1930 Tennessee census.



Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Will 6, Daniel 7.

William Colbert married (1) Nancy E. Southard, (2) Samantha Mant, (3) Artie Ward.  William was a son of Daniel and Nancy (Hayes) No. 732 Bloomer born May 1858 in Kentucky. They lived in Rockcastle Co and are listed in the 1880 census.  Daniel was age 32 in 1880 and Nancy was 22.  According to Doyle Bloomer who has the family Bible, William was married three times and is listed with Samantha in the 1900 census, who he had married in 1894. William’s father, Daniel was born 9 Aug 1834.  Nancy’s birth was recorded as 11 Oct 1834, which corresponds with the 1900 census.  William is living in Washita County, Oklahoma and is listed there in 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930 census.  William’s mother is also listed with them in 1900.  On the same 1900 census page is William’s brother Thomas G. Bloomer and his family. Marcus and Hobart are believed to be children of Samantha. William and Artie are there in the 1930 census.   
Children: Bloomer
Mary J. b. Oct 1876
Thomas b. July 1880
Marcus b. 6 Jan 1897 M. Viola Proctor
Hobart b. 31 Mar 1898
Source: US census records and information from Doyle Bloomer.
Marcus and Viola (Proctor) Bloomer. Marcus was a son of William Colbert Bloomer.  Marcus married in February of 1917 and lived most of his married life in Beckham Co., OK.  In April of 1924 Marcus contracted Tuberculosis and the family decided that the climate of Fort Summer, NM would be better for their father’s health.  Marcus sold his land, placed all they could carry into a covered wagon, hitched up mules Jude and Joe, loaded in his family and set off for New Mexico.  For eleven days, seven year old, Erdene walked behind the wagon and slept on a wooden pallet under the wagon at night. On Easter Sunday of 1924 Erdene was somewhere between Oklahoma and New Mexico perched next to her father as he guided Jude and Joe along a dusty country road.  About mid-morning the family came upon a small farm surrounded by a white picket fence.  As the wagon slowly moved westward past the country home and white picket fence, Erdene’s eyes watched with envy as two little girls scampered about the yard hunting for Easter eggs in their beautiful new dressed. She recalled wondering if they would every get to New Mexico and what their family would be doing next Easter.  Perhaps, next year Erdene would have a home, a new dress and Easter eggs waiting to be found.  After six months in Fort Summer, Marcus’s health improved and they all returned to Oklahoma.  Marcus lived to the age of 81 and Viola 92. They are both buried in Elk City, OK. 
Children: (Bloomer)
Ester Mae b. 30 Nov 1917
Eva Erdene b. 14 Dec 1918
Evelyn Muriel b. 6 Mar 1924
Marcus Doyle b. 5 Nov 1926
Betty Elwanda b. 18 Jan 1928
Carl Dean b. 24 Apr 1929
Carroll Dennis b. 24 Apr 1829
Olen Burl b. 16 Nov 1933
Source: Eva Erdene (Bloomer) Jones. Sayre, OK, 1990 (405-928-2124).     
Seventh Generation (723)

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Jos 6

Nathanial B. and Mary (Tyree) Bloomer.  According to the birth records of Scott County, VA the twins listed as the first two children were born 13 May 1860 and named Nathaniel and Mary. In 1920 Vastine at 48 was listed with his parents along with a John Bloomer, age 20 and a Regious Bloomer, age 22. 
Source: LDS F#0337192

Vastine and Sally Bloomer. Listed with parents in Scott County, Virginia in 1920 at 48 years of age.
Ninth Generation
Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Neh 6, Jes R. 7, Jam 8.
Nehemiah B. and Alpha (Duncan) Bloomer.  Nehemiah was the oldest son of James and Narcissia (Bledsoe) Bloomer #789.  According to his WW I Draft card he was born 17 Oct 1880 at Blackwater and this does seem to be correct even though his head stone recorded his birth year as 1872. The family lived on Pine Ridge in the Powell District of Scott Co., VA. Elizabeth Bledsoe, who was Neah’s first wife died 16 May 1916 and is interred near Blackwater. Nehemiah married (2) Alpha Duncan in 1921.  Just after their marriage Alpha thought it would be nice to bake a cake for her new family, but when she mistakenly used “polecat oil” for vanilla her surprise cake did not go that well. Her new family felt the cake baking should be left to the older children.  Of course a mistake like that could not be kept secrete and it was soon the joke of Pine Ridge.  Gertrude (Rohten) Bloomer also recalled visiting the family when Alpha took a large kettle from the kitchen and placed it in the middle of the living room floor. Everyone was given a spoon and invited to dig into the community pot.  Alpha thought it was save on the dish washing chores.
During the influenza epidemic of 1917 Nehemiah personally visited all his neighbors in the valley to offer whatever help he could.  Many times he would visit twice or three times a day to help with the animals or other housework. 
Neah, as he was called, had a hidden liquor still on Pine Ridge. Dr. Fugeatu and Dr. Young, both local physicians, were regular customers of Nehemiah and both would send for some of Neah’s home brew. Haggen Robinette who related the story was also known to tip a few according to Gurtrude. Gurtrude recalled Dr. Young treating her as a little girl and how he arrived from Stickeyville on horseback. Alpha out lived most of her children. After Nehemiah died in 1936 she remarried and then lived another 58 years.  She died 3 July 1992. Several family pictures of Alpha’s sons are in the compilers possession.  The five boys were all tall slender young men with dark hair and a fair complexion. There is also a family picture taken in circa 1935. 
Children Bloomer of Elizabeth:
Martha b. 1906
Mary  b. 1909
Dolly b. 1911
Willard b. 2 Jan 1912 d. March 1988 Kentucky
Enoch     b. 14 May 1914 d. 18 Feb 1944 Harlan, Kentucky M. Clara
Children of Alpha Duncan:
Leonard   b. 30 Nov 1922 d. 8 Jan 1976
Cecil J.   b. 22 May 1926 d. 29 Nov 1973
Jack D.   b. 30 May 1930 d. 8 May 2007
Elmer       b. 27 Sep 1932 d. 14 Dec 1994
Donnie Joe b. 17 Dec 1935 d. 18 Nov 1994 Virginia

By Alpha:  Jack D. b. 1930 8 May 2007, Leonard, Donny Joe, Cecil, Elmer.  Willard took Jack to work in the coal mines when Jack was only 13 years old.   (Jack 606-664-2127)

Source: History of Scott Co. p 121, and Census Records, Gertrude (Rhoten) Bloomer Dryden, VA 24243, 540-546-4319. World War I Draft records.  

Ninth Generation

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Neh 6, Jes R. 7, Hen 8.
Carroll and Gertrude (Rhoten) Bloomer.  Carroll attended the local two-room school, at Red Hill, until he was 10 years old and then his skills were needed on the family farm.  In 1934 he married Gertrude (b. 2 Jan 1917 Gate City, VA.) She was the daughter of Andrew Jackson and Sara E. (Neal)   . Gertrude’s father had bought their land from Amos Bloomer.   Carroll and family lived in Scott Co., until 1948 when they moved to Pattonville, VA.  Carroll farmed most of his life and his major concern was rearing his 12 children.  Hard work and 16 hour days were his constant companion.

Additional research on the Bloomers who left Virginia for Missouri revealed an interesting pattern of family relationships.  Many surnames long associated with the Bloomers of Scott County, Virginia reappear in Southern Missouri. The Rollers, Robinettes, Bledsoe and Lawson families all appear to have moved west with their Bloomer cousins. George Frogy and his wife were also from Scott County. Elias Roller and his new wife Rebecca Robinette are listed in Scott County in 1850, but soon after followed their father, Jacob Roller and Sally Lawson, to Southern Missouri.  After these families arrived in Christian County several daughters of Elias Roller married into Bloomer family.
Thomas Jefferson Bloomer, son of John Baxter and Ellen (Wallen) Bloomer married Josie Wells 3 July 3 1892. Thomas, according to his obituary, was a well-known and much esteemed citizen of Jackson Township. He served as Justice of the Peace for Polk, County.  Josie died after the birth of their first child and Thomas remarried Inez May Anderson. Inez was the daughter of James and Mary McDaniel.
Anderson also of Polk County, Missouri. 

Eighth Generation (795)

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Neh 6, James 7.
George W. and Laura F. (Fiske) Bloomer.  George was the son of James and Eva (Frogy) Bloomer. James and Eva were both from the Western District of Scott County.  Eva was the daughter of Archibald and Eleanor Frogy.  William Scott was born in Rogersville and living in Pawnee, Oklahoma in 1920. By 1930 William is married with a wife and two children.  I believe William married Zala Gibson.
Children: Bloomer
George W. b. 16 June 1892
William Scott. b. 9 March 1896
Nehemiah b. 1903
James R. b. 1908
Seventh Generation (757)
James and Lillian A. (Bloomer) Tryee.  They and their family are listed in the 1880 census of Polk Co., Missouri.  Lillian’s brother William M. Bloomer, age 23 is living with the family.
Children: Tyree
Lucy J. b. 1877
Elanora b. 1879
Source: 1880 Missouri Census
Seventh Generation (794)
Oliver and Minerva E. (Alderson) Bloomer.  This family is again listed in the 1880 Missouri living in Webster County. Lucy A. is a daughter that was not previously listed.  She was 5 years old in 1880.
Source:  Missouri Census 1880.


               Ninth Generation (977)

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Neh 6, Jes R. 7, Hir 8.

Parlee Bloomer and Freeman Bledsoe.  Parlee, born in 1902, and Freeman lived on the Bloomer family farm in Powell Valley, Scott  County until her death, which was after 1930.

Children: Blodsoe:

Marie b. 1920
Oscar b. 1923
Dudley b. 1825
Manford b. 1927
Rachell b. 1929
Carroll Presley
Source: Loretta (Bloomer) Castell, Blackwater, VA 703/431-2226

William and Maud (Glass) Bloomer. William b. 5 Dec 1890 and Maud married in 1910 in Scott Co., Virginia.  They lived in what was called “Bloomer Holler” near Black Water in Pattonsville, VA. The only time the family got together was at the death of a relative or at the yearly reunion at the Natural Tunnel.  A Forest Bloomer b. 1919 is listed in the 1930 census with Anderson Bledsoe as a grandson.  William and Maud are listed in the 1930 Scott County, census.
Boyd b. 1914 M. Bonnie Vaughn
Elmer b. 1917
Thelma b. 1916
Forest b. 1920
Nessie May
William b. 1926
Norma Lee
Loren b. 1928
Source:  Viola (Bloomer) Gilliam, Gate City, VA.


   Eight Generation (755)

Rob 1, Rob 2, Joh 3, Neh 4, Dan 5, Jes 6.
William McDonald and Ermina Clare (Hendershot) Bloomer. After the death of his parents William lived with his brother, John J., and they moved to Polk Co., Missouri with other Bloomer cousins.  Sometime before 1880 John returned to Kentucky while William remained in Missouri living with his sister Lillian A. (Bloomer) Tyree.  William married in 1884.  Homer E. was born in Barry Co., MO. In 1900 the family was living in Jasper Co., MO.   William died 15 May 1916 in Newton Co., MO. 
Children: Bloomer
Leonidas L. b. Dec 1890
Blanche b. Nov 1892
Lillian F. b. Apr 1895
Homer Eugene b. Nov 1898
Source: 1900 Missouri Census

[2194] Walter Clarence and Teresa (Sercrist) Bloomer. They are buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Pulaski Co., KT. Walter was born 12 Apr 1872 and died 26 Jun 1948.   He was a private in the 3rd Kentucky Infantry and veteran of the Spanish American War. Teresa A. died in 1956. 
Source:  Kentucky Death index.

William Bloomer son of Jesse and Rachel (Livesay) Bloomer did not move to Indiana.  He died 25 Jan 1829 in Pulaski, Kentucky as William Woodal.  His birthday was listed as 5 Feb 1855.
Source:  Kentucky death index.
Wm Woodal
[Wm Bloomer] 
Death Date:
25 Jan 1928
Death Location:
Residence Location:
Birth Date:
5 Feb 1855
Father's Name:
Jesse Bloomer
Father's Birth Location:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birth Location:


Progress and advancement in computer search techniques have made it relative easy to expand the descendants of Benjamin and Sarah (Overman) Bloomer.  The majority of their children migrated from Fayette County, Ohio to various locations in Indiana.  Clinton County, White County, Tipton County and Wells County, Indiana were locations where Benjamin’s daughters and their descendants settled. It was noted that many families who migrated with Benjamin’s descendants were also from Fayette County, Ohio. The progression of westward migration continued from Indiana to Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. The research that expanded this branch of Bloomers is posted on  

William Johnson Bloomer, Washington Court House Fayette County Ohio, Courtesy Jan Morris
The Bloomers that remained in Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio still have their own story to tell.  One story recently discovered is that of the tragic death of Catherine (Patton) Bloomer.
 It seems that on Thursday the 24th of November 1864 Catherine and William were visiting a local factory.  Excited about her visit, and wanting to make the best possible impression, Catherine was dressed in a fissionable-hooped dress; with all the accessories necessary for her station in life. Her dress probably included a wide strip of flounces and other decorative laces gathered and pleated from the waist. It may have had as many as thirty-five hoops stitched into its lining. The dress may have been store-bought or ordered from New York or perhaps Cincinnati.  Dresses in the 1860s had become narrower at the waist, full of yards of material and often worn with a corset. Her dress was fashionable, but conservative.  But, is to-be-sure it was full of pleated material from the waist; designed to accentuate her new and trimmer figure. Just nine months before she had delivered her 9th child, her namesake Catherine, and was pleased at her slimmer look.  On her head, perhaps, she had a small brimmed bonnet and some sort of warm cloak to keep off the November chill.  Whatever the fashion, every dress was full of yards of material that reached well beyond the floor. The new and stylish Walking Dress had not made it to rural Ohio and the prevailing fashion was a dress that collected its share of dirt and mud as it swept the floor or muddy streets of Midwest cities. Many husbands were quick to warn their wives of the hazards of exposing their feet to wondering eyes.  However, it was not wondering eyes that should have been the concern this Thursday morning, but the waiting industrial hazards.  
Ahead and waiting on the third floor was a spinning horizontal drive shaft. Rotating at 170 RPM, the shaft was just above floor lever and required workers to step over as they passed to-and-from the work area.  Unaware of the dangers ahead Mr. & Mrs. Bloomer continued their factory tour. As Mrs. Bloomer carefully followed her husband footsteps toward the spinning shaft, she watched her husband step over it and decided to do the same. The idea of gathering, lifting her dress or exposing her ankles was sociably unthinkable, and breached societies proper conduct. A proper lady would never consider such an indiscreet action. The seeming simple decision to follow the modesty social deportment of the day proved to be the last decision Catherine would ever make.

A bolt on the unforgiving spinning drive shaft caught the material on her beautiful hooped dress.  In a single revolution, the yards of material tangled in the steel industrial maelstrom.   In the second instant she was slammed to the floor, pulled between the spinning cold steel and the hard wooden floor. In a second instant the spinning shaft had her young fragile body torn apart and scattered throughout the workspace.  Her husband, William Johnson Bloomer, had no time to react. He could only watch in horror as his lovely wife disappeared into peaces before his very eyes.  Catherine’s body, dress and all, were torn apart in seconds.
The Washington Court House Herald reported the horrific scene of torn clothing and scattered body parts.  The Herald also warned young women of the dangers and hazards of the hooped dresses that Mrs. Bloomers cousins, Amelia Bloomer, had refused to ware the previous decade.  The Bloomers costume may have been the salvations of young Catherine.  But the genteel Ohio society was still balking at Bloomers.   
However, the real tragedy was the motherless Bloomer children left to face the coming Civil War. Catherine Martha Bloomer, just nine months old and still at her mother’s breast, was the youngest of her eight living children. Joseph and Mary, ages 19 and 18, were able to fill in for their missing mother, however, nothing could replace the loss of Catherine.  This may have contributed to the early migration of Oscar, James T. and two other sisters from Ohio. Katherine’s first husband (Walter C. Stark) appears to be living in Missouri in 1900. Catherine or Kate as she was often called, carried her mother’s name until 27 November 1927 when she died.  (Kate’s second husband was John Woods who she married in 1889 and William Johnson, her father, is living with them in 1900.)  
Colonel Aaron Johnson and Phoebe Bloomer. The marriage of Phoebe and Aaron Johnson was mentioned in early 1900s record compiled by George Ellis Bloomer.  The marriage of Eliza Jane Bloomer to John Johnson was also mentioned in the same material. However, nothing was stated about the connection between these two families.  It appears that John was the son of Aaron and that Eliza Jane was the niece of Phoebe (Bloomer) Johnson.  The family of Eliza and John settled in Tipton County, Indiana. It appears that several families migrated with the Johnsons from Fayette County, Ohio to Tipton County, Indiana and then intermarried with the children of John and Eliza Jane.  Aaron Johnson left Fayette County and settled in Marion County, Indiana.  He left a Marion County Will which recorded his death on10 Nov 1851 with an estate valued at $8,520.50. His will mentioned his nephews, “Joseph Bloomer, William C. Bloomer,” and John Johnson of Tipton County, Indiana.  
This will confirms Aaron’s connection to the Bloomer family.  A John Johnson was a witness on that will and received $113.20.  However, the will did not mention any children except what appears to be an illegitimate son Jesse J. Worthington.  Aaron states: “I bequeath to my natural son known by the name of Jesse J. Worthington residing in Fayette County, Ohio.” There is an undocumented family group posted for Aaron and Phoebe that lists children: John, Sarah, Mahala, Elizabeth, Mary and William. However, some of this information has a connection to Hawkins County, Tennessee? 
The title of ‘Colonel” attached to Aaron is interesting and has not been collaborated. It would seem from his estimated year of birth of the late 1700s would have placed his service in the War of 1812.  However, he is not listed in these service records.  
Abigail Bloomer and Jacob M. Smith.  After Jacob’s death in 1843 Abigail remarried and migrated to Noble County, Indiana. Abigail retained the support of her siblings during the first years after her husband’s death and had five additional children with John Baker.  This letter dated 13 Feb 1863 from Ligonier, Indiana to Mary C. Bloomer, daughter of Joseph and Phoebe (Van Dyke) Bloomer, is from Abigail’s daughter Harriet (Smith) Hays. Abigail and Joseph Bloomer were brother and sister. The letter reflects the extended family connections that existed among these Bloomer cousins.  Mathias was Harriet’s brother serving in the Civil War.  He later migrated to Missouri. Benjamin was the son of Phoebe and Joseph. Benjamin died during the Civil War. The Bakers, Hays, and collateral descendants have a comprehensive biography in Alvord’s History of Noble County, Indiana published in 1902.  Abigail and John Baker died in 1879 and are interred with other descendants in Wolf Lake Cemetery in Noble County. Phebe (Smith) Shoup had just married and apparently died at childbirth at the age of 18 years 9mn and 9 days. 
Ligonier Feb 16/63
My Dear cousin
I set down to write a few lines to let you know that we are enjoying tolerable good health at present.  I hope that those few lines may find you all well. We received you kind letter and was truly glad to hear from you and to hear that you was all well cousin.  I hardly know what to write that is a likely story for I know that if I could see you I could find plenty to talk about.  So, I will try and write you a few lines. Oh I should be so glad to be with you again but life is uncertain.  I know that you fee very bad about Benjamin to think he had to die so far away from home and friends. I thin it so hard for aunt I know how to sympathies with her I know it is hard to think of one that is gone never to be seen in this world again . Aunt you must try and think about it as I do that he is better off where he is.  Sometimes I study a great about little Annie. And the way this I can consol myself is to think that she is a little angle in heaven and all that we can do is to line so that when we come to die that we many meet them in heaven where parting will be no more. I am afraid that we will never see Mathias get home poor Phebe said that she should never see him get home again.  Little did I think at the time that she would be the one that would be called away, but such seems to often be the case.  The one that we least expect is the first to be called away.  So w should try and be prepared that when we are called we would be ready to go we received a letter from Mathias the other day.  He was still well and healthy.  You must excuse me for not writing more at the present for I have been washing today and very tired remain your loving cousin until death.  (Sic)
Harriet E. Hays   
Mary C. Bloomer
Allen T. and Mary E. Bloomer of Holt Co., Missouri. Lidia, Allen’s daughter, married Dr. John R. Kearney.  She died 5 Sep 1902.  Ada, another daughter died 26 Jan 1896.  William J., Allen’s brother died 9 May 1902 at 76 years of age. In 1880 Allen is listed in Holt Co., with his wife, daughter Ada and Oscar Bloomer, his nephew.  Oscar was the son of William and Mary Bloomer.
Mary C. Bloomer (#1362 Bloomer History) and John M. Lloyd. Mary and John lived in Kosciusko Co., In 1866 John had moved from Fayette Co., Ohio to Indiana with his parents, Amor and Roseanna W. (Tully) Lloyd.  John was on of five children being born 17 June 1840. Mary was born 9 Aug 1845 in Fayette Co., Ohio.   
Children: Lloyd
Arvada b. 1 Oct 1866 M. James Alexander
Bessie M. b. 8 Nov 1869
Eva b. 19 Feb 1872 M. John Cook
Franklin Taylor b. 23 Sep 1875
Mace b. 10 Sep 1885
Source: Progressive Men and Women of Kosciusko Co., IN p. 403.
Seventh Generation (1316)
William J. and Mary A. (Baskins) Bloomer.  Were living in Fayette County Ohio in 1870 and 1880.  Before 1880 Oscar moved had moved to Missouri and lived for a time in Holt Co. He married Minnie Ruhl 29 Apr 1885 in Holt Co., and is listed in the 1900 Missouri census with a birth of May 1861.
Children Bloomer: 
Joseph     ages in 1870 19
Mary E. 18
John M. 17
Effie 14
Sarah Belle 12    M. William Pickering
James L. 10
Oscar 9
Catherine/ Kate 6
Etta               b.  1872
Source Film 1245534 (B456)  IGI Listing. 

Rebecca Bloomer and George Kerk.  They married 30 Aug 1874 in Holt County, Missouri in the home of Joseph Bloomer.

Thomas W. and Mary J. (Kimbel) Bloomer.  Thomas was married in Fayette Co., Ohio in 1855.  She was the daughter of Nathan Kimbel and Thomas was the son of Jesse and Matilda (McDonald) Bloomer [No. 1296].  He and his wife moved to Stark County, Illinois just after they married with Squire MacMillen, Thomas’ uncle, and Joseph G. Bloomer [No. 1377] Thomas’ brother.   Thomas was a Blacksmith and active in many civic projects in Wyoming, Illinois.
Children: Bloomer
Jesse C. b. 1855
Ida A. b. 1859 M. George L. Lyons
Source:  1870 Illinois Census & Jackson, David E., History of Stark Co., Ill p. 322.

James Mc. and Henrietta (Logan) Bloomer.  James is listed on several pages in the Bloomer History and recorded as a son of Jesse and Matilda McDonald Bloomer.  It is now believed that he was the son of Christopher and Jane (Bush) Bloomer. Jane and Christopher were married in Shelby County, Indiana on 1 Feb 1835. Jane Bloomer married John Oldman on 27 Feb 1845 and Jane and James M.C. Bloomer were listed together in the Shelby County, Indiana 1850 census.  Both James and Henrietta died before 1870 and James’ Civil War pension application contained information on the birth and custody of his orphaned children. James’ children were, at various times, in the custody of several families: Linder Bass, George Ferris, Lucinda Stump, and James R. Means.  James Means and Lucinda Stump filed the pension application in 1899. In 1880 a 16-year-old Ada Bloomer is listed with Lucinda Stump and a Jane Blumer.  Lucinda was 61 years and Jane 55.  There is no indication of the pedigree of Christopher Bloomer and he is not listed in the 1830 or 1840 Indiana census.  [In 1860 James and family are listed as if his last name was Mc bloomer.  This is the only indication of that spelling variation.]  
Source:  Shelby, Indiana Marriage Records 1822-1849 (977.259 V22s & Civil War Pension File. 

Solomon Thomas and Margaret C. (Loyd) Bloomer.   Solomon has proven to be an interesting study.  Census records record that he was born in 1843 in Indiana. However, he has not been located in the 1850 or 1860 census.  A Solomon Bloomer did enlist in the Civil War in Ripley County, Missouri, but at present there is not sufficient information to establish if this is the same Solomon Bloomer.  Solomon married 31 July 1864 in Vanderburg County, Indiana, but does not appear again until 1880 when he was enumerated living in Stephens County, Texas.  His son, William was born in Tennessee in 1869.  In 1900 Solomon and Margaret are listed in Lee County, Texas and in 1910 he is listed as Thomas Bloomer widower living with his married daughter Nancy J. (Bloomer) Fipps in Milam County, Texas.  Solomon died 16 June 1928 in Jefferson County, Texas, but his death certificate added little information about his heritage.   Margaret recorded that only three of her five children were living in 1900. 
William C. b. 1869
Nancy J. b. 1871
Lizzie b. 1875

A few comments have been made about the possibility of the Bloomers possessing a Jewish heritage.  In the Marion County, Indiana an Israel Bloomer is listed with a birth of 1832 in New York. He has a son listed by the name of Ashael (1870-1895) Ashael died 9 Sep 1895 in Marion County, but Israel or Isaac as he was sometimes listed lived beyond 1900.  It is believed that Isaac was born in Orange County, New York. A search for his Marion County death failed to produce a death date.  It also appears that the 1870 listing, which there was an October and January census taken, Isaac’s wife died and he remarried.
1895 Marion Death enumerations Film 1323321.  1870 Marriage Film 499371

Tryphennia Bloomer and David Summers. Tryphenia was born in Orange County, NY 10 May 1820 and died in Hamilton, County Ohio 18 May 1910. At present it is believed that Tryphenia is related to Abraham Bloomer and the Abraham Bloomer b. 1818 and death June 1850.  Abraham died in Hamilton, County.  Stephen Bloomer and Phebe Lamuearux.
Source: Ohio Death Certificate 1912.

Category III Bloomers are ones that have a strong connection to Bloomers who immigrated to America after 1800.

Robert Bloomer (1830-1893) Robert was the son of Robert and Mary Bloomer of NYC.  He was a native of Ireland, came to America in 1841 and at the time of his death he resided at 501 West 52md Street in NYC.
Source: NYC Death Certificate #7191.

Richard Bloomer (1800-1892) Richard was an Irish Bloomer from Bricklye, Ireland.  For many years he was listed in the NYC Directory as a ‘bricklayer.”  He died 23 Mar 1892.
Source: NYC Death Certificate #10650.

John and Abbie (O’Riely) Bloomer.  John was born in County Tyrone, Ireland 15 May 1835.  He immigrated to America in 1853 and married in 1858 in NYC. He then migrated to Dodge County, NB.  John was a wagon master and hauled freight from Nebraska to Denver, Colorado till 1866.  In 1868 he was appointed a street commissioner in St. Joseph, Missouri and later a police officer. In March of 1888 he was appointed Police Captain in St. Joseph. They had nine children, but only three reached adult years.
Children: Bloomer
Michael b. 1863
Fannie b. 1865
Abbie b. 1867
Annie b. 1876
John b. 1880
Source: 1880 Census & History of Buchanan Co., Missouri p. 419

Sarah Jane (Kelly) Bloomer (1864-1904).  Sarah Jane was the daughter of John and Sally Kelly, both born in Ireland.  She married a Bloomer in 1888 and produced the listed children.  Before 1900 she was apparently a widow and had returned from Washington, D.C. to live with her parents in NYC. Her husband is currently unnamed.
Children Bloomer:
William b. Dec 1888
Mary b. Apr 1891
Maggie b. Jan 1894
Lillie b. Mar 1896
Source: 1880 & 1900 NYC Census, Death Certificate #12544 Film#1324914
Thomas W. and Bridget (McCartin) Bloomer. Thomas W. was an Irish resident of NYC living at 200 East 96th Street in 1908.
Child: Bloomer
Thomas b. 10 May 1908 d. 18 May 1908
Source NYC Death Certificate 1554, Film 1323286.         

There as upon the petition of Glovena Bloomer of the City of City, County and State of New York.  Maria Way, Emily G. Parker and her husband Lewis J. Parker. Charlotte Worthington and her husband George Worthington, Angelina Stweart and her husband W.W. Stewart all of the City of New York.  The minor Angiline being a minor under the age of twenty-one years and being said petitioner by with the widow…. Consent of her husband and next friend the said W. W. Stewart of William Bloomer and Ann Eliza Bloomer of said City of New York minors under the age of twenty-one years.  


In an attempt to better organize and isolate the Bloomers of NYC who are believed to be descendants of Robert Bloomer notes from NYC research are presented in an individual list.

William Bloomer: Revolutionary War veteran had eleven children all unknown.
Arnold Bloomer one known child
Frederick Bloomer probably married twice. Listed NYC 1850 census with young family.
Monmouth Bloomer several unknown children. 
Michele and David Bloomer Shipbuilders early 1800 unknown families. 

Anderson Bloomer of Delaware County, New York. Born in NYC
James Bloomer (1789-1829) Died in NYC of consumption. Associated with Methodist Bedford Church. Unknown. 

Thomas and Elizabeth (Trails) Bloomer. There is some evidence that Thomas is a son of Monmouth and Ann (Gidney) Bloomer. Thomas is listed in NYC Directories for several years during the 1830. After his death from Consumption (T.B.) in 1835 Elizabeth was listed as his widow. His address in 1832 was the same as Monmouth. Both were listed with the same occupation.  

Parents of George H. Bloomer.  Other children?

What ever the connection was between Samuel Bloomer (1810-1859) and the ten-year junior Gidney is not know, but on 11 May 1859 a Samuel age 50 expired in “NYC Prison.” (This could be the “black” Samuel.) 
Source: LDS Film 1314285

Kings County, NY Probate records:  LDS Film 054399
Angelina K Bloomer 3 Aug 1853 Thomas’ daughter
Augusta 1899
James 23 Sep 1853 Film 872330 Thomas’ son
Catherine B. 1913
Clark 1909
Evelyna 1920
George W. 1904
James 1853
James 1886
James H. 1904
Lois 1920
Mary E. 1904
Ruth L. 1920
Sarah E. 1904
Walter C. 1917
William 1916

1859 NYC Deaths  Film 1314285

 William B Bloomer 1 month,  105 Woositis Street
Theodore Bloomer 6 months 21 June 1858 146 West 48th Street
Eliza Blomer 1 Jan 1859 55 years 329 W. 46th Street
Sarah Bloomer 1 years 148 E 37th Street
Daniel Bloomer 22 years Belleview Heights 12 April 1859 Painter,

        NYC Births Film 1323628
21 Sep 1895 Emma Bloomer to Joseph and Carrie Gouch 1909 2nd Ave 39019
13 Nov 1895 George Bloomer to William T and Kate Stontzie 47521
26 Oct 1897 James Lynn Bloomer to James Lynn Bloomer and Margaret Loretta Haggerty Film 1322362

Gidney Bloomer NYC

               1830    NYC Census Thomas Bloomer 5thWard 2males under 5, (1 5-10) 1 (10-15)
1834        Thomas Bloomer 154 Hudson
1835        Thomas Bloomer 154 Hudson St.
1836    Samuel Bloomer mason Horiato Street
1837        Elizabeth listed as widow of Thomas  Julia Bloomer 9mos dies at 154 Hudson
           1840    Samuel Bloomer 510 Hudson Street
1842       Samuel Bloomer mason 510 Hudson Street
1845       Samuel Bloomer mason 638 Hudson Street
1846       Samuel Bloomer mason
1848       Samuel Bloomer mason 647 Hudson Street
1849        Gidney Bloomer 647 Hudson Street
1850        Gidney Bloomer 647 Hudson Street  [Gidney listed with wife and Samuel age 40]
1853      Gidney Bloomer 649 Hudson Street
1855       Gidney Bloomer 399 10th Ave   [Same address as Harriett widow of Isaac]
1856       Gidney Bloomer 399 10th Ave   [Same address as Harriett widow of Isaac]
1857       Gidney Bloomer 399 10th Ave   Sash Maker [Harriett on Orchard]
1858      Gidney Bloomer 239 W. 48th Street  child born 22 July 1858 Film#1432324 
1860     Gidney Bloomer 289 48th Street [Gidney Blumer 2 Div 22 Ward]
1863     Gidney Bloomer 289 48th Street
1864     Gidney Bloomer 289 48th Street
1866     Gidney Bloomer  54 N 8th Ave
1870     Gidney Bloomer 627 9th Ave  Listed in 22 Ward 6th District & 18th District
1871     Gidney Bloomer 627 9th Ave  Gidney’s daughter and wife die
1872     Gidney Bloomer 627 9th Ave
1875       Sarah married?
1877     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street  
1879     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1880     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1881     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1882     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1883      Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street   Julia second wife dies
1886     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1889     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1890     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1891     Gidney Bloomer 529 W. 29th Street
1892     Gidney Bloomer 500 W. 30th Street.
1893     Gydney Bloome  513 W 29th Street (Death Certificate  29 Aug age 76)
1894     Sarah (Bloomer) Cole listed after 1910 NYC

Joseph and Mercy Bloomer.  Joseph and Mercy were 1790 residence of Marlborough, Ulster County, New York and are associated with the Wygant in several ways.  Several old records list the given name of Joseph’s wife as Sarah. However, there is evidence that the Joseph of Marlborough was married to a Mercy and that the Joseph of Marlborough was the father of Rachel (Bloomer) Gavitt and George Uriah Bloomer.; That the Joseph Bloomer of Marlborough moved to New York City with his daughter Rachel, and that he was born in 1734 and died in 1817.  The interest in this line is motivated by the 1880 reference of Thomas Denton Bloomer to a Uriah Bloomer of Orange County, NY and the fact that Rachel (Bloomer) Gavitt’s daughter Eliza married Thomas Bloomer the youngest son of William and Sarah (Cosman) Bloomer.     
Children:  Bloomer
George Uriah M. Mary Dolson
Rachel M. John Gavitt (Gaffit and other spellings)
Source: John Gavffit’s New York will is dated 1836. LDS Film #048137 p. 372

George Uriah Mary (Dolson) Bloomer.  George and family were early residence of Orange County, NY and neighbors of Thomas Denton Bloomer.  Sometime before 1820 George migrated West according to Thomas.  However, it appears that the migration was a short one and George settled in Sullivan County, NY.  He is listed there in 1850 age 87 with the Phillip LeRoy family.  Mary, “wife of George Bloomer” is interred in Neversink Cemetery with Rachel (Bloomer) Kortright.  A younger Sullivan County generation is present in the 1850 census.  In 1854 Isaac Bloomer (1824-?), a resident of  Manakating, Sullivan County, executed a mortgage with John Bloomer “late of Manakating now of Pennsylvania.”  In 1850 the only Isaac listed in Manskating was 26 years old.  In 1860 the only John Bloomer (1830-?) living in Pennsylvania with a NY birth was living in Wayne County and on the same census page as Isaac and Phoebe (Sawyer) Bloomer.  There are also other earlier mortgage record involving an Isaac Bloomer that could not be the Isaac with a birth of 1824.   
Children: Bloomer
Rachel    b. 1800     M. Lawrence Kortright   d. 16 July 1870
Elizabeth b.     M. Phillip Leroy
Isaac   b. 1795 Think this is the Isaac who married Phoebe Sawyer.

Given Name
Alice E 
40 y 
Alice J 

schooner alma

                       Levi Bloomer
                                Southern Missouri

[1] Hart, Arch Dixon, LDS Call # 929.273 Sch68, Film # 1425059